I quit!!!

My first post ever...I'm doing the "biggest loser" at work, and Fridays are our weigh in days. I had a bad week and gained a few pounds this week. Whatever...I had not gained before now. but what upset me so much were the guys standing around the scale making stupid comments. "Oh she had to pay?!? (we pay 50 cents per pound gained), and "it's the sweater, maybe she shouldn't have worn the sweater today". I had to walk away from them with one shoe on and one off so as not to cry in front of my co-workers. While I know they were just joking around with me, where is the encouragement? It would never enter my mind to joke about someone because they gained 3 pounds that week. I already feel bad enough for ruining my week with the chocolate chip cookies on Weds. I don't need crap from other people about it. My vent session.


  • tmbaker03
    tmbaker03 Posts: 13 Member
    That's tough! I'm sorry to hear they were so insensitive! Just remember 1. they are guys and sometimes they are lacking the sensitivity gene, and 2. It is a competition, maybe they were trying to get into your head. Don't let them! Everyone has a bad week and it's tough. I personally had a very bad week last week. I was up 4 pounds and I couldn't figure out why. It was so discouraging and I wanted to give up. Luckily I've made some pretty great friends on MFP that helped me stay motivated. They told me to keep doing what I'm doing and it will come back off, and it did. As of today (my weigh in day I was down 2.5 pounds). Don't let anyone discourage you, use their negativity to push through. You're not doing this for them, you're doing this for yourself. You can do it!
  • tkaawa
    tkaawa Posts: 302
    Don't be so hard on yourself. Pick yourself back up and dust yourself off..you know you had a bad week...so next week work harder and laugh in their faces after.....Challenges/Competitions are much more challenging so just push yourself that much harder...remember that YOU are YOUR biggest critic, LET DOWN,FAILURE & SUPPORTER all in one...no one can take anything away from you unless you let them.
    I've read in a thread earlier this week that it takes 21 days to get in the groove of everything....once you're over that 21 days its smoothe sailing from there..but again, we all have our days/weeks whatever you wanna call it...it's how you react on it and fix it that counts...
    Here's something i got from one of my BB Coaches
    "Your RESULTS are 100% related to YOUR effort, not someone else's!!!"

    "I am alwasy shocked when i see people quit. Do they not understand quitting to avoid failure is actually just securing failer?"--Carl Daikeler
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Ignore them - guys can be absolute clods! And often they think they are being encouraging or supportive, and have no clue that they are being insensitive twits. :grumble:

    Get your encouragement & motivation from here - my MFP friends are the best! We all have setbacks, we all have days when we munch down on cookies or some other treat and the weight goes up a bit. No big deal, every day is a new day to make good choices. Don't give up! :flowerforyou:
  • mandie0378
    mandie0378 Posts: 73 Member
    My last job did the "Biggest Loser" thing and I refused to participate because I suspected the exact same thing would happen to me. My weight fluctuates all the time.

    The funny part was, at the time I was doing the old WW Points program and managed to lose 38lbs in 6 months. Everyone else was taking some RX diet pill and while losing faster started having ill effects. The GM even passed out twice, hitting his head on a curb the last time. Everyone quickly got off the stuff and gained all their weight right back.

    I didn't start gaining anything until I quit watching myself and unfortunately allowed 20lbs to creep back on over 9 months.

    The moral of the story is: do what you have to do to be successful for yourself. Maybe you will need to let the people know how it makes you uncomfortable. If they continue to do it remember this, most people like that don't stick with the program after the competition anyway. So while you will still be on your journey after that ends, they will bloat up like a bunch of mashmallows. :)
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    People get competitive with these things. I'm sure they didn't realise they were hurting your feelings.

    Week to week fluctuations are normal. I doubt a couple of cookies made that big a difference. Honestly, it is probably just water retention.
  • Schula03
    Schula03 Posts: 171 Member
    My first post ever...I'm doing the "biggest loser" at work, and Fridays are our weigh in days. I had a bad week and gained a few pounds this week. Whatever...I had not gained before now. but what upset me so much were the guys standing around the scale making stupid comments. "Oh she had to pay?!? (we pay 50 cents per pound gained), and "it's the sweater, maybe she shouldn't have worn the sweater today". I had to walk away from them with one shoe on and one off so as not to cry in front of my co-workers. While I know they were just joking around with me, where is the encouragement? It would never enter my mind to joke about someone because they gained 3 pounds that week. I already feel bad enough for ruining my week with the chocolate chip cookies on Weds. I don't need crap from other people about it. My vent session.

    JERKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They should not even be around the weigh in area!!!!
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    sometimes in life you just have to say **** em
    chances are when they are making comments they just wanna feel better about themselves. so screw them, worry about you, and prove them all wrong.
    you got this, girl ;]
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    So, I am confused. Did you actually quit the competition? If you didn't just get right back at it and be very diligent this week, you'll be fine. Of course they're not going to encourage you, they all want to win the money. They want you to feel like crap and give up.
  • WhiteCoc0
    WhiteCoc0 Posts: 160 Member
    Wow! I honestly don't understand humans. Keep up the good work for yourself not some program full of people who have no compassion. Competition is one thing, but thats just plain rude.
  • katzblood
    katzblood Posts: 41
    the guys at my work deliberately put on over 20lbs around the holidays & carry weights in their pockets just so at the end they can win all the $ in our biggest loser competition.. needless to say I'm not playing the game this year.
  • RetroGlitzDiva
    RetroGlitzDiva Posts: 109 Member
    Its truely amazing how rude people can be! Wish I could give you a hug! They are not worth your time and energy. Pick yourself up, dust your self off and leave them in your dust. Turn around that hurt into power!
  • angraham2
    angraham2 Posts: 128
    Don't listen to them. you have all the support you need right here. The biggest loser doesn't produce the positive environment that it should. It's not healthy mentally. Take care, you are doing awesome!
  • CashierCantin
    CashierCantin Posts: 206 Member
    I'm sorry you went through that. I would never join a team with guys. I just know how they are. There are two coworkers right now having a percentages contest and they joke and tease each other, which is all well and good when it's them but if it were me I would prolly cry just because I am so sensitive about my weight.

    Brush it off....do well this week and KILL em on the scale!
  • kathybro75
    kathybro75 Posts: 51 Member
    please dont quit. that would be all your hard work and determination gone down the drain. let them off. men are such idiots. i believe in karma ie. what goes around comes around and when it does you will have the last and best laugh. feel free to add me if you need a new motivation buddy:flowerforyou:
  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member
    How frustrating and discouraging.

    Yes, they were insensitive, and there is no excuse for that. You can't control what they do or say, but you can control your reaction to it.

    I know this is all easier said than done, but please try to innoculate yourself against them. Keep your overall goal, and what is best for you, in mind. We all know our weight will fluctuate. I get discouraged by a little upward blip (or no change at all) on the scale--it would be hard to deal with guys like that on top of scale disappointment. But, again, keep your overall goal in mind.

    And, like someone else said, look to your MFP friends. We are all here on the journey together. Setbacks happen. We're human. In the end, we all want what's best for each other and ourselves.

    One final thought: To hell with those guys.
  • grmpy1
    grmpy1 Posts: 462 Member
    Quiters never win and Winners Never Quit!

    Today is a new day. Start this new week with a new outlook and go from there. Cookies on Wednesday did not kill your whole week. Re-evaluate what you ate and go from there. Only you can get yourself down. You are the only one that counts.

    Think Positive! You got this!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Boys. :ohwell:

    However, clothes do make you weigh more.....you know what's coming next, right?
  • CS4Throw
    CS4Throw Posts: 4 Member
    Guys call that trash-talk.

    Use it as motivation to beat them. You can do it !!

  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Why is your topic titled "I quit!!!"? Are you quitting the contest at work? MFP? I hope neither. Stick with it.

    You can choose to take the comments negatively or not. Up to you. It's not easy, I know. But it is simple. You can choose to take it as them giving you crap or being insensitive or simply teasing you as they might tease themselves (e.g., treating you as a friend). If you want to say something to them, what about saying exactly what you posted? Maybe they have no idea your feelings were hurt.

    You may find more success and happiness with your weight loss if you seek out encouragement rather than expect it. That can be a nuanced difference, but an important one I think.
  • jjoseph329
    jjoseph329 Posts: 39 Member
    Don't quit due to others stupidity..Its okay that you gained 3 pounds, just work harder this week. Never give a person the satisfaction of you quiting or being mad. let the haters motivate you to do better.