HELP I know I will need some support!

I am just joinging today. I have lots of weight to lose, over 100 lbs. This is my last effort before I try Lap Band or something more drastic. I am new to the site, and would love some encouragement, tips and folks to give me a kick start when I need it. My big issue is sweets. Love the sugar!!


  • tamischroeder53103
    Welcome! i just signed up today too! and I am in the same boat as you!!
  • nawazarrio
    nawazarrio Posts: 64 Member
    Hello. My name is Sarah. I'm a twenty seven year old mother of three. Six weeks ago I weighed 402 pounds. I currently weigh 380. I came here after giving myself the same ultimatum. Luckily i have been able to stick with the changes so far and have seen results. This site is an awesome place to meet friends and find resources to help you out. Good luck! :)
  • ladyfingers39
    We are in the same boat! I have a consult with surgeon in May to start the process of Surgical weight loss. I really would love to get it under control before that.

    Would love to keep in touch and encourage each other. Are you doing anything specific or just counting calories?
  • kjc4458
    kjc4458 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the quick reply. Let's keep each other on track. I guess this is the first step, right?? Best of luck!!
  • kjc4458
    kjc4458 Posts: 5 Member
    WOW you are off to an amazing start!! That is a lot of weigh already lost! Are you doing anything special?
  • kjc4458
    kjc4458 Posts: 5 Member
    Right now the plan is just to count calories and try to work in some walking each day. Small steps that hopefully I can sustain. I would love to keep in touch and encourage each other. So do you typically add folks as friends or just keep in touch over this forum? Just curious how to keep supporting each other. I did research on the LapBand and some parts of it sounded so great, but I felt I had to make one more big push to do it this way
  • Katsmart53
    Hello Everyone!

    I started using MFP on the 17th of Feb. I would love to have some other people to buddy up with to support each other. This isn't the first time I have tried to get this weight off and this time I have decided to concentrate more on healthy choices and taking things 1 day at a time. Would love to connect with others who need support also.
  • nawazarrio
    nawazarrio Posts: 64 Member
    The only things I am doing is eating better and moving more. XD It's hard a lot of days. I've been really uninspired to exercise lately, but I'm trying to get back on the wagon. Anyone in here can feel free to add me as a friend if they want. I'm on daily and I generally give support/tips and ask for the same from my friends. This is a long journey but we don't have to do it alone. :)
  • yellowrose6
    yellowrose6 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I just started yesterday. I am from Texas and I am sure hoping that this time I will ACHIEVE my goal. I have such a long way to go,though. I'm 44 years old and I have some health issues such as degenerative disk disease and arthritis. It makes it so hard for me to be able to excercise,so my weight loss is sooo slow. But, I know that I have to at least try for my healths sake. Good luck to everyone on their journey :)
  • technicalman
    technicalman Posts: 23 Member
    You can do it!
  • stormy68
    stormy68 Posts: 5
    I don't have as much to lose, but I am certainly interested in supporting others and giving advice.
  • aprildo1
    aprildo1 Posts: 2
    I just recently signed up myself. I love the sugar just like you. Definitely can use some friends here to help me keep on track because I sure am not getting much support here. My boss and I were talking about white chocolate yesterday and I came in to work this morning and he had put a 6-pack of white chocolate Reese eggs on my desk! Not helping! I did eat one but gave the rest away so I wouldn't be tempted! I need all the help I can get!!
  • KBUnleashed
    KBUnleashed Posts: 44 Member
    Hello all - I joined the boards a few days ago but this is the first time that I've posted. I used to be really thin until I hit 16 years old. I went through depression and fast food/soda and I have been best friends since. My last soda was last Saturday and I haven't had any fast food since then either. Joined a wonderful gym and even on the days I don't feel like going, I feel great once it's done! I would love to join a group where we can support each other! Good luck to all of us on our weight loss journey! KBUnleashed, 32 years old, 237.0 lbs.
  • paigetrbvll
    I joined a few months ago, but I totally forgot about it until today. I'm 18, and I've always been self conscious when it comes to my weight and body. Right now, I weigh roughly 215 lbs, and I'm hoping to lose at least 30 lbs before I graduate in mid-May. I feel that by losing weight, I'll gain more self confidence and be more comfortable when it comes to the way I look. However, sometimes I get lazy and it's hard for me to stay dedicated. I'd love some encouragement and whatnot, and for people to keep me accountable. And I'd definitely be more than happy to do the same with others(:
  • jenirobinson
    I have been using this site for a few weeks now and am addicted. I can not wait to enter in my food and exercise logs for each day. I too need to lose over 100 pounds. I believe it is absolutely critical to figure out the REAL reason you wanted to lose weight in the first place. Motives for losing weight are not the same for everyone. You have to bond with the TRUE reason you want to lose weight in order to maintain your motivation over the long haul. Then find ways to continually remind yourself why you are working so hard to achieve your goals. Write your motive on a post-it and stick it to your bathroom mirror. Jot it down above the grocery list on your fridge. Even consider repeating your motive out loud to yourself whenever you are tempted to make poor choices. If you genuinely connect with what drives you to succeed, you will be unstoppable!

    Good Luck and keep motivated!!
  • cinnamon8
    I just recently signed up myself. I love the sugar just like you. Definitely can use some friends here to help me keep on track because I sure am not getting much support here. My boss and I were talking about white chocolate yesterday and I came in to work this morning and he had put a 6-pack of white chocolate Reese eggs on my desk! Not helping! I did eat one but gave the rest away so I wouldn't be tempted! I need all the help I can get!!

    You can't go cold turkey on sweets!!! It was good you had a sample then gave the rest away so you wouldn't be tempted I say GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!
  • 189king
    189king Posts: 7 Member
    definitely for the worker bees the key is to prepare your meals and snacks in advance and take them to work. if not, you will be at the mercy of whatever they are celebrating (birthday and anniversay cakes) whatever they are going for lunch (pizza, burgers) or whatever is in the vending maching. bring your own foods and feed yourself throughout the day so u won't be hungry
  • lisacg1
    lisacg1 Posts: 4
    At least you didn't eat the whole thing. I say good for you too!!! That was a step in the right direction - hang in there. You can do it!!!
    I did Weight Watchers in 2003 and lost the weight, but after getting married I slowly started to put it back on. I'm trying to lose 30 pounds.

    I have some great tips I learned that I would love to share. If any of you want to friend me you can keep up with my blog. I'll try to remember to post some tips on there every day. Check out my Taco Bell blog I posted today :)
  • Navotc
    Navotc Posts: 97
    Feel free to add me as a friend! (Other responders - feel free to add me also!) Support is a great thing. I just started with MyFitnessPal on 2/15, and am trying to lose about 30 lbs. I love sugar and sweets, but have really cut down on them since starting. (It's amazing what the calorie goal does for me... I think, "gosh, I only have 200 left. I could eat some really small dessert, or go for a huge bowl of veggies. I think I'll take the veg, because I don't want to be starving in 20 minutes!)

  • smorrill63
    I'm in the same "boat" with you. I need to lose about 90-100 lbs and have attended a few meetings about gastric by-pass surgery. I don't want to do it but have so many health issues as a result of my extra weight. I really do think I can do it and stick with it and it does truly help to correspond with others who are feeling the same way. Good luck everyone and let's stay in touch.:smile: