I drink diet coke every day, and I do know it's not the healthiest beverage to have...but does it prevent weight loss?


  • Minnie92x
    Minnie92x Posts: 107
    I drink about a can a day? Whilst i'm working out I remember I have a cold can of diet coke waiting for me :D But i'm pretty sure it's not good for you.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    does it prevent weight loss?

  • Elkcan
    Elkcan Posts: 19
    Diet Coke doesn't have any calories, so I don't think it will prevent weight loss. Some people say that the aspartame can make you gain weight or give you cancer, but I've yet to see any credible sources that validate those claims. Also, I have heard that using diet drinks or candy to satiate a craving for sugar is not good when trying to make a lifestyle change because it is still teaching your body to crave sweet things, making you more likely to "cheat" on your diet later.
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    No, its not good for you. Am I losing weight while drinking it.............heck yah! Enjoy your coke! Too many radicals on here.....ha!:bigsmile:
  • It just makes my head hurt, but it didn't stall weight loss.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Nope, but I do love my splenda in my coffee :laugh:
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    Just keep in mind that, even though it has zero caries, it still has caffeine, so don't depend on it as a substitute for water.
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I've done with and without and saw no differences in my weight losses. Many other things impact it more.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I drink 2-3 a day and I have seen no effect on weight loss.
  • Isn't it bad enough we have to count all the calories we eat, deprive us with the food we really love, (that is not good for us) When do we stop the insanity ?? Hell if you want to have a frickin Diet Coke have it . Jesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss !!!
  • DaveMXF
    DaveMXF Posts: 52
    After giving up regular soda during P90X, I still wanted my soda, so I drank diet, until I watched this. Now water is is my favorite beverage!
  • maggie16sweetxoxo
    maggie16sweetxoxo Posts: 314 Member
    YES IT CAN. It had ingredients that your liver can't process easily so your liver spend so much time breaking those down that it can't burn as much fat. Also the carbination stretches your stomach! I stoped drinking Diet Pepsi for the same reasons cut back on it, or stop cold turkey drink lots of water. Treat yourself to maybe having a glass once a week. Hope it helped! good luck!:happy:
  • DeborahStanley
    DeborahStanley Posts: 90 Member
    Coke, sprite, even plain old stores own lemonade, it's the bubbles that fill me up and stop me from snacking before dinnertime :)
  • Milletp
    Milletp Posts: 80 Member
    I'm a diet coke-a-holic. Years ago when I did Weight Watchers for the first time I switched from drinking regular Pepsi to Diet coke and was successful at losing 50 lbs. I know I would be better off not drinking soda at all but right now I simply don't want to give it up. I am trying to drink less of it and drink more water. Anyway, to answer your question it has never deterred my weight loss.
    Some feel the bigger concern is that it's just bad for you in other ways i.e., if it will clean your toilet and rust off a battery is it something we should be putting in our body.
  • _AshLynn
    _AshLynn Posts: 134 Member
    Not better than water...and some people link its addititves to cancer causing things....but on weight loss, for me it curbs my appetite...which prevents me from snacking when I am not hungry & I would say it's possible.
  • Shaudo
    Shaudo Posts: 1
    It also has as much phosphoric acid as regular coke, so it's not the best thing for your bones. If I could stand the stuff, I would say enjoy your coke, but don't enjoy it TOO often, and don't let it be your go-to drink every time you're thirsty. Water's a lot better for you.
  • small4me
    small4me Posts: 45 Member
    I have drank Diet Coke for way too many years (since it first came out and we would drive down to the states to bring back cases of it) !! and lots of it some days. Last year I did switch to caffeine free diet coke, as I am getting older I find the caffeine does affect me know so I can still drink it in the evening for my evening treats and fall asleep at night.

    The sodium is probably the worst part that I find, but I do have low blood pressure and so I don't worry about the sodium.

    Drink up if you want to and don't have side effects from it, then I would say it is all good. (but I am not a dr. LOL)
  • Thanks Everyone! Love MFP :)
  • I sure miss my Diet Coke. I'm nearing the end of week one without any. :sad:
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    well I am not a coke guy, have always been a Pepsi fan so my drink is Diet Pepsi although I wish we could go old school back to the early 80's when they had Pepsi Light with a hint of Lemon-lime.... But anyhow if there was one thing I was not going to give up it was my Diet Pepsi and over the last 32 months I have managed to lose alittle weight while drinking it daily so I stand in the camp that it doesn't effect weightloss..............