Easy healthy breakfast

nebulinda Posts: 120 Member
So, currently for breakfast I usually have a granola bar. But granola bars have tons of sugar and do not fill me up, so I want to make healthier breakfasts. However, I have to wake up fairly early for work, and I do not want to wake up any earlier to make a nice breakfast. I usually eat my granola bar as I'm driving to work.

What can I have for breakfast that takes a small amount of time to make, fills me up, and is healthy?


  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Oatmeal, cream of wheat ( I add protein powder to mine) egg with toast, cereal (choose a high protein high fiber one) protein shake, cream cheese on an english muffin. Fruit with yogurt....add some protein powder.
  • sassysmall
    Protein shakes are quick and simple. I use 1 scoop protein powder, frozen strawberries (any kind is good) and soya milk. Blend it and put in a to go mug. No extra time needed. :)
  • klj491
    klj491 Posts: 9 Member
    Fill up a 1qt mason jar (standard neck fits most blender collars) with 2 bananas, a handful of spinach, and your choice of frozen fruit, add about a cup of water or almond milk, blend till smooth. Yummy, easy, and will keep you full till lunch. Plus, its full of good vitamins and minerals!
  • MaricelaTorres
    I just eat a light yogurt on my way to work : /
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I also wanted to say nothing is wrong with a granola bar but try pairing it with a yogurt and a piece of fruit.....make sure your granola bar is as nutritional as possible. Lunabars are great or clifbars etc. Those 100 cal light bars are garbage!!
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    Crustless quiche from your favorite recipe. A 9-10 inch round pan will make 6 wedges that will keep a week in the refrigerator. Warm up one serving 45-60 seconds, takes only a minute or so to eat. The protein/fat from the milk/cream and eggs will keep you going until lunch time for around 350 calories and very few carbs.
  • Chubacca007
    Try blending a protein shake with mixed berries and a cup of oatmeal in it.
  • lcardullo
    lcardullo Posts: 22
    My favorite breakfast is a yogurt parfait. I love, love love it. And I'm not talking about one from Starbucks. I eat this just about every day and it tastes great, gives me a a little protein, low sugar and energizes me. I use about a half cup of mixed berries, 6 ounces Dannon light and fit vanilla yogurt and 1/4 cup of Kashi go lean crunch cereal. The total calories are 158! I pack it and take it to work with me and eat it after I get there. I usually use the frozen mixed berries - put them in a little tupperware container and just bring the container of yogurt along side. This allows the berries a chance to thaw. Then when I am ready to eat, I pour the yogurt on top, stir and top with the Kashi which I measure out and put in little snack size zip lock baggies (I do enough for the week). If I happen to have fresh berries then I use them instead. It's my favorite meal of the day!!
  • Zarebeth
    Zarebeth Posts: 136 Member
    Greek yogurt. With fruit... Oikos makes a wonderful organic one you can get in 110 calorie portions, and if it floats your boat you can get caramel, honey or chocolate on the bottom. The caramel one tastes amazing with bananas or apples, the honey is good with strawberries and blueberries, and the chocolate one is incredible with a bit of PB2 mixed in!
  • aleexFIT
    aleexFIT Posts: 77 Member
    Porridge. Takes 2 min to make in the microwave and you can get those sachets so it's super easy, just add milk. I usually microwave for a minute, added some squashed banana, microwave for another minute and then chop the rest of the banana over the top of the porridge. I have experimented with many cereals over the year, some very high in fibre but none of them fill me up for long like porridge does. I also sometimes have it with peanut butter!