New -- 20somethings??

Hey everyone, I am new to MFP but already can tell it is going to help! I am 23 (almost 24) and live in Louisiana (home of every delicious, fattening, artery-clogging food known to man) so weight loss is always a challenge. I am a Social Worker, so I am pretty active during the day running around after patients, but half the time when I get home I am emotionally drained which translates to physically drained the second I sit down. I could REALLY use some motivating, supportive friends to keep me going! :smile: Feel free to add me!!


  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I am a 20-something! Feel free to add me!!
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I am still in my 20's -- for a little over another month -- I started my journey a little over a year ago --

    starting weight 303.4 (1/1/11)
    current weight 198.4 -- DOWN 105lbs.
    goal weight 160
  • bstiver
    bstiver Posts: 57 Member
    Im 24 and from your neighboring state...MS, so I know all about the food. I am also a teacher, which the stress makes me always want to eat lol I will add you!
  • Keladry
    Keladry Posts: 58 Member
    I'm 21, I joined a while ago and used the site but not the forum for a bit but then dropped it but I'm back again now. I'm from Melbourne (Australia), 5'6 and originally weighed 60kg, now 58. I know 60kg is not overweight but I didn't feel healthy at that weight as I had no muscle and a 'pregnant' stomach. I have PCOS and recurring depression and mild chronic fatigue so my main goals are regular exercise, low sugar and wheat intake, and being mindful of what I eat (I have a big problem with emotional eating).
  • kaykay2113
    This site really helped and is still helping me I was at 314 down to 284 and I count my calories and if you have a smart phone it helps because then you always have the app :) I also joined curves it cost a lot but it works :) only three times a week for thirty mins and you see results :)
  • kaykay2113
    congrats :)
  • NaiaNZ
    NaiaNZ Posts: 72 Member
    Hey!! I'm Renee, 23 and from New Zealand =)

    Feel free to add me, the more people we have to give and recieve encouragement to/from the better!!

  • laur425
    laur425 Posts: 13
    Hey! I'm Lauren- also new to MFP. I'm 23 and from CT. I'm also a Social Worker (almost!- finishing my MSW in May). I started a few weeks ago and have lost a couple pounds so far, looking to amp up my efforts and start dropping some serious pounds! Good luck to you!!
  • CatoftheCanals_
    Thanks everyone!! Adding you all now!