Another newbie. Anyone have baby weigt to shift?

Hi everyone, today is my 1st day using mfp and I'm very impressed! My story is I gained 4 stone on my pregnancy. My son is now almost 9 months and I still have 17lb to shift. 1st day over and kept pretty well to most targets. Sugar I went a little over and vitamin c by a whopping 500%!!! I know this is due to he berrocca multivitamin I take but is it safe to take this much in?

I'd love to pal up with other new mums who have some baby weight left to lose x


  • SmileyGirl4
    SmileyGirl4 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey there!! I am a mom to a 5 year old and 18 month old and I would love to have new friends to motivate and support me to lose some weight. I just started the 30 Day Shred DVD last night and I'm so sore today you might want to try it I've heard great things about it.
  • Hi I'm new...I gave birth 2 weeks ago...and I can't wait to lose my baby weight. With my first it took me over 1 year...this one though I need to look fit by the summer, I hope we can...or someone can motivate me.

    I am willing to try the insanity workout, but I might have to wait for after my 6 weeks appointment.

    In the mean time what can I do?
  • marleymooley
    marleymooley Posts: 5 Member
    Hi smily girl thanks for your reply :) I have 2 more days to do on level 1! But I've been doing it over a number of weeks. It really is excellent and so handy to put on for 20 mins after baby in bed. I'm doing bridesmaid for my sister in 12 weeks time so would lOve to reach goal for that. My maternity leave finishes this week so I'm also back to work on Monday. I really hope the routine couples with the app will give methe boost I need! Is there a way I can add you as a friend?
  • marleymooley
    marleymooley Posts: 5 Member
    Hi pumasnugs! Congrats on he bith of your lo. I'm telling you my mouth is not opening the next time I'm expecting lol. I just used it as an excuse to eat everything and anything! What is the insanity workout? Did you have a c section? I think you didn't and you feel well enough the advice is its ok to try mild/ moderate exercise but to definitely wait at least 6 weeks post section x