Forget the "Freshman 15".... how about the "World of Warcraf



  • InvidiaXII
    InvidiaXII Posts: 315 Member
    I remember when I played WoW, I used to think that if I actually did everything my character did, I would be tiny. I think the game industries need to invent a new type of MMORPG with VR where you actually have to DO everything your character does...except the dying. Lol. Unfit gamers would go the way of the dodo!

    Made me think of this!
    And a while back I remember reading about a guy who had a setup where every step he took on the treadmill, his character took one in game, so he literally did have to run everywhere he wanted his toon to go.
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    I play WoW and I have for 6 years. I wouldn't say I have gained weight from it though.
  • plumwd
    plumwd Posts: 161 Member
    I haven't gained weight from playing wow, I'm not a huge snacker so that isn't an issue for me. The one thing I can say is that it definitely takes time away from other things. I could be working out instead of raiding.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    Haha, I definitely know what you mean. I only play after having done my exercise for the day. But I know that there are some people out there who built a desk for their treadmills. They only play while on the treadmill. A guy lost 90lbs doing that. Maybe you could think about incorporating exercise into your hobbies.
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    I'm sure I gained weight during that time. I was so sedentary (probably more so than now with a screwed up knee). And if you were raiding? It was a quick dinner shoved in the oven or the microwave right after work and eaten quickly at the computer desk while you got ready for the raid. Horrible eating habits. Finally, weened myself and my boyfriend off WoW after the last expansion. But you know, there were plenty of people on there who'd log off to go to the gym. Not every WoW person is a fat, lazy person. It's probably the norm, though, to get a little pudgy when you sit and game all day. ;P
  • papa3x
    papa3x Posts: 286
    Haha, I definitely know what you mean. I only play after having done my exercise for the day. But I know that there are some people out there who built a desk for their treadmills. They only play while on the treadmill. A guy lost 90lbs doing that. Maybe you could think about incorporating exercise into your hobbies.

    I do... re-read my OP.
  • mesockisgone
    mesockisgone Posts: 6 Member
    I play SWTOR and after every level I gain I go do something like lift some weights or sit ups and push ups. Usually when I play I always think that I could be working out or something but I have fun and I still get in the stuff I need.
  • Acherona
    Acherona Posts: 134 Member
    ME I PLAY WOW! and im happy to admit it :) i love it however i dont play it hardcore and i usually do it after working out :)
  • Acheronus
    Another WoW-Head here! I used to do 20 sit-ups everytime I used a flightpoint... toned up well doing that.

    There is / was a system where someone hooked up a Kinect to a PC, and mapped the WoW controls to it...
  • jedibunny
    TOTALLY a WoW victim.. currently playing SWTOR instead. I don't sit and game for as many hours a day as I used to, but I'm a lifelong gamer (starting back with TI computers!) and it's in my blood. Before MMOs I would sit in front of a console and snack. I used to snack, snack, snack, drink beers, and snack while playing SWG, WoW, etc - any gaming. My ex- and I would stand up at break time during raids and do Carbombs... lol. It was tons of fun, but it ruined my body.

    I now live in a two-floor apartment (side-by-side) where my kitchen is downstairs, which helps. I don't have the ability to walk five feet to my kitchen. I might bring up one snack and a drink (sometimes a beer, but usually water or juice now) to game - and I only do it for an hour or two, if at all.
  • Vespyr
    Vespyr Posts: 111 Member
    I love video games...but like others have said I was too busy in game to remember to eat. I think I lost all muscle tone and my life. WoW still has a place in my heart but until I can balance life and MMOs...I must choose life lol. and Skyrim. 6 months free of WoW. At one point I did jumping jacks during flight.
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    I played WoW for 6 years, but I don't think it had much effect of my weight. My weight went up and down when I was playing

    I was had some eating and self esteem issues when I was a young teen, so I didn't eat much.

    The only think about WoW and food that I noticed was that I always had 2 12packs of diet soda next to my desk, usually Fresca and diet coke and I would drink them every time I got hungry so I didn't have to waste time getting up and getting something to eat.

    Oh and I live with the guy who ran my first guild on Warcraft. Such a sweet love story <3
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Anybody else here think that this game indirectly affected your weight in a bad way?



    I play the game daily. When I am not working, sometimes I play literally all day...yeah, yeah, I'm a nerd.

    I've also, since purchasing the game years ago, gone from 191 pounds to 137 pounds, size 20 to size 6, and can squat and deadlift more than my body weight.

    For me, the 2 things are not related.

    Then again, I don't mindlessly eat while playing. But, I firmly believe that it is the mindless eating, NOT THE GAME, that causes people to not see success while trying to get in shape and play the game.
  • DancingFox
    DancingFox Posts: 88 Member
    I know I gained a few pounds when I first discovered WoW, years back. Fortunately, it didn't get too out of hand since I also worked as a lifeguard and found myself at a pool during those pesky, mandatory work hours.
    Last year I went through another phase of playing, constantly...but this time I was unemployed. I won't say the game has been the pure reason, but I'm sure it contributed for it leading to the heaviest weight I've ever been.

    Working on reversing all of that, though!!! ... On that note, must go check my auctions. :wink:
  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348
    You can't really be a victim of a game, and a game doesn't make you gain weight. It's your choice to sit there and play and eat and do nothing that makes you gain the weight. That aside....

    I used to do the same. I loved games and frankly, was too lazy to make good food. I'd eat whatever was fastest so I could get back to my games. I'd play a good 10 hours straight and be surrounded by pizza, McDonalds, sodas and little debbie cakes. After I realized how horrible this was, I got my butt moving. I still play some, but not for ten hours straight, and I'm always stopping to hit the gym, go for a walk, cook healthy food and basically have a life outside of gaming.
  • shady81x
    shady81x Posts: 290
    I remember when I played WoW, I used to think that if I actually did everything my character did, I would be tiny. I think the game industries need to invent a new type of MMORPG with VR where you actually have to DO everything your character does...except the dying. Lol. Unfit gamers would go the way of the dodo!

    If such a game gets invented, am so NOT gonna play a rogue... fk that kinda atk spd irl :laugh:
  • SFalconStorm
    SFalconStorm Posts: 77 Member
    I remember when I played WoW, I used to think that if I actually did everything my character did, I would be tiny. I think the game industries need to invent a new type of MMORPG with VR where you actually have to DO everything your character does...except the dying. Lol. Unfit gamers would go the way of the dodo!

    If such a game gets invented, am so NOT gonna play a rogue... fk that kinda atk spd irl :laugh:

    No, I can see it. You'd have to crouch down and creep around. Talk about fat burn! Lol
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    This thread is further proof that there are hot woman who play the game.... lol ..Use to be such a topic in trade chat during vanilla wow...
  • Firefighter_Jay
    Firefighter_Jay Posts: 426 Member
    Wow ruined my life. I stopped playing the day my wife offered sex if I came to bed, and I told her that I would be in as soon as I was finished with a raid.

    Took weeks to make that up to her. Part of my penance was to delete all my 80s (one each class) and promise to never play again.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    I havent played it in over a year,I kinda miss it and am thinking of starting back up. Im just not sure because its kind of a time suck