
Rlboston Posts: 10 Member
:wink: Anyone addicted to Mt. Dew? How do you break the habit, that alone would take quite a few calories out of my diet but I am struggling with breaking the habit. I use it as a stress reducer and then seem to be always stressed. I have 3 kids and work a full time job, having a hard time figureing out when I can excercise as well. I want to lose 17-20 lbs. Suggestions???????


  • Treacle1313
    Its the Mnt D that prob giving you the feeling of stress, its full of sugar so its giving you a whooosh of a high then a massive drop in energy levels. Like any other habit its not easy to break, I have a few myself that i'm attempting to overcome. But maybe this might help, open the can/bottle and just before you drink, drop a little vinegar or salt in, i promise, your brain will soon break the habit. hope this helps. x
  • Epicmum54
    Epicmum54 Posts: 26
    My addiction and stress release is chocolate...I had to quit cold's not easy but can be done! I'm a Mum of 2 with a full-time job outside the home during the day and a full time job at home during the evenings. I plan my workouts during my lunch break. If your work can afford you that and you're close to a gym...even a 20 minute cardio work out can be squeezed in (including a shower!). I'm fortunate to live in a City that boasts the largest outdoor park/trail area in Western Canada and so runs or walks are fantastic and can be taken outdoors! Incorporating your kids in your workout on the weekends is good too - depending on their age...have them bike while you walk or run...or go biking with them. Take them to the local outdoor tennis court and let them hit the ball around with you while you chase after it! Good luck!!
  • ydeleon
    ydeleon Posts: 81
    I broke my habits by going cold turkey. Not sure if that works for everyone, though. Maybe you could replace you Mt. Dew with tea (the kind you brew). This would help keep you full and like you said, cut down on the calories (as long as you don't dump in sugar).