

  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    Diet the breakfast of champions :) I have about 20 oz a day...and 80 oz of water a day. It balances
  • fameyjo
    fameyjo Posts: 14 Member
    I used to drink about 4 ltrs of diet pop a day (I know, that's WAAAAY too much) and did so for years. Then I read how the artificial sweeteners sill caused your pancreas to release insulin and that messed up your metabolism... bla bla bla. So as a resolution this year, I gave up all diet pop (OMG, it was so HARD). I've been actively trying to drop a few pounds so it's not like it's all the diet pop, but in the last 2 months I've lost 25lbs! Yay! I've replaced the pop with club soda and lemon (when I'm craving pop) or else I drink water. Uuugh, so much water... :o) I DO wonder if the diet pop had anything to do with how much easier it was to lose the weight.

  • Leannek74
    Leannek74 Posts: 374 Member
    I think so, I quit my Diet Dr Pepper addiction and ended up losing about 7 pounds without changing anything else! It's definately worth the try!
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 616 Member
    After giving up regular soda during P90X, I still wanted my soda, so I drank diet, until I watched this. Now water is is my favorite beverage!

    I fail to understand how that video convinced you to give up diet soda. From the beginning, the theme of the video was balance. Even one diet soda a day along with plenty of water should provide balance.
  • JeremyMo88
    JeremyMo88 Posts: 18 Member
    No, its not good for you. Am I losing weight while drinking it.............heck yah! Enjoy your coke! Too many radicals on here.....ha!:bigsmile:

    She's right. The most important thing in all this is learning to eat better. It's all a mind over matter scenario.

    Don't be afraid to eat. If you want a Coke, have a Coke. This will prevent you from splurging.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    No, diet pop does not prevent weight loss. And although I'm of the opinion that it's not very healthy.....I still drink a can of diet soda a day :smile:
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I dont do anything "diet"..but my soda of choice is Dr Pepper..and I usually have it once a month...Its not healthy...but everyone has to figure out what works for them..
  • Gatominx
    Gatominx Posts: 61 Member
    I used to be a full fledged diet pepsi-holic. 3-4 a day at least. Since I have stopped (cold turkey) I find that my cravings for sugar have gone way way down which I think was a definite side affect of the aspartame. It tricks your body into thinking you're getting sugar so that when it realizes you're not, you're still craving sugar and will go off and eat crap, that's with my experience anyways! I do fully intend to drink pop every now and then since I dolove it (and it goes with Rum!) but at least cutting back I see has definitely improved my weight loss/get healthy goals! :)
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I've heard that it can by way of water retention, but one time I drank a big coke zero and ate some sugar cookies and rocked my weigh in and workout, so hey, not too bad on endurance, lol
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    I have a Coke Zero or Diet Dr. Pepper everyday. ONE. Sometimes don't even finish it. Just don't count it as part of your water.
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Diet coke or any other form of diet pop will not hurt you from losing weight.

    Sure, it's not the healthiest thing in the world to be drinking however weight loss comes down to calories in vs calories out.

    There hasn't been any scientific proof of any of the "side effects" some people claim for it to have.

    As long as it isn't your only drink during the day there is nothing wrong with enjoying it in moderation. There is sodium in it but not enough to make a difference. The artificial sweeteners come down to personal preference on if it's something you want to avoid or not.
  • Mdd2nd
    Mdd2nd Posts: 13
    I love diet coke as well and no it doesn't prevent weight loss... it isn't even probably that healthy for you! But if you have to have a soda it is better to drink diet and save yourself the calories... but don't let it be an excuse to eat unhealthy because you think your saving yourself the calories from the pop.
  • sg1982
    sg1982 Posts: 69 Member
    I am also a diet coke-a-holic/coke zero-a-holic! :drinker:

    I wish I couldn't be, but I drink it once or twice day. I am trying now to drink it just during the weekends.
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    I drink a can a day and it hasn't stopped my weight loss. I've been thinking about it a lot though this week and I think my challenge for next week is to kick the diet coke habit.
  • AreneeG31
    AreneeG31 Posts: 256 Member
    Diet Coke is my drug of choice! I have cut back significantly tho! I have seen a difference in my weight loss for the better but Im sure its bc Im drinking more water! :)
  • prairiedawg2014
    iam a diet coke addict lol. even throughout my diet i have 1 per day. i have lost 19 lbs in 2 months, so no, it does NOT prevent weightloss.
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    Yes it can! It is because it contains aspartame, which is a artifical sweetner, and aspartame is harder for your body to break down because it doesn't know how to process it. I have even heard that it can builds up in your body. That is why many people start off their weight loss with a detox to rid their body of everything that has been building up. Also, diet coke can erode your teeth.

    Don't get me wrong I love coke! But one option that I like is substituting coke for carbonated water. I found that all I was craving was the carbonation of the soda. And this option is calorie free too.

    however..... nothing can beat a tall glass of cold water on a hot day :-)

    Keep Calm and Carry On,
  • onelilredhen
    i dont know if it prevents weight loss, but i know for myself, when i quit soda cold turkey, i did lose weight,,, was told that the carbonation has sodium or something that makes a person retain weight (and if i am wrong as to the reason, i stand corrected) but bottom line, i lost weight by quitting soda.
  • Emili03
    Emili03 Posts: 164 Member
    I'm a diet coke-a-holic. Years ago when I did Weight Watchers for the first time I switched from drinking regular Pepsi to Diet coke and was successful at losing 50 lbs. I know I would be better off not drinking soda at all but right now I simply don't want to give it up. I am trying to drink less of it and drink more water. Anyway, to answer your question it has never deterred my weight loss.
    Some feel the bigger concern is that it's just bad for you in other ways i.e., if it will clean your toilet and rust off a battery is it something we should be putting in our body.

    lol, I second that! Although, I might have some rust I need help cleaning out of my system!! :laugh: