Wii Zumba

I am thinking about getting Zumba for the Wii for an at home workout. I have never been to a Zumba class and I am not very coordinated lol I have read the reviews and they seem to be very positive and it seems like something that I would like. Has anyone had success with this Wii Zumba? Is it worth buying? Thanks!:smile:


  • tamischroeder53103
    I own Zumba on the wii, i like it. but it tends to bore me a little.. i like more hip hop songs, which i heard is on the new zumba thats out, so i would get that one. the older one has more latin style music, which is good, but i personally like to add hip hop to it.
  • ImaSongbird
    ImaSongbird Posts: 126 Member
    I tried it with the girls at the group home where I'm interning. I didn't like it at all. If there is a DVD available, it would probably be more pleasant.

    One thing I did notice, however, while the animators worked hard to make the instructors' bodies move naturally and their hair and clothing move around, the women's breasts did not move at all! :laugh:
  • aSunflower
    aSunflower Posts: 73 Member
    I have only had mine for a few weeks but I love it so far and no one has ever called me graceful!
    LTRUITT3 Posts: 205 Member
    I have it and I love it!!! I have heard that the 2nd one is better. But im happy with the first one as well. I think they are all good workouts :)
  • HWeatherholt
    HWeatherholt Posts: 283 Member
    I have it, tried it once. Liked it in theroy, but not in practice. I'm not that coordinated, but I swear I did some of the moves right but didn't get credit for them. But it could also have been my placement in relation to the tv/sensor. Also it was a pain to take the controller in and out of the belt. And I know from other Wii games it is easy to "cheat" by just moving the controller and not moving your body.

    My niece has the xbox and the connect, having played that with her, I think the Zumba game would be better on it. Gives me an excuse to by a new toy.
  • bobbin1
    bobbin1 Posts: 60
    I have zumba fitness 2 and absolutely love it. It does take a while to learn steps and I still get them wrong but still fun.
  • AChristopher09
    I've had it for a while now and I love it! Go for it!
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    I had never been to a class and am not a very good dancer. I loved my zumba! I had it for the ps3 and it broke.
    Honestly I lost most my weight doing zumba two times a day. It is so much fun.
  • ColleenMichele
    I love me some zumba! The game is NOTHING like a real class; those are SO much fun! But it does work well when I can't get to the gym that night and I still burn a ton of calories. I wear a fit bit so I don't worry as much about if the game says I get it right, just as long as Im moving.
  • kiwiclove
    kiwiclove Posts: 24 Member
    I have zumba for kinetics and xbox and i think it's a lot of fun. I'm like the most uncoordinated person ever so looking like a jerk in the comfort of my own home. It really gives me a good work out too.
  • batalina
    batalina Posts: 209 Member
    i think i need to get this game! i just went to a free zumba class on my college campus, and... ended up sitting in the back just watching, because i am SOOOO uncoordinated! by the time i got the hang of a move -- of even just understood what the move even WAS -- the instructor was onto the next one!
    i'd love to actually be able to participate (and exercise more than once a week...) so i think i will pick up this game on the way home, because it might bridge the gap between where i am now and where i want to be! (i can seriously barely do a regular aerobics video, currently >_<)
  • misty2ann
    misty2ann Posts: 127
    Thanks, everyone! I actually found both the old and new game online for not a bad price and I think I am going to go ahead and give it a try! I figure that as long as I am moving my butt I am getting at least something! I will let y'all know after I have used it a few times :happy:
  • ngozi79
    ngozi79 Posts: 2
    I have both games for Wii, the concept is great and alot of fun. What I will say though, is don't bother with the first one, get Zumba 2 and whilst it is harder, the music and moves are alot better, you get to track your progress.

    Once you've had a go at the second game, you won't go back to the first!
  • sophhx99
    sophhx99 Posts: 4
    I love love love love Zumba, I'm not amazing at dancing but I have always taken an interest at it. It's perfect because you can do it in the privacy of your own home and after about a week you can feel the difference. But to get results you have to do it properly other wise it's not as good. I would totally recommend Zumba to anyone who wants to loose weight or just tone up their body a bit. :smile: