I know there are a bajillion threads on PCOS, but I am looking for some Cysters.. I know we all need as much support as possible with our weight loss and dealing with PCOS, and I would love to make as many MFP Friends as possible with this condition!

Shoot me a friend request, we can do this together :)



  • dreamin2bethin
    dreamin2bethin Posts: 111 Member
    I know were already friends but thought I would say you have my support and encouragment. PCOS definitely has its struggles that is for sure. I have been diagnosed with it for 7-8 years but have had it much longer, it just took a long time for a doctor to diagnose me. That is one of the biggest reasons why I am overweight and then once I got to my heaviest losing the weight was difficult even working out 5 days a week and having a completely different diet.
  • goodtwin_77
    goodtwin_77 Posts: 43 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS 15 years ago at the age of 19. Feel free to add me as a friend. It will be nice to have people to talk with who have the same issues and know what I am going through.
  • Mally1124
    I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 18/19 years old and am now 27...(wow I didn't realize it's been that long!) I have struggled with my weight almost my whole life. I haven't been below 210lbs in prob 6 years and even have a ways to go to get back to that point again. After I got married I put on about 20lbs...seems to be a common thing. But I will get there and will meet my goal! Happy to have friends on here, support and encouragement is always welcome! :)
  • melissacrooksbennett
    I have also been diagnosed with PCOS about 5 years ago, although I have had it longer than that. I have seen my weight go up and up and I topped out this last summer at 206. This was a lot for me being only 5'2" tall. I had my 5th child last year but once I was done nursing this last summer started to work on losing. We are told it is so much harder for us because of the whole insulin issue, which is true. I have lost 21 pounds total since last summer. I still have 50 to go but have found a few things which seem to be working for me. I had to cut out sugar and processed foods altogether, especially since with PCOS our bodies kick out 4 times the insulin when we eat sugar. Thus, 4 times the cravings afterwards. I eat a lot of vegetables and a little higher on the protein side. I don't do all protein because I don't want to be hard on my kidneys or leach calcium from my bones. I do have some complex carbohydrates like beans, and a few whole grains. I eat only a little fruit every day. Maybe like 1/2 serving. I also try to stick between 1200-1400 calories and get in my healthy fats like olive oil and almonds. If I do this well I will lose usually around 3-4 pounds a week as long as I drink a lot of water.
  • sandywerks
    sandywerks Posts: 94 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS 13 years ago. I have 10yo twins. I have been able to keep my weight in check most of my life by eating clean but it can be so hard to lose anything once you have gained it. I am just finishing up a round of Insanity this week and have lost almost 7 pounds (while others in the group have lost double that). But I am prepared to stick with it for the long haul and will start a TurboFire/Chalean Extreme hybrid next to incorporate weights. Hoping to lose at least another 25 and tone up. Please feel free to friend me - I've only been on MFP for 6 weeks and just started posting so have no buddies yet. :)
  • linfields08
    I was just diagnosed the January, still trying to figure out our new eating habits as well as doing some exercise since i really never did. I'm always up for a friend :) All of this is really new and I honestly don't even know where to start.
  • kawanna941
    kawanna941 Posts: 135 Member
    Lets be friends!
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    I will add you as well. I have never been diagnosed with PCOS but I've been told I probably have it due to lack of milk while breastfeeding. I have not been able to being diagnosed due to nursing or pregnant.
  • singanote
    singanote Posts: 34
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    Hi! I was diagnosed with PCOS 13 years ago, but have struggled greatly to get myself mentally on board with doing what I need to do. I just recently (since December) have been exercising fairly regularly and eating better. Still have not fully mentally committed to the low carb thing, but I'm on the right path and I believe I will get there eventually. I'm about to head on vacation Monday and I am very excited and needing the break, but also worried I'll break this great streak I've been on.

    I'm also a Christian and would love to connect with other cysters who share my faith as this is a big part of the journey for me.
  • Red13
    Red13 Posts: 287 Member
    Hi all, I have recently been diagnosed and am just curious as to what kind of medication everyone is taking, if any. When I first visited my doctor she put me on metformin which I didn't like because I was getting heart palpitations and realized I wanted to take a more natural route. I have recently started on the herb gymnema sylvestre which is supposed to act much like metformin. Does anyone take this and are you seeing any difference? I know there are other herbs out there to help PCOS so I'd like to hear anything that people have tried. I need to find something that works because I currently work out 45-60 min a day, eat clean 90% of the time and see no improvement on the scale! Totally frustrated and I know that I should closely follow a low glycemic diet but with a family it seems merely impossible.