I love food

especially unhealthy food and snacks, but really all types of food... problem is I overeat... and when I think of "portion control" etc I get anxious thinking I can't eat... ahhh I have definitely had some binge eating tendencies over the years, it's much better now that I live with my bf but even still, sometimes we'll order a pizza or whatever and I'll have 3 pieces (too much, really) or we'll buy a bag of chips and together will eat the whole thing. There was a time in my life (early teens) where I was struggling with undereating... i would feel like it was a "good day" if I didn't eat anything but I can't even imagine that now. I guess meal planning will help... I'm mainly just venting right now :) Thanks for reading/listening


  • kleighsamboer
    Hi! I completely understand all of what you just said! I have learned that i have to have a plan and i have to follow it. one of the easiest things for me to do was to start eating a high raw diet. you get to have the bigger portion if you want because you are eating mostly veg and fruit. it takes out a lot of the guess work and anxiety
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I love food too. My suggestion is to switch to healthier foods. It is tough at first, but your tastes will change over time and you will prefer them to junk most of the time. And you can eat so much more food for the same calories when you eat healthy.
  • LaceyVskmp1980
    LaceyVskmp1980 Posts: 37 Member
    I hear ya! Sometimes the more I find that I am trying to not eat as much, the more I eat because I feel like I am depriving myself. So I am finding tricks to make me feel satisfied and less guilty. For instance, a bag of popcorn (no butter) isn't that bad on the calorie side...and I can eat the entire thing!! LOL.
    You'll find what works for you. Good luck :)