75 plus pounds to lose and want to try 30 day Shred

I don't think I am completely out of shape, however I know I can NOT handle the PX90 dvds right now, Can anyone tell me if they have done the 30 day Shred and was able to accomplish the 30 days while 75 plus pounds overweight. I keep seeing before and after pics of people doing the 30 day shred and they have lost between 8-15 inches. I am just wondering is it worth it to buy it. I do have a gym membership already but I am having a hard time finding time to go with 3.5 and 3 month old. I am trying to find a good workout video I can do at home. Thanks for any advice.:wink:


  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I was right around 75lbs overweight when I did the 30 day shred. It is hard but you can do it!!!
  • Ratchett13
    Ratchett13 Posts: 160 Member
    I am at least 75 lbs overweight and I am starting it as soon as it comes in the mail. I'm super excited about it. All you really need is 2 hand weights (I have 3 lb ones) and some dedication. Its all in the mind and I'm going to win this battle!
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 523 Member
    I am on day 5 of 30DS and I am at least 80 lbs from my idea weight (according to the BMI charts). It is doable, it is a lot of work, and you will be sore. But it is very doable. I wish you luck!
  • Lauraph
    Lauraph Posts: 79 Member
    I was 100+ overweight when I first did 30 Day Shred in 2009. I had to modify a lot, but I did it religiously and followed a clean diet. It worked for me. I think I lost about 16 pounds that month.. I took the program literally and did it for 30 days straight (not right or wrong, just what I did). You can do anything you set your mind to. Good luck!
  • Wickedmeowmer
    I am only about 10-15 lbs over weight and run 5k's and 30 day shred kicked my butt when it was free 'on demand'. I'm not trying to discourage you, I think its good to try it and it is definitely an amazing workout!
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    I've done lots of Jillian's DVDs and I'm technically still obese. I started needing to lose about 60 lbs. It's absolutely feasible. She has tons of low impact modified moves as well. I say go for it!!!! The great thing about her series is that you can increase intensity as you get more fit. I would also suggest trying the following:

    JM- Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism
    JM- 6 Week 6 Pack (a little more advanced but there are modifications for this too)
    JM- No More Trouble Zones
    Biggest Loser Cardio Max (IMHO- the absolute best for someone just getting started)
    Bob Harper's Butt and Core Workout (not sure if that's the right name but it's amazing for toning)

    You can do it! Best of luck! :flowerforyou:
  • melissacpc
    melissacpc Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks so much for all the advice, I think I am going to go get it between now and this weekend, Here's hoping I can get my husband and 3.5 year old son to find something else to do so I can have at least 30 mins a day to do this... I am determined. I want be able to post before and after pics!!!!
  • lkarinal
    lkarinal Posts: 107
    If you want to get an idea of Level 1 check You Tube, EFit poster the entire level 1 video :) (that is how I started) I'm in day 9 level 1
  • AJLovinLife
    AJLovinLife Posts: 125 Member
    My 3.5 and 6 year old do it with me and sometimes I get DH to as well. ;) Good luck it is a great DVD.
  • melissacpc
    melissacpc Posts: 14 Member
    @ karinaforever i tried watching it last night on you tube, but it kept trying to load, the parts i did see I thought that i could do it! but i didn't get to see the whole thing before i lost my patience.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I think starting with Shred is a good idea. I followed Shred with Ripped, and I think Ripped is a little more intense and harder. I have Extreme Shed and Shred, and that seems a little easier, but it's also more of a fat burning workout for me than a toning, where I seem to tone more on Shred and Ripped. So now I try to sneak in ES&S on days where I have the time and energy to do two workouts.
  • cassieday
    cassieday Posts: 55 Member
    Its only 10 dollars at walmart and target and you can get it cheaper on amazon. Worth every cent!!!!
  • danigirl1011
    danigirl1011 Posts: 314 Member
    I got my 30day shred from amazon.com and it cost me about $7 including shipping. So i would say even if you buy it and can't do it now, it's not a huge loss. That said, i started it when i was about 50 pounds overweight and saw great improvements. I also love the fact that it's only 22 mins long, so is easier to fit in than the hour long p90x dvds. I think it's worth a try for you for sure!
  • theonenonlykris
    I just finished the 30 Day Shred challenge for February. I lost 9.6 lbs and around 20 inches. I was 145 pounds overweight. You do what you can and everyday just gets easier. I have some result pics on the group page. When I first did it, I thought I couldn't do it, but it got easier.
  • CarrieAnne22
    CarrieAnne22 Posts: 231 Member
    It's a great workout and can feasibly be done by anybody of any size if you use the modifications when & where you need them. I started it 2/7/12 and have lost 8.2 pounds and 7.5 inches (granted, I also walk 2-5 miles every day and do weights/strength training 3 days a week). Yesterday, however, was my last day for a while due to a previous knee injury. It's just gotten to the point that i'm doing so many modifications for my knee that I'm barely even doing the same workout as the DVD. I definitely recommend it & look forward to giving it another shot in the future when my knee feels a bit more stable. I also plan to go back and do Level 1 here and there on some off my non-weight training days just because I feel it will still make a good supplemental workout.
  • MinaAriel
    MinaAriel Posts: 138 Member
    Yep, I did it. I hurt like hell the first several days. After day 4, the pain does go away. In the beginning, I hate the jumping jacks and jump rope more than anything. I took several breaks and did mostly modified moves. I fought through it, taking several rest days. In the end I lost over 10 inches and maybe 7 pounds. Definitely was a great kick start. I am in the middle of doing it again. This go round I am using 3lb weights instead of 2lb and doing a majority of the moves the hard way. It still kicks my butt but I can feel myself getting stronger and I'm noticing a large improvement in my abilities. I still have half a journey to go, at least. It's total worth having in rotation.

    I would suggest 2lb weights, good training shoes, and compression sleeves if you are prone to shin splints. Good luck!
  • notgivingup2012
    hi i started today. In the begining when your doing jumping jacks jillian says "if your looking for a motified version, their wont be because she has 400 lb people that can do a jumping jack, if they can do it, so can you" so I def think this dvd is doable. good luck :)
  • bloomiesgirl
    bloomiesgirl Posts: 14 Member
    I am on Day 10. I still have 100 lbs to lose. You can do it! :smile:

    FYI - You can find Level 1 on Youtube.
  • melissacpc
    melissacpc Posts: 14 Member
    Well I am on level one and just finished day 4... I have to say it seems like its getting a little easier everyday. The first day I actually thought I was going to kill over. I have to say its been a struggle to find the time but I am making it happen somehow. I have such a supportive husband, who glady plays with the kids in the other room for my workout! And I was actually more out shape than I thought could ever be, come on Jillian keep pushing me!!!!!!