Morning or night?

SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
So i have not been sleeping since Monday, well a couple of hours each night. and i was wondering if anyone has had a problem with this after working out at night, or before bed? Could this be my sleep problem? nothing else has changed but working out at night. Thanks for your input


  • yesmith61
    I noticed I sleep real good after working out at night. Before, when I worked out earlier I couldn't sleep well at night. I love working out after work and some time before bed time. But I do know of people who can't workout at night because it keeps them up. You might have to change it around and see if working out in the morning is best for you.
  • karmakim
    karmakim Posts: 32
    Working out in the morning works out so much better for me- and gives me more energy throughout the day - it is mostly and individual preference but if i work out early in the AM I am ready to go to bed and sleep earlier in the evening.
  • cindyrey
    cindyrey Posts: 53
    I workout in the morning and I too see more energy when I do, and I fell better too.
  • beth230blue
    beth230blue Posts: 45 Member
    I work out when i can, but I like the morning as it gets me up and going and then I feel like I have my evenings free to relax with the family or run errands. I've read that if you exercise in the a.m. you also rev up your metabolism for the day. That can't hurt.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I work out in the morning and at night. I find an intense workout will keep me up at night, if I'm not careful. I need about 2 hours of wind-down time between exercise and sleep, or I am just too jazzed up to sleep.
  • SueD66
    SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
    Thanks for the input. I'm trying today to change things. I usually do my elliptical in the morning and my dvd workout at this morning i did the dvd.. will do the ellip. around 3 and hit the sheets at 9. Will see how it plays out, got to get those zzzz's in. Thanks again:)