ISO 30's and 40's friends for some support. Friend me

cginex Posts: 16 Member
Hey guys, I am a late 30's guy who has been active most of his life but due to a divorce a few years ago let myself ago, not just my weight but my health in general. I know I need to eat better and I know I can do it but to be honest some support will help a lot. I do like to cycle and consider myself a 'cyclist'. That being said, I can use some more friends who are active and hopefully will be there for me and allow me to be there for them as well in their quest on a healthy lifestyle.


  • Molly_Pitcher
    Molly_Pitcher Posts: 84 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm in my 30's and can now oficially say I am a runner, since I now run 2-3 miles at least 3 times a week. So I guess that makes me active. I also put on alot of weight after ending a long term relationship and am now working towards a healthy lifestyle.
  • mobiledreams12
    I'm a recently divorced cyclist too in my late 30s... so please accept my friend request :happy:
  • TundraTed
    TundraTed Posts: 254 Member
    33 here..... love cycling. Wish the snow would stop! Friend request on the way!
  • lpeace2u
    lpeace2u Posts: 94 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm a 40something :) Active in walking...trying to run and also kickboxing. Which, I have learned to love!
  • Aleara2012
    Aleara2012 Posts: 225 Member
    Sent you a friend's request :)