I need help

Im trying to get back on track but its so hard to find the motivation again!!! Not fitting in my jeans should be motivation but its hard to stay on track especially when u start feeling depressed.. If anyone wants to be my friend and we can help each other do this.. It would be so appreciated!!!!!!


  • secoke
    secoke Posts: 69 Member
    Once my clothes stop fitting the same way I got so frustrated and upset! In the last year I finished school, got married and moved to a different country and I didn't exactly keep up good exercise and eating habits. I finally gave myself a good kick in the but around November and got some health issues sorted out so that working out is more enjoyable (something I never thought I would have said!). Definitely add me if you like :)
  • misswallie2u
    misswallie2u Posts: 28 Member
    hi. you can add me if you'd like.

    you can do this.. you just have to make up your mind that this is what you want and to start making small changes. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • its so hard when u try to wear ur favorite jeans and guezz what they dont fit anymore!!! I was doing so good going to the gym for 2 hours every day with my heart rate monitor (my best friend) I did this for about 8 months. Then I started working a 3rd shift so I was always so tiered to even think about the gym!! between work, a 3yr old, cooking, cleaning, washing and my 9yr old it was just way to hard!!! The only thing that helped me not gain the weight was the 8 to 10 hours of running around ..
  • I will do this, if I did it once I can do it again!!! and with the support u guys r giving me it makes me feel stronger!!! Thankyou
  • Meddy450
    Meddy450 Posts: 23
    Hi Maryposa. I have been on this site since the beginning of January and it has really helped me with my weight loss goals. However after two months of sticking with it, I find that this past week I have been losing my motivation a little bit. Feel free to add me if you like. Maybe we can encourage eachother to kick ourselves into high gear! Good luck!
  • wolfehound22
    wolfehound22 Posts: 859 Member
    Feel free to add me, even after two years i still find it hard to find motivation. I use a lot of different things to motivate, like family older pics when i was in shape, or even better when i wasnt. Try and set short and long term goals, like fitting into those jeans. There are plenty of peoplr here to help motivate, but u also have to want to do this, we are just here to help :)
  • Hi, my name is Nicole T.

    Take it one day at a time, make yourself a list of 10 things you want to accomplish during the day. ex: cook supper, take a shower, take a walk, clean room, read an inspiring poem, etc.... make sure to put some sort of exercise in that list. You need to start somewheres, baby steps, I recently helped someone close to me, maybe talking to your family doctor would help too!

    Good white energy being sent to you, feel free to contact me anytime

  • Luvmyboxerboy
    Luvmyboxerboy Posts: 130 Member
    You can totally do this! I am the biggest chip eater out there, muncher, constantly chewing something! I was always very thin premise then I think I used the pregnancy excuse to eat like a cow......twice! Lol.....so needless to say I have an extra 25lbs that needs to vacate! I would love to help motivate you and add you as a friend, they people here are great!!!
  • hteb82
    hteb82 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm not sure what you do for work but is it possible to incorperate something into your work? If you bring some resistant bands or small weights in with you maybe you can just take a break from work and do some stations with those. I have an office and every 30 minutes I get up and walk through the house I work at and stand up for 10 minutes or so and that way I am not sitting for 8 hours while at work. I also heard on the news today for people who dont' have a lot of time if you do 3 mintues of intense exercise 3 days away that alone will significantly improve your health. You may not be able to get a good solid work out in quite yet, but if you start to do little things it may motivate you to keep going and do more.
  • BeeSunny
    BeeSunny Posts: 172 Member
    There should be an 'easy' button for losing weight!!!
    The only thing I find that has really helped me is my own motivation, I started logging everything I ate, and was shocked at how many calories I was consuming!! I walk as much as I can I am a full time student and spend a lot of time sitting at the computer. I just now started allowing myself to have friends on here, I was so ashamed and thought others would judge me. I have found great support with the people here on MFB and with my fitbit!! I found the more I talk about why I eat what I eat I want to eat it less, but that is what works for me everyone is different. I have been reading 'Coach yourself thin' and it has opened my eyes a great deal on giving myself permission to have a treat, something I was ashamed of doing.
    Stick with it you can do this, but it won't happen over night, I am 47 and struggling because it it so much harder to lose weight. At one point in my life I lost 50 pounds unfortunately I ate myself back up the scale.
    Good luck to you :smile:
  • hteb82
    hteb82 Posts: 6 Member
    Have you tried the special K chips? They come in new flavors and the 2 new flavors (cheddar and southwest ranch) are amazing, better than the original. The great thing about these if you are a chip eater you can loose control and accidently eat the whole box the worse case scenario is consuming 385 calories. They have 3 g of fiber in them too so it's hard to eat the whole box because they get filling. I only had 2 servings yesterday as a snack (220 cals) and I was so full from that I ended up missing lunch. Just an idea to help you indulge yet stay on track.