
There are several challenges being marketed out there and I have tried a few of them. I simply want to share my results.
with the advocare 24 day challenge i lost 7 lbs and felt better. I was working out and eating right which obviously had something to do with it.

I next tried the beachbody challenge and honestly it did nothing for me, the shakes were not that good and i lost a few lbs but i think it was from th e1hr cardio sessions.

I have tried the 90 challenge by visalus and its probably my favorite one. Mostly because the system is the easiest to follow. I lost 8 lbs in the first 30 days which is similar to the advocare challenge but the system was so much easier to follow with all things being equal i would do the visalus challenge.

Anyhow thats just my opinion and Im sure others will differ. But remember this we all have the same goal to lose weight and get healthy regardless of what system you use just do your best, eat right and exercise and you should see some results.
