


  • capricorn0120
    capricorn0120 Posts: 109 Member
    People should learn to educate themselves before commenting. It's normal over time to put on some weight epsecially with age etc. But, those of us that lose weight by eating healthier and exercising and makeit a way of life will keep the weight off and become healthier. It's when you don't change your eating habits and lifestyle to include some sort of exercise and sticking to them that most people gain weight back.
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    Ignore them! Clearly they have NO idea what they are talking about.
    Keep up the hard work!

  • dorejohn
    dorejohn Posts: 3 Member
    My husband recently lost 25 lbs, but he did do it by starving and no exercise. And he has been asked if he is sick or something. I have been working out at the gym and eating healthier, but the weight is not coming off as fast (although I do see NSV changes). Instead of encouraging me in the lifestyle changes I'm makeing, my DH actually said that I just need to eat less. I'm eating 1200-1600 cals a day and working out 45-60 minutes at the gym. ARRRRGH!!!!
  • big_drake
    big_drake Posts: 78
    Just punch em in the face.

    Or if you're not that extreme just start posing down and talking like Hulk Hogan brother!!!!!!

    Or take the subtle approach and ignore them. People say things like "what happens when you start eating again and the weight comes back" are just trying to project themselves on you. Try to drag you down with them because they don't have the drive to do what you're doing. Keep up the good work.