Results with Insanity and p90x

Hi all! I have a few questions to those who have done Insanity and/or p90x. My husband and I have just started really doing the workout thing. We're on day 9 of Insanity and I like it so far but I feel like it's almost not enough. I know that sounds weird, but I think I've gained weight since starting it. I don't know if it's because we're just doing it at our own pace and sometimes not making it all the way to the end of the workout or what. Anyways we love Insanity but feel like we need to do some strength training in there too, hence p90x. Were by no means overweight at least I don't think so. I'm 5'3 and 115lbs and he's 5'10 and 145lbs. We just want to be toned up and active. Sorry for the long post but I was curious as to what you all suggest or think. Thanks in advance!!!!


  • mattjolsen
    First thing's first: Check your caloric intake. If you want to lose weight, make sure you're burning more calories than you eat.

    Secondly, these programs challenge your MUSCLES a lot. As a result, they're going to want to grow. An interesting tidbit: muscle weighs more than fat! You can lose 5 lbs of fat, gain 5 lbs of muscle, and weigh more than when you started.

    So, I encourage you to not focus 100% on your weight, but look at your overall body composition. And, again, make sure your diet is in check. Exercise is only part of the equation!
  • glitchswifey
    I'm sure hoping that I'm gaining some muscle! I've been watching my calories in and out, 1200 is what I've been trying to achieve. We're thinking of getting a food scale to make sure we're actually eating what were posting in MFP. The only activity I include in MFP is our workout, I don't normally add the housework or anything like that.
  • usc2626
    usc2626 Posts: 186
    You can lose 5 lbs of fat, gain 5 lbs of muscle, and weigh more than when you started.

    I'm pretty sure 5 lbs is 5 lbs. Just as if you had a 5 lb dumbell and 5 lbs of feathers one takes up more volume than the other but they both stil weigh the same, 5 lbs.
  • chillichops
    Hi there, I've been doing P90x and am on week 2 of phase 2, this is a fantastic workout if you want to tone up but instead of doing their plyometrics and kenpo work outs I do interval running on a treadmill those days instead as I really enjoy this. Like you I'm not over weight at all and wanted to tone up and I can definitely see the difference in body tone! My weight hasn't change much at all - only losing 2lbs since starting the P90x & running regime but my clothes are definitely looser and my measurements have decreased. Until I done my measurements I was worried about the weight but realistically I've more than likely lost a couple of pounds of fat but put a couple of pounds of muscle on (it that makes sense!) Can definitely see more definition now. So if you've started a workout program and you don't need to lose weight I wouldn't worry too much about scales and would focus more on measurements x
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    First thing's first: Check your caloric intake. If you want to lose weight, make sure you're burning more calories than you eat.

    Secondly, these programs challenge your MUSCLES a lot. As a result, they're going to want to grow. An interesting tidbit: muscle weighs more than fat! You can lose 5 lbs of fat, gain 5 lbs of muscle, and weigh more than when you started.

    So, I encourage you to not focus 100% on your weight, but look at your overall body composition. And, again, make sure your diet is in check. Exercise is only part of the equation!

    If you lose 5 lbs of fat and gain 5 lbs of muscle, you will weigh exactly the same but you will be smaller and might need new clothes. 5 lbs of muscle takes up less space than 5 lbs of fat.
  • usc2626
    usc2626 Posts: 186
    With P90x people tend to add some muscle while losing weight. Insanity works more of your core but not as much muscle gain. As with any workout it has a lot to due with your diet.
  • tquig
    tquig Posts: 176 Member
    Never did Insanity, but lot's of p90x. At the size / weight of your husband and you, it is clear you are not overweight, so strength training is probably a good idea vs. straight cardio. Most people associate the term "cardio" only with aerobic activity, but that is not always the case. Intense aerobic exercise engages the long twitch muscle fibers more than short twitch ones, along with improving heart/lung function. You can also improve heart/lung function ("cardio") while performing strength training (short twitch muscle fibers) if you exercise with a circuit program, like p90x. Even on the strength days, you still get the benefits of a cario workout because the exercises are performed in rapid succession.

    I have seen many people do a hybrid of p90x and insanity (strength videos from p90x and cardio/plyo from insanity) with great success. They get the added strength gains (not necessarily mass/size increase) from p90x while getting the "insane" cardio workout from insanity. I would think that is a good mix for you and your husband's goals.

    Also, fat and muscle weight the same, the volume is different. You can not lose 5lbs on fat, gain 5lbs of muscle and suddenly weigh more- physics is physics! Also, it takes your body much, much longer to gain muscle than it does to lose fat. If it was that easy body builders would not need to spend a decade or more of dedication to get to competition levels, even with performance enhancing drugs. If you are gaining weight it is more likely that your muscle cells are retaining more water as they are responding to the demands of the workouts. You haven't been working out long enough with this to see any measurable muscle growth.
  • HeatherZousel
    HeatherZousel Posts: 62 Member
    I am at the beginning of the third week of the second month of Insanity. I am 5'3'' 137lb and have lost a couple sizes though no weight at all. I am much more muscular than I was at the beginning of the program as well. I have gotten many many comments from people asking me what I was doing. Insanity is a great cardio program, no doubt. It is also a great strength workout tho. If you are looking to tone Insanity is a great choice. In 12 days I am going to start round 2 with my daughter who wants to see the same results I have. I have heard many people say that they see the biggest changes in month two.
  • mattjolsen
    You can lose 5 lbs of fat, gain 5 lbs of muscle, and weigh more than when you started.

    I'm pretty sure 5 lbs is 5 lbs. Just as if you had a 5 lb dumbell and 5 lbs of feathers one takes up more volume than the other but they both stil weigh the same, 5 lbs.
    LOL yea I wrote that wrong. I meant 5 inches. My bad