


  • TobieGirl
    TobieGirl Posts: 15
    Okay - I'm new at I'm not sure how to copy quotes, etc.

    I made most of my goals today - 10 glasses H20 and a 40 minute bike ride. Could have made a slightly smarter choice of sandwhich at Burger King - but with the exercise I did do - I didn't go over my calories. :ohwell:

    How do you get the Exercise Ticker? Is it a different website?
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Okay - I'm new at I'm not sure how to copy quotes, etc.

    There should be a "quote" button at the bottom right corner of each post.

    I hope everyone is having a great Thursday. It has been cloudy and sprinkling off and on here today, and It just started pouring. Guess I'm not going to the pool today!

    My goals today are:
    Drink 8 glasses h20 today
    eat w/in my cals
    walk 1/2 mile on the treadmill
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Whoo hoo!! It was a good day for me even with the rain! (We really needed the rain, so I couldn't complain too much.)

    I made all my goals today.

    I just finished my 8th glass of h20
    I walked 1/2 mile on the treadmill
    I was only over my cals by 100 (so for me that's great!)

    TobieGirl - I just figured out how to get the exercise ticker earlier today. It is from a different site. I looked at Stacey's exercise ticker & it was on there,

    Well, I'm signing off for the night.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    sorry i've been AWAL.

    she's crying in her crate, barking and pooping and peeing there and elsewhere.
    she's peed on the carpet this week and on the newly recovered couch!! :explode:

    i just got off the phone with my old vet practice and we've decided to go back to basics and better establish myself as the leader. keep her crated and tethered more and less leash leeway on walks.

    i know all this intelectually but i SUCK at execution!

    anyway...that's today.
    we went to mdm tussaud's wax museum this afternoon and that was fun. the kids did really well. i'm home with baby and dog for a bit and then will go down to my mil's timeshare and swim and have dinner. all in all--can't complain.

    trying to stay in my cals--water good.
    no exercise AGAIN. later--
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    good friday morning!
    sorry abt my rant yesterday. this puppy business is harder than i expected.
    but today is going ok.

    my mil is still here but the 2 girls are with her so i can do errands this am with the baby. hooray!

    i've met my exercise goal today. just have to keep working on the veges and h2o. how is everyone else?

    do you have a plan in place for success this weekend?
    i don't yet....
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Stacey - Sound like you had a fun day! Good luck w/ the puppy. The execution of plans can be very hard. I still have problems w/ it at times & my dogs are 10 & 12!

    My goals today are the same:
    Drink 8 glasses h20
    Stay w/in my cals
    walk 1/2 mile on the treadmill

    Not sure if we'll be able to get to the pool today. I'm hoping!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Stacey, looks like we were posting at the same time. :smile: Don't worry about ranting. That's why we're all here!

    I don't have a plan for success this weekend either. My daily goals will probably still be the same. I'd like to stick w/ those goals until I can make them a habit, then I will work on other goals, like eating more fruits & veggies.
  • bensmama
    bensmama Posts: 5
    Thanks for the welcome ladies! Glad to see that I'm not the only new one too. What a great group!

    I love to bake too. It's so hard to resist. I usually bake for friends, but I end up having some too of course.

    I have a weakness for mc'd fries as well. When the opportunity arrises, I usually treat myself with a small fry. Not the best choice, but I make up for it.

    I'm absolutely loving this site. It really makes it so easy to track calories!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    I love to bake too. I'm lucky in that I can't seem to find the time to bake like I used to.

    This is a record for me! 2 days in a row of making all 3 of my daily goals!

    I walked the 1/2 mile on the treadmill.
    I was only over my cals by 95 (even better than yesterday :smile: )
    I drank 8 glasses of h20

    DH is going to look at a used Schwinn exercise bike tomorrow evening. I'm hoping it's a good one!

    What is everyone's weekend going to be like? Tomorrow is going to be like any other day for me. I'm hoping to get to the pool. Sunday my kids have a birthday party for a friend. I already know to turn down cake when it's offered to the adults. My daughter usually only eats 1/2 her cake, so then I eat the rest. It works out well for me, since I get a taste of the cake w/out eating a whole lot.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    my weekend plans:
    meet my friend at cheesecake fact for lunch. if we have a slice of cheesecake, it will be shared among the group. it has such an extensive menu and is kid friendly. plus the one here at caesar's forum has a HUGE fish tank outside. and the fao schwartz store is nearby too. it makes for a fun, occasional outing.
    my plan is to have a big house salad so i can get my veges in.
    i've done my exercise.

    i still need to plan out the rest of the day so i can stay w/in my cals.hmmm
    same for tomorrow--right now i'm only thinking of exercise but i need to plan the food portion. or i will overeat as usual.
    problem is all i want is fatty sweet carbs. no it's not pms--i don't have it b/c i take the pill nonstop.

    so after we get back from the strip, i'll plan out meals, menu, grocery list. that should help!

    i'm glad we have new ppl checking in. it keeps things fresh. :heart:
    hope people will pipe up and share their struggles and successes!

    now to get ready for the day--have a good one everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Hello! I got an exercise bike today!!!! Not the one dh was originally going to look at. This one was in town. My living room now looks like a gym with an exercise bike and treadmill! :laugh: I put it on the least resistance, pedaled 6 miles and my toe felt great! I still walked 1/2 mile on the treadmill. I finally put the treadmill flat instead of inclined, and that helped greatly too. We also got to the pool for a bit today. I'm excited because I've made my daily goals 3 days in a row! :happy:

    My goals tomorrow are:
    Stay w/in my cals
    Drink 8 glasses h2o
    walk 1/2 mile on the treadmill
    pedal 6 miles on the bike

    I hope everyone has had as great a day as I have!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    rock on girl! :glasses:

    we didn't go to cheesecake factory after all so i did a really good job staying w/in my cals today. hip hip hooray!

    congrats on the bike--and on getting rid of the incline. smart move. :happy:

    off to bed now--t i r e d
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Hi all! I hope everyone had a great weekend! I didn't completely make my goals today. I was only about 100 cals over, I did drink all my h20, and I rode 6 miles on the bike. But I didn't get a chance to walk 1/2 mile on the treadmill. That's ok though. I had a pretty busy day. And I am feeling the bike more today than yesterday.

    Good job staying w/in your cals yesterday, Stacey!! :flowerforyou: That's especially not easy to do on a weekend!
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    hi everybody

    I am back on the wagon started today feeling Ok most of the time had some counseling over the miscarriage and discussed and agreed with hubby that for the next few years at least possibly never do I want anymore children 3 is more than enough for me.

    Did shred today wearing my new HR monitor and burned 330 cals much more than this site gives plus HR stayed up for 20 mins after burning extra I also burned way more cals walking than this site gives me so maybe that was where I was going wrong before seriously undereating by about 500 cals no wonder my body didnt want to drop the pounds. Newly educated new tool and feeling positive occasionaly I wake up feeling empty wanting the baby I lost but my head soon sorts me out I am happy with what I got.

    Getting the garden landscaped next week so think that will be good exercise will just wear the HR monitor to be sure and will try get jogging done first thing in the morning.

    New puppy is gorgeous I love her to bits she is exactly what I wanted and more she is my princess so well behaved took 3 days to house break very easy to forget she is here she is so good with the kids and really loves her family but that is the nature of the rough collie anyway.

    take care all so many new faces HI:smile:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hi tazzy! i'm glad you're feeling much better overall. i'm really proud of you for going to counseling. it's a hard step to take but important to help you heal. :flowerforyou:

    puppy is pretty pretty girl. glad she's fitting into your family so nicely.

    EVERYONE: here is the link to this week's thread

    come join the conversation over there! :happy:
  • michishell9811
    michishell9811 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello Ladies.. Just wanna say hello and introduce myself.... I'm a SAHM of a 6 year old (Jade), 5 year old (Joshua), 5 month old (Sophia), and i'm due in January with # 4!!!!!!.... I'm not trying to "diet" per say, but keep up with being active and not over eating the "bad stuff"... I've been on this site for a while now... for the few months i WASNT pregnant...! lol... I gained 15 lbs with my Sophia, which was gone within a month of having her... However I was about 20 lbs over my goal weight b4 that pregnancy.. So we'll see what happens this time around.. I'm sure my body's taking a lot of abuse being pregnant for 2 years straight ... :ohwell: ... Well good luck to you all and your weight loss/fitness goals..
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Hello Ladies.. Just wanna say hello and introduce myself.... I'm a SAHM of a 6 year old (Jade), 5 year old (Joshua), 5 month old (Sophia), and i'm due in January with # 4!!!!!!.... I'm not trying to "diet" per say, but keep up with being active and not over eating the "bad stuff"... I've been on this site for a while now... for the few months i WASNT pregnant...! lol... I gained 15 lbs with my Sophia, which was gone within a month of having her... However I was about 20 lbs over my goal weight b4 that pregnancy.. So we'll see what happens this time around.. I'm sure my body's taking a lot of abuse being pregnant for 2 years straight ... :ohwell: ... Well good luck to you all and your weight loss/fitness goals..

    we're over on the thread for this week.
    welcome! andwe'll see you there!