17 Day Diet Starting Feb 23



  • I lost 38 pounds doing this, and most of it is common sense. Looking into body building I noticed that carb cycling was very similar to parts of the 17 day diet. Maybe that would help people understand a bit more why it works.
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 999 Member
    I started this on Feb 13. So I'm almost done with cycle 1, due to be completed on Feb 29. So far I'm loving everything about this. I've lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks. I swear I've never eaten so much, but I'm making great choices and feeling so motivated.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    OK I've seen the word "detox" appear in several posts - what exactly does this mean? Specifically what toxins are you removing from your body?
  • OK I've seen the word "detox" appear in several posts - what exactly does this mean? Specifically what toxins are you removing from your body?

    The toxins from all the crap we've been eating....
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    OK I've seen the word "detox" appear in several posts - what exactly does this mean? Specifically what toxins are you removing from your body?

    The toxins from all the crap we've been eating....

    You're body does this wonderfully on it's own
  • OK I've seen the word "detox" appear in several posts - what exactly does this mean? Specifically what toxins are you removing from your body?

    The toxins from all the crap we've been eating....

    You're body does this wonderfully on it's own

    Yes, it most certainly does. But when you are eating healthier, it makes the job much easier for your body.
  • matt633
    matt633 Posts: 4
    Started the 17 Day Diet again on Feb 25, 2012 and don't seem to be doing a thing. The last 3 days its been on the same weight when I get up in the morning. Whats the deal. Following it to a T.
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    OK I've seen the word "detox" appear in several posts - what exactly does this mean? Specifically what toxins are you removing from your body?

    The toxins from all the crap we've been eating....

    You're body does this wonderfully on it's own

    Yes, it most certainly does. But when you are eating healthier, it makes the job much easier for your body.

    Exactly... Hence why we don't need to spend time or money on fad diets. We all know what is healthy... Eat clean and you're good to go.
  • sabinecbauer
    sabinecbauer Posts: 250 Member
    Exactly... Hence why we don't need to spend time or money on fad diets. We all know what is healthy... Eat clean and you're good to go.

    Perhaps you should speak for yourself, rather than using 'we'.

    I, for instance, thought I was eating incredibly healthy--tons of fresh fruit and veg, no processed foods (or very rarely, at any rate), daily exercise, 1200 kcal a day... and over a year without budging any weight. What I never realized until I read the book (which at under $15 costs a hell of a lot less than, say WW) was that I got nowhere near enough protein.

    I'm pretty certain that I'm not the only person who wasn't clued in about all the nutritional ins and outs and not succeeding because of that lack of knowledge. After 45 days on the diet, I've lost nearly 14 pounds. So I'm just gonna go continue with this fad lifestyle that cost me all of $15 :smile:
  • sabinecbauer
    sabinecbauer Posts: 250 Member
    Started the 17 Day Diet again on Feb 25, 2012 and don't seem to be doing a thing. The last 3 days its been on the same weight when I get up in the morning. Whats the deal. Following it to a T.

    Matt, are you getting a minimum of 1200 kcal? Are you drinking your 8 glasses of water? If the answer is yes on both counts, try upping your calorie intake, that usually works. Also, you may want to check out the 17DD facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/#!/17daydiet There's a whole bunch of people on there who have been doing it for much longer than I and who will be able to point you in the right direction.
  • OK I've seen the word "detox" appear in several posts - what exactly does this mean? Specifically what toxins are you removing from your body?

    The toxins from all the crap we've been eating....

    You're body does this wonderfully on it's own

    Yes, it most certainly does. But when you are eating healthier, it makes the job much easier for your body.

    Exactly... Hence why we don't need to spend time or money on fad diets. We all know what is healthy... Eat clean and you're good to go.

    Some of us need more structure than others. I guess you're one of the lucky ones that does not. I'm not going to argue about it--it works for me and I'm making a huge LIFESTYLE CHANGE. Bottom line, the OP was looking for support from others who are following this "diet". If you're not, then why respond?
  • eclaire9
    eclaire9 Posts: 44
    What she said. I was just looking for the support of people who had already started, or were interested in starting. If you aren't interested or think its crap, thats obvioulsy perfectly fine, but please, don't waste your time on my interest in fad diets! :D
  • willy0524
    willy0524 Posts: 1,897
    I started it the first of the year, lost 22 lbs so far. First phase was tough but now its not too bad. I tried not to think of it as a diet but a change in eating habits which helps. Good luck and keep it up, once the clothes start getting too big it comes a lot easier.
  • SanDFit
    SanDFit Posts: 76 Member
    OK I've seen the word "detox" appear in several posts - what exactly does this mean? Specifically what toxins are you removing from your body?

    The toxins from all the crap we've been eating....

    You're body does this wonderfully on it's own

    Yes, it most certainly does. But when you are eating healthier, it makes the job much easier for your body.

    Exactly... Hence why we don't need to spend time or money on fad diets. We all know what is healthy... Eat clean and you're good to go.

    Some of us need more structure than others. I guess you're one of the lucky ones that does not. I'm not going to argue about it--it works for me and I'm making a huge LIFESTYLE CHANGE. Bottom line, the OP was looking for support from others who are following this "diet". If you're not, then why respond?

    I agree with what you say. I too thought I was eating clean but with no structure and I was not losing any weight. After doing the 17 day diet I seem to have some discipline, I'm not hungry all the time and I'm losing weight and finally feeling good about myself.