Returning to MFP...

I started MFP a while ago but I kept leaving and coming back to try other programs that weren't as good and made me pay for them! I like this site best and I've found it to be the most useful so I'm back. The problems I were having were my own. I have my best friend here for support, but I'd also like other friends who might have the same goals as I do. I'm 5'2 and over 200 pounds. My goal to start is to get below 200 pounds and maintain. My ultimate goal is 140 pounds. I'm married with a daughter and I find it's hard for me to stay focused. I have way too many excuses! But I'm here for anyone who needs support or encouragement.


  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Welcome back :) I'm not in a similar situation as you, but I am 5'2'' if that counts! You can add me if you'd like, I'm a great motivator and I will always be here for support! You can do this!
  • KitKB
    KitKB Posts: 45 Member
    Tips for getting started:

    If you're not used to changing your foods yet, don't. Just take the first week to log what you normally eat. It will get you into the habit of logging - which will show you what you're eating - and that, in itself, will be motivation to eat better. Plus it's kind of interesting to see what you're eating before the diet, and during the diet.

    Know that it takes 6 weeks before you will see any results from working out. That's what my doctor told me.

    Measure yourself with a tape measure as well as weighing yourself. Some weeks you may not lose any weight, but you might have lost a whole inch in your hips. (And personally, I like losing inches more than I like losing weight!)

    Try to work out! Start off with 20 minutes every other day. And try to work up to 20-30 minutes a day. Don't worry about anything strenuous at first. Just walking, or something low-impact will be better than doing nothing. Plus you get more calories to eat!

    Also, speaking of exercise calories... I find that eating only half of the exercise calories I gain gives me better results. When I ate all of them, I didn't lose that much.

    Just know it's a marathon, not a sprint. It is going to take time - so don't deprive yourself or burn yourself out. Treat yourself every now and then - just do so in moderation. This isn't a 'diet' per se. You aren't fasting for a while so that you can eat again one day. Instead, you're re-teaching yourself how to eat properly and in moderation so that you can keep those skills the rest of your life.

    Good luck!!
  • vyloran
    vyloran Posts: 11
    Kit, I was going to ask you what secrets you had to impart! You noticed I gave you a little shout out too right? =D
  • Yellerie
    Yellerie Posts: 221 Member
    That sounds just like me I started here about a yr ago then bounced around to other plans & finally came back to here. I am 5 ft & over 200 lbs. This time I swear I'm not giving up. I joined the gym & Im back on here. I know we can do this. I have decided to do small goals my first goal is to get to under 200lbs my ultimate goal is to get to 135 eventhough that is more than they suggest for my height I was very comfortable at that weight. Feel free to add me :)