March 2012 Goals

Hey everyone! I thought this could be a fun post where we can all share some goals for this month and maybe inspire others to set their own goals. I have always set New Year's Resolutions but this year I decided every month to set a new group of goals to work towards achieving my New Year's Resolutions. I would like to share this months goals with you all, and hope you all will share your goals with me too. Who knows you may like one of my goals and want to challenge yourself to reach that goal and I may do the same with your goals. So here are my March 2012 Goals:

1. Exercise a minimum of 15 hours. This could average out to about 30 minutes a day or break it down to an hour a day a few days a week.
2. Stay under my calorie goal at least 21 out of the 31 days this month.
3. Do NOT eat out at a restaurant or fast food place. I will allow two slips on this one only because I have a friends who's birthday is this month and we usually go eat and a movie, and the other is in case of unexpected company.
4. Lose 2 lbs per week or a total of 8 lbs the entire month.
5. Start a recipe book of my favorite meals. Include nutritional information for easy access to a healthy meal.
6. Burn between 3,500-7,000 calories a week. This would be 14,000-28,000 for the entire month.

I look forward to seeing everyone's goal's :)


  • dida0721
    dida0721 Posts: 107 Member
    Log in every day to mfp.
    Lose 15 pounds
    Double my Zumba classes from February (Feb I did one)
    Average 2000 sweat points on my Wii Just Dance
    Do strength training at least twice a week
    Not let stupid comments my husband says make me turn to food for comfort
  • pamperedhen
    pamperedhen Posts: 446 Member
    Mine...1) lose 1 lb per week.
    2) try new zig~zag diet
    3)eat when hungry {since getting hungrier lately}
    4)more positive thoughts about myself
    5)get a massage if meet the 1lb/wk!:drinker:
  • Love this!

    My Goals...

    1. Lose 13 pounds!
    2. Do not let a 'cheat day' turn into a 'cheat weekend'!
    3. Exercise a minimum of 120 minutes per week!
    4. Drink 8 cups of water EVERY DAY!
  • Oh no!!!! That means I have to drink more water TODAY!!! Well..... 1 cup down :wink:
  • Sunsama
    Sunsama Posts: 100 Member
    I like your recipe book idea! I might totally steal it :D you already know mine, but I'll list em again

    1. Weigh myself only twice a week
    2. No eating out. Period.
    3. Write my favorite recipes down in a convenient go to place :)
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 516 Member
    I could use all of the motivation I can get:

    Here we go! In March, I committ to:

    Completing the 30 DS DVD
    Go to at least 4 Zumba classes
    Drink at least 100 oz of water a day
    Walk my dogs for at least 30 minutes for a minimum of 20 of the 30 days.
    Purchase a bicycle (so that I can start riding my bike to work in April)
  • lnorton84
    lnorton84 Posts: 31 Member
    I am very pleased to see so many responses already. All of the goals I have read so far seem great! I may even steal a few for my April goals :) Remember when you feel like you can't drink another ounce of water or take another step "We Got This!!!"
  • angielautenbach
    angielautenbach Posts: 119 Member
    1. Loose 5 lbs
    2. Do Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred EVERYDAY
    3. Only weigh myself on days 10, 20, and 30
    4. Dont eat anything after 7pm
    5. Dont eat Ranch flavored sun flower seeds (biggest addiction)
  • CherokeeTopaz
    CherokeeTopaz Posts: 299 Member
    My wishes are to lose 9 pounds this month.. but that's not realistic. :/
    So.. my goals are to lose 4 to 8 pounds.. lol I'm not gonna push too hard to kick myself..
  • luvred51
    luvred51 Posts: 163 Member
    These are nice motivators everyone, thanks for sharing. :happy:


    * Stay hydrated.

    * Decrease my weekly calorie intake by 500 calories

    per day.

    * Eat a balanced diet of fats, proteins and carbs.

    * Eat several small meals throughout the day.

    * Eat a bowl of oatmeal every morning.

    * Avoid fast food.

    * Eat my last meal before 8 p.m. (three hours before

    going to bed.

    * Workout five days a week for 30 minutes and burn

    at least 550 to 600 calories.

    * Kettlebell workout 2 days a week for 40 - 50 minutes

    and burn 150 to 300 calories.

    Please note: I don't workout when I'm not feeling well.