Dr. Oz 48 hour weekend cleanse



  • katwj76
    katwj76 Posts: 60 Member
    It's all ****s and giggles until someone giggles and ****s...

    I'm so sorry, I have been waiting for days to use that line.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    "Dr. Oz" - I stopped reading from that point.

    I now want to do a 48 hour retoxification process with a bottle of Jack and carne asada fries.
    *loads up the bong* :smokin:

  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    Love your giggles and s!?t response. You did well!
  • ShilohMaier
    ShilohMaier Posts: 135
    I did a cleanse, but not one of those diet based ones. I did Dr. Natura- it's a month long program, and you don't have to change anything that you eat. I will say, that while you're doing it, you really do just have the urge to eat healthy because you feel so light and clean on the inside. I think it's a great way to start out a weight-loss journey, because it leaves you feeling like you're getting a fresh start. It's not a "hurry-run-to-the-toilet" kind of cleanse either. There's a tea you drink at night with cleansing herbs, a fiber you drink in the morning to push out the junk, and an herbal supplement for getting rid of parasites. And if you think you don't have parasites, you're probably wrong.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    The weekend cleanses I've done typically involve a burrito.

  • renu74
    renu74 Posts: 90 Member
    I enjoyed reading all the posts.Hilarious!!! Felt good.....Dr.Oz is not a Wizard...;)
  • lomajess
    lomajess Posts: 94 Member
    O_O went to lunch & come back to see all these post...

    only a couple of them really helpful but thanks for the input.
  • the_new_robin2016
    the_new_robin2016 Posts: 97 Member
    If you are going to do a cleanse keep in mind the reason why you want to do the cleanse! If you are going to clean out your system don't do it then go eat a burger haha kinda depletes the purpose. The thing i like about this is that you get a grocery list, and the directions on what to eat. It's probably one of the better cleanses i've seen. But you have to make sure you continue eating whole some food. because if you are going back to eating processed again, then there isn't much point in doing it lol. I read every one's comments, everyone has an opinion, and everyone is a critic. But really you have to try things for yourself to see results. Everyone is different. And besides it's free, so why not give it a try!? It's not like dr. oz is asking for your credit card number. If it doesn't work then don't do it again. Some people think it's obvious what you should and should not buy. But it's not for most people who have grown up not knowing about calories, fiber, healthy sugars, and so on. So i say go for it. Yea, your body has its own cleansing ways, but if you don't give it the proper nutrients to do it, it can't do a good job.
  • shalinimunjal
    shalinimunjal Posts: 192 Member
    Out of 35 items on his shopping list, I have 23 already in my house. Since I started eating healthy I visit the porcelain god every day. I don't think I need the cleanse but thanks for posting the link! I have been eating the right stuff, mostly.
  • lomajess
    lomajess Posts: 94 Member
    Dr. Oz, or his writers, were fairly clever on this one. This so-called cleanse pays lip service to the reasons people think they need a cleanse while delivering the benefits they are likely actually looking for. I am impressed.

    If you are eating a common "modern" diet high in processed foods and low in whole foods, then this will probably leave you feeling better after a weekend. It will make your bowel movements easier and probably make you feel generally healthier than before hand. This "weekend cleanse" is simply a vegetarian diet that is high in nutrient-dense foods and low in potential gut irritants, giving you a great shot of the micro-nutrients we need.

    We do not need a "cleanse" to flush toxins from our bodies. This weekend cleanse cannot do this, because no cleanse can. That said, if you want to get a real shot of healthy foods to leave you feeling "flushed out" and ready to begin a healthier lifestyle, then this is not a bad choice - it has lots of good foods and certainly will not harm your body. It is no substitute for eating healthy, but it is a great introduction to it.

    In this instance, Dr. Oz has used a fad concept to promote a healthy lifestyle. Not bad.

    Thank you :)
  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    I work with a girl who just recently did this "cleanse". She lost 5lbs initially and then 2 more pounds a few days later. I'm thinking she did it for a quick weight loss as there is a weight race going on at my job. It didn't make her gassy or make her *kitten* any more than normal, however, she was very hungry, *****y and just plain miserable. To me, it wasn't worth the 2 days of starvation to lose 7 lbs of water weight. Just starting out losing, she would have probably gotten the same results if she cut her calories and exercised. A couple of other co-workers are planning on doing the same thing. I don't get these cleanse thingies. :tongue:
  • lomajess
    lomajess Posts: 94 Member
    If you are going to do a cleanse keep in mind the reason why you want to do the cleanse! If you are going to clean out your system don't do it then go eat a burger haha kinda depletes the purpose. The thing i like about this is that you get a grocery list, and the directions on what to eat. It's probably one of the better cleanses i've seen. But you have to make sure you continue eating whole some food. because if you are going back to eating processed again, then there isn't much point in doing it lol. I read every one's comments, everyone has an opinion, and everyone is a critic. But really you have to try things for yourself to see results. Everyone is different. And besides it's free, so why not give it a try!? It's not like dr. oz is asking for your credit card number. If it doesn't work then don't do it again. Some people think it's obvious what you should and should not buy. But it's not for most people who have grown up not knowing about calories, fiber, healthy sugars, and so on. So i say go for it. Yea, your body has its own cleansing ways, but if you don't give it the proper nutrients to do it, it can't do a good job.

    I currently don’t eat a lot of fruit & veggies & I thought this would be a good way to start back up again (since I got roommates) one of my roommate does all the grocery shopping & well she likes to buy a lot of junk food. I know I can’t just exercise & expect to lose weight; I also need to change my eating habits. I’ve gotten her to buy water at least, so I know this is going to be challenge that I am going to have to tackle on my own, she does the cooking too. (like the text message I just received; go buy pizza & wings for dinner) smh -_-

    Regardless I am going to try :)
  • the_new_robin2016
    the_new_robin2016 Posts: 97 Member
    Yea i kinda have that same problem with my fiance! He LOVES chips, cookies, pizza, pizza pops, pasta and all that processed easy make foods! Its hard to resist, and sometimes i can't lol. And he usually doesn't like healthy cooking. So it makes things harder! Maybe see about getting your own groceries instead? or giving your room mate a grocery list? Because like i said there isn't much point in doing a cleanse if you are just going to go back to bad eating habits. You may Plan to eat better, but unless you start taking steps to make it happen it may not actually work out. Like i may plan to do a work out, but if i don't get my work out clothes on right away i may get side tracked and go out instead. lol You can add me if you want to your friends list :-)
  • seebeachrun
    seebeachrun Posts: 221 Member
    On the rare occasion I need an extra boost to my body's own cleansing ability I use magnesium citrate (or milk of magnesia.) You need at least 24 hours at home to let it do it's job but I think it helps. I typically use it when I return home from vacation since I usually splurge and eat lavishly while away from home and my stomach is usually not happy with me when I get home. I also used it right before starting my new healthier diet to make sure all of the bad foods were out of my system.

    For MoM take double the recommended dose (no more without a doctor's okay.) For Magnesium Citrate I buy a small bottle from the pharmacy and drink down the whole thing. Make sure you drink lots of water with both.

    I do not believe in regular "cleansing" without a doctor's advice and approval. This is not an alternative to a good diet and exercise because if you do it too often your body will get used to it and actually gain weight when you stop using it so often.