Green Juice/Smoothies

klj491 Posts: 9 Member
Just curious to see if anyone else juices or drinks green smoothies? I try to have at least a quart of one or the other a day, if not one of each. If there is anyone out there that does, want to share recipes?

One of my favorite green smothies is .5c sliced strawberries (27), 20 leaves spinach (46), 2 bananas (210), .5c blueberries (41), .5c cherries (37), .5c blackberries (31), .5c raspberries (40). 432 cals total, and it keeps me full till lunch.


  • krissyharden
    krissyharden Posts: 25 Member
    I started drinking green smoothies for breakfast last week. Ive had the same one every day, but I'm trying a new one tomorrow. :)
  • LoriInIowa
    LoriInIowa Posts: 113
    I have a green smoothie at least 3-4 days a week.
    One I use pretty frequently: Almond Breeze. Spinach, frozen strawberry, fresh blueberry,vanilla and a little vanilla cream liquid stevia.
  • kak2m4
    kak2m4 Posts: 167 Member
    I LOVE Green smoothies! I try to drink one every night, and sometimes I have a hard time not having 2 in one helps me get in a lot of spinach and it's also delicious!

    Here's my recipe:
    3 cups of raw spinach leaves
    1/2 of a medium banana
    3/4 c. Silk almond milk - right now I'm using the regular vanilla flavor, it's so amazing!
    1 tbsp. of Jif lower sodium natural peanut butter
    3 oz. A&E no sugar added Greek yogurt

    Mix it all up in a blender and it's heavenly! I usually mix everything but the yogurt first, then put the yogurt in and mix for another 5 seconds or so. This makes it thicker and more satisfying!

    310 calories, 40 carbs, 12 fat, 17 protein, 263 sodium
  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    I drink shakeology once a day and it is amazing. It comes in chocolate, strawberry for Vegans and greenberry. It helps with weightloss, energy and building your immune system up.
  • busymomto5PA
    Good recipes, saving for later!
  • blondejillie
    blondejillie Posts: 305 Member
    I'd like to get back to doing this daily, I felt so much better when I did. My fave was mixing it up with rice protein powder and almond milk. That way I really loaded up on protein and minerals all in one mug.
  • XtyAnn17
    XtyAnn17 Posts: 632 Member
    kale, spinach, dandilions, cucumber, lemon, apple, and habanero makes an awesome juice!
  • luvsdeals
    luvsdeals Posts: 105 Member
    I love green smoothies.

    My favorites are: 2.5 cups spinach, half a banana, 1/3 cup frozen mangoes or peaches(or both!) and half a cup of water and ice cubes.

    Or a kids greek yogurt, 2.5 cups spinach, 1/c cup frozen strawberries, 1/2 banana and 1/2 cup frozen blueberries.

    We have them all the time here. My kids love them too!
  • klj491
    klj491 Posts: 9 Member
    I have a major love affair with my juicer, I love putting in 2 grapefruits, 6 oranges, 2 lemons and a 2in knob of ginger. Or two cucumbers, 6 apples, 2c grapes. Kale, oranges, apples, and lemons is yummy too.
  • abg82
    abg82 Posts: 5 Member
  • klj491
    klj491 Posts: 9 Member
  • kleighsamboer
    I have been having juice every morning. I head of romaine, 2 apples, few kale leaves, 1 inch piece of ginger, 2 celery stalks, 1 cucumber, 1 beet and sometimes 1 lemon

    another good one is grapefruit, orange, lemon, lime and strawberries
  • maieranne77
    maieranne77 Posts: 191 Member
    I make on for DH and myself every am. Here's our usual....makes 32 oz.

    1 cup water or carrot juice
    3 cups spinach
    2 cups frozen fruit (mango, pinnapple, strawberries, peaches)
    1/2 avocado
    1 Tbs chia or flax seed

    Ends up around 180 calories each glass.

    does anyone add protein powder to theirs? I'm interested in maybe some unflavored to bump up the protein but not changing taste.
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
  • andrearaquel48
    andrearaquel48 Posts: 102 Member
    Here's my absolute favorite smoothie:

    1 cup vanilla almond milk
    1/2 cup nonfat Greek yogurt
    3/4 cup frozen blueberries
    2 cups fresh spinach
    1 banana
    1 TBS ground flax
    1/2 TBS almond butter
    1 scoop chocolate whey protein powder
    1 cup ice

    Delicious and invigorating! This is high protein (about 22 grams I think) and high in fiber.
  • aubryannewilson
    aubryannewilson Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for the ideas everyone!!
  • rswood62
    rswood62 Posts: 80 Member
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
  • Melanie_Robinson
    Melanie_Robinson Posts: 36 Member
    I love the Mean Green juice from the "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead" documentary. .

    It has Kale, Ginger root, Lemon. Green Apples, Cucumber,Celery.

    Check out
    for some great recipes.