Got Lupus?

Looking to see if there are any Lupies out there?! Y'all might know of exercises that will benefit me with out causing extra pain!


  • Shayyy01
    Shayyy01 Posts: 290 Member
    I myself do not have lupus but a very close friend of mine does.

    Swimming was okay for her, low impact, lift weights.
  • RumOne
    RumOne Posts: 266 Member
    yup, I'm a Lupie. I agree, Low impact is best. Swimming is GREAT along with water aerobics. I started with small walks and lifting can goods, just enough to get your joints moving. And get a large fitness ball. Just sitting on it watching tv will help.
  • tfancey
    tfancey Posts: 96 Member
    Hi girl!
    I'm not diagnosed with Lupus - I have JIA with markers pointing to Lupus, my rheumy last year questioned what exactly it is I'm dealing with here haha. Feel free to add me :)
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member

    My doctors suspect I might have lupus, but won't confirm a diagnosis since I am only symptomatic 2-3 times a year for 3-5 days at a time. I'm interested to see responses to this, as I hope that I don't have it, but if I do, I would like to know how people deal with exercise. When I get symptomatic I just usually lay off exercise (I feel too crappy anyways and curl up into a ball with my heating pad because my joints hurt so bad)
  • Nancy1065
    Nancy1065 Posts: 6 Member
    I have had lupus for 16 yrs.. since age 30. Leslie Sansone Walk away the Pounds DVD's help me a lot. Moving is what helps me the most with joint pain.. but the chronic fatigue often makes moving difficult. Its a vicious cycle.. cant move without energy.. no energy if I dont move. Stinks!
  • jaimebea
    jaimebea Posts: 21
    Hey ladies,

    Thanks for the replies! It has been a tough go for me this year with having a bad flare and all the new medication! I feel so worn out that it is at times a chore to get up and get moving. I will not allow Lupus to take over my life though and this is why I have joined MFP. I want to get in shape and get healthy! Thanks for the suggestions girls. I am currently walking about 20 minutes a day and plan on increasing my exercise as I go! I'm glad I have found others who understand what we have to go through on the daily!
    Have a good day Chica's!
  • Nancy1065
    Nancy1065 Posts: 6 Member
    " I will not allow Lupus to take over my life "

    That is the best attitude to have!!