Looking to make friends who also are trying to lose 50 lbs +

This is my first day using this site. I am a mom of 3 - with quite an age span ( 1 yr old, 10 and 13) . Tired of starting , stopping, procrastinating etc.... Find myself always saying - oh well - start again tomorrow - because I have ZERO willpower when it comes to food. And Ive learned that I am an emotional eater.... bad day? have a cookie. Tough week ahead? have some chips... forgot breakfast? stop at tim horton's on the way to work....argh !! NO MORE I am setting my mind on small goals ... 20 lbs to start. Overall goal 85 lbs to lose.

I find other people's progress motivating !! Anyone interested in supporting each other through this journey ?


  • sooloo66
    sooloo66 Posts: 16 Member
    I am just like you, start/stop...repeat. I are ready to do this now! I am only 5'1 and currently 200 lbs. Just started yesterday. I'd love to keep each other motivated on this journey and share our success. Good Luck! WE can do this!!!
  • miss_september
    You can add me if you'd like. I've lost 15lbs so far (although that is questionable depending on how my scale is acting), but have 55-60 left to go. It's not easy, but just seeing the first results and overall how much better it is to be healthy is a great motivator...and when it isn't, that's what mfp friends are for =-).
  • sexycnm
    sexycnm Posts: 3 Member

    Definitely I completing identify with your journey thus far. Would love to help motivate each other !!! You can definitely add me as a friend :-) I am a mother of one (22 months old) and a midwife.
  • monharri
    monharri Posts: 78
    Hey there im trying to lose55-60 . Feel free to add me. Ive lost 23 so far.
  • daisy_daizzy
    daisy_daizzy Posts: 4 Member

    I can completing identify with your issue.. I too was an emotional eatter. I would love to help to motivate you. You can add me as a friend. I have lost 63 punds so far.. This site is great.. I still have 60 pounds to go. When I joined the site I weight 292. I am a single mother of three my youngest is 17 and still at home.. I work full time so I think I can be helpful.
  • jeyko
    jeyko Posts: 368 Member
    You can add me, i've got another 45 lbs to go!