Just getting started!

Hey guys I am new to this site and I am really starting to get serious about my weight loss and building my muscle back up to where it used to be! I would love to meet some people on here who are around the same age as me, early 20s, to help give me some motivation! Thanks!


  • Hello, welcome to the site. I hope this site will help you meet your goals. :0)
  • DaBossLady24
    DaBossLady24 Posts: 556 Member
    I'm 22 and hoping to drop some pounds and tone up... feel free to add me and welcome to MFP! :drinker:
  • WishfulShrinking331
    WishfulShrinking331 Posts: 244 Member
    Feel free to add me =]
  • I am 34 (yes not early 20's) but I am also just starting out. If you'd like to add me, maybe we push each other along.
    Have fun! I hope you are successful
  • Pendeco
    Pendeco Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, I'm Jake. I'd really like to slim down a bit because the last few years I've only gotten fatter. I haven't been slim since I was eight. Now, six years later, I hope I can change that again. I began to gain weight when I decided to take a break from sports because I was a very athletic kid, but that's a mistake I wish I had never made. I hope to trim down a lot over the next two years.
  • Hello everyone i'm new to the site, i had a heart attack on Dec 30 2011 and had stents put in, right now im on a slow road back but am getting there. Right now i can only do a 20 min walk a day with very little exercise but i am determined to go forward and get my weight down and get healthy.
  • heeytheresunshine
    heeytheresunshine Posts: 33 Member
    Not quite in the 20s, only 18. But I'm new too, I've been on here for about a week. Feel free to add me (:
  • nammer79
    nammer79 Posts: 664 Member
    darn now i feel old at 32 lol but feel free to add me too ... I've been on the site for aclose to a week now and people here are great and helpful
  • Feel free to add me. Im also blogging my weight loss journey on blogger (if you have one) findingmysanityy.blogspot.com
  • mld2003
    mld2003 Posts: 31 Member
    Been on the site for a little over a week. I am 26 and really want to get in better shape. Most of my friends don't really understand my need to get healthier without "needing" a ton of new gadgets/ apps/ gear. The site is great, but I am actually looking forward to the hard work and challenges. Sounds crazy right? Feel free to add me (Anyone). Good luck!