so discouraged :(



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    oops. I used to pray for patience, then I learned my lesson on that. I'm adding "Give me motivation" to my list of things not to ask for now.

    I'm sure she feels as bad as you do about the slip of the tongue/fingers. . . we all say stuff before we think......just move on.
  • mrskellyray
    mrskellyray Posts: 114
    That sucks :( I don't really know what to say but I wanted to let you know I think you're beautiful and from what I can see of it, I love your wedding dress! :)

    Thanks so much! that wedding was about 2 years and 20 pounds ago! :) but my dress was Beautiful, and I got an amazing husband out of the deal too. :)
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    People that make comments like this are beyond IDIOTS. My baby daughter had a strawberry birth mark on her left cheek and absolute strangers would walk up and touch it and make comments like "what did she do to herself" or "how did you let her burn herself". Well 24 years later she is still my little girl, the birth mark is gone and she is happily married to a wonderful husband. Use the comments as motivation and IGNORE the %$# %$#)s of the world.

    After breaking my left leg in 3 places about a year ago I started on my fitness quest, against doctor's orders, this past January 10th - the one year anniversary of my quiting smoking. Exercising wasn't too rough but changing the amount and what I was used to eating was. Motivation and desire are the keys - if I can do this you can too! Keep posting whenever you are feeling like you need support and there will always be MFPers ready to help you out.
  • Melissa_DLC
    Don't let it bother you! I have had that happen to me twice in the past when I was almost 50 lbs heavier than I am today and I just brushed it off because really I was happy with my body. My weight didn't depress me and I had a loving longtime boyfriend that was attracted to me, that was all that mattered to me! I have started to lose weight for health issues and to get in shape before I get married and start having kids. Do not let other people's dumb comments or thoughts affect how you feel about yourself. As long as you are happy no one else's opinion matters!
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    If it were me, which it wouldn't because I'm a dude, but if it were, I'd probably reply with some dark humor like, "nope, just a fatass" or maybe darker like, "nope, it was a giant tumor." Why? Partially for shock value I guess, but also because, you ask a stupid question...

    People have said things about me that hurt my feelings, but you know what? I really let myself go, and I have to turn the negativity into positivity - motivation, amusement, whathaveyou - in order not to cover up my pain, but to help me accept where I was, and to help drive me forward to where I want to be.

    You need to focus on the fact that you're making changes, and keep doing it. Don't get down on yourself - that will be detrimental to your success. And as others have said, people are stupid.
  • greenmm25
    greenmm25 Posts: 175 Member
    I am shaped the same way, way back when I was thin and only weighed 130 lbs and was asked if I was pregnant too, i was shocked, but now i that I am not so light I have to watch what i wear cause i look very Pregnant like 7 months along. but hey people shouldnt asume stuff like that but they do. Your working hard and keep it up. And your not alone.
  • mrscao
    mrscao Posts: 6 Member
    Hiiiii, ~ I sooo get it. I am 5'8" and my highest weight ever was 188 (+/- 5) at the end of each of my 5 pregnancy's. I had some health problems several years back that had prevented me from working out. Fast forward and here I sit at a whopping 272 lbs. My sister has realized great success with the help of this site and it has motivated me to be more faithful to it.

    Just gotta take it one day at a time =) Good luck with the JM Body Revolution!!! Keep us posted on how you like it. :laugh:
  • Aquamohawk
    Aquamohawk Posts: 5 Member
    I hate blunt Comments like that ! So sorry you had to go through that experience =( I know most women do but don't let this affect you ! keep your chin up this Journey is sooooooooooooooooooooo worth it ! =D
  • Kristena2009
    Kristena2009 Posts: 28 Member
    Your husband sounds like a sweet thoughtful man who thinks you are beautiful inside and out. Its great to have people who support you that you love. My mom told me I looked pregnant last summer and I had only gained 20 lbs or so.

    I actually know of a funny story about my aunt that always comes to mind.

    my aunt has struggled with her weight a while and she was a bit heavier when she and her 2 young daughters were grocery shopping. the girls were 3 and 6. She ran into an old friend from high school that she hadn't seen and since she had gained weight after high school since she was quite a bit bigger the man assumed she was pregnant and said wow contrats i havent seen you in so long. 2 kids and one on the way you must be so busy! ...she was so mortified that she didnt't correct him and just politely said thankyou. a year or 2 later she had coincidentally got on a dieting program and had lost a lot of weight when she was babysitting my other aunts baby. so the kids she had were a one year old, and her other 2, about 5 and 8. She ran into that same exact man in church and he assumed that it was her baby and congratulated her again. by this point she had dug herself in deep so she didn't want to admit her previous lie and even though she was in church she kept up the lie.....flashforward to a year and a half later she ran into the man and his wife again but this time she was only with her 2 daughters and not babysitting. The man said hey you remember my friend from high school, she has 3 kids now...wheres your other one? she said she felt terrible doing this in the lord's house but she just acted like the man didn't know what she was talking about and said she has only ever had 2 kids.

    I love my aunt for that story and I'm proud of her for taking control of her weight but its just a reminder that stuff like that happens and you can't let it discourage you.