Scared silly - sometimes just silly.

Hi. My name is Josie. I really want to make it work this time. I'm scared though. Aren't we all?
I'm hopeful and have GREAT things to get and stay healthy for. So...... here we go.


  • Codettea
    Codettea Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, it is rather scary trying to loose weight and maintain it. But with some supportive friends it can be easier. I'm trying to gather some friends on here for support, if you want to feel free to add me as a friend and we can support each other
  • Malrose01
    Malrose01 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm scared, too, girl. But I've logged for 20 days now, and knowing how much food you can eat makes things a lot less scary. You've already gotten this far.