Apple Cider Vinegar and Weightloss

Krissy_b777 Posts: 87
edited November 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
Does Apple Cidar Vinegar really help you to lose weight? Pros, Cons, and practices if you use it.


  • privatetime
    privatetime Posts: 118
    Ah...the apple cider vinegar.

    For me, it had no impact.

    I tried it a few years ago, before I learned I was insulin resistant (thus, essentially inacpable of weight loss without an insulin sensitizer, no matter what I did). I haven't tried it since I solved that problem and have successfully lost weight through diet & exercise.

    When I was trying the ACV experiment, I swigged a shot glass of the real deal: full-strength, organic apple cider vinegar, with "mother", once a day, for a couple of weeks. I didn't lose any weight (back then, even starvation didn't lead to weight loss, though), and didn't notice any obvious health benefits. So, I stopped.

    Now you're making me want to give it another go. ;-) I'd all but forgotten the ol' time-y claims of every manner of health benefit associated with the stuff.

    Being vinegar and all, it's damaging to tooth enamel, so you want to minimize exposure to teeth, and rinse the mouth copiously after ingesting. You also want to drink lots of water, to dilute any residual ACV from your esophagus. From what I read, there are no health benefits associated with the filtered (clear) variety used for cooking.

    Hmmmm... I wonder if I should give it another try? Now you have me thinking... :-)
  • OnceAndFutureAthlete
    OnceAndFutureAthlete Posts: 192 Member
    I tried it a few years ago, before I learned I was insulin resistant (thus, essentially inacpable of weight loss without an insulin sensitizer, no matter what I did). I haven't tried it since I solved that problem and have successfully lost weight through diet & exercise.

    Sorry to go OT, but can you reveal how you did this and what an insulin sensitizer is? Thanks.
  • privatetime
    privatetime Posts: 118
    No problem! :-)

    An insulin sensitizer is something that makes the body respond more normally to insulin. In simple terms, us insulin resistant folks just keep pumping out insulin when we eat carb's and protein, which triggers our bodies to store evey little bit we eat as fat. It is virtually impossible for insulin resistant people to lose weight through diet and exercise alone.

    If you look at many online sources for ways to naturally treat PCOS-related insulin resstance, you'll find that cinnamon is the most recommended option.

    It worked for me from the very first day I started taking it in capsule form. I lost 2 lbs by the next morning, then averaged a few tenths of a pound lost each day since, with rarely any stagnant days. I've been averaging about 10lbs/month, literally, from the day I started taking it.

    Medical studies tested dosges ranging from 1 to 6g/day, with no significant differences. I followed the advice of several online sources and tried a range of 2-4g/day. Three or 4 work best for my body. And yes, you can just eat plain, ol' cinnamon. But you do want to make sure it's a variety that's effective for this purpose, such as the cinnamomum cassia or cinnamomum verum varieties. I've read there are some cinnamon supplements from other varieties that don't work as well, although I have no personal experienc with this.

    Of course, it has no weight loss effect if you aren't insulin resistant, or aren't burning more calories than you consume.

    I've also read that a combination of cinnamon and chromium may be even more effective in treating PCOS-related insulin resistance. There are supplements on the market, such as Nature's Bounty 2000mg cinnamon plus chromium. But I haven't tried that yet.
  • OnceAndFutureAthlete
    OnceAndFutureAthlete Posts: 192 Member
    Thanks so much for this.
    From reading stuff on line, I believe I'm insulin resistant as well, and have been keeping to a pretty low (simple) carb diet as a way to combat this. Coincidentally, I've also been adding 1t of cinnamon to my morining protein shake (my standard breakfast). I'll have to check what kind of cinnamon this is and make sure it's the right kind. Will be interesting to see if this makes a difference. I already take a supplement with chromium.

    Thanks again!
  • All of this is so interesting. Thank you all for posting. I have several co workers that swear by this stuff. I have never tried it, so I was curious. Now I am curious about this insulin thing. I have lost 9 pounds so far, nothing this week at 1210 calories a day, workout 5 times a week. I am watching my diary more carefully, I just started about a month or do ago, so I am still learning to make alternative healthy food choices. Goal is at least 2 pounds per week. The first 9 was quick.
  • privatetime
    privatetime Posts: 118
    Congrats on the loss, kbrassell!

    I will say that it's (apparently) very difficult for someone with untreated insulin resistance to lose weight, at all. The more common complaint is weight gain, after starting a diet & exercise plan.

    I already knew I had PCOS. I just didn't know that insulin resistance was linked to it. Plus, I don't seem to have been insulin resistant for very long. Once I learned about, the pieces all fell into place.

    But, you know what? I may just go back and try the ACV thing, again. I forgot all about it. Maybe it will help me lose even just a little bit more weight, now? Who knows? Can't hurt. Lots of people swear by it, for other health reasons. Just be careful of your teeth and your throat. I always rinsed like crazy, and chugged probably 8 or more ounces of water, afterwards. :-) It IS vile stuff to drink.
  • StWortham
    StWortham Posts: 15
    My older sis swears by ACV. I used 2 start each morning off w/1TBSP but beware, it's not 4 the faint-of-heart. Follow up w/a water chaser (@ least 8oz) cuz that stuff BURNS! It helped cut the fat which was GR8 4 me! However, I've heard ppl say the same thing about adding lemon water 2 your diet. Either way, good luck :smile:
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    I hear of people mixing it with 8 oz of water and drinking it diluted. I don't suppose that would have any detrimental effect on its potency, would it?

    Is it better for some reason to drink it straight?

    (I just picked up a bottle tonight and had my first drink, diluted, a little while ago. It feels like its definitely doing something.)
  • chippy83
    chippy83 Posts: 92 Member
    Any other thoughts on using ACV, or possibly Cinnamon?

    I'm looking for a way to boost what minimal weight loss I have...
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    i add 2tsp to 8oz water
    i think he helps me lose water weight
    when i don't take it i feel puffy
  • karen0214
    karen0214 Posts: 120 Member
    bump for reading later
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    It feels like its definitely doing something.

    Just what, pray tell?
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Here's a lengthy and very recent discussion about this same subject:
  • msps1973
    msps1973 Posts: 52 Member
    My friend drinks this before each meal: 8 oz water, 2 tbsp ACV( with Mother) and lemon, shake of cinnamon and cayenne pepper, 1 packet of stevia. I was drinking it for a week and did notice my "pooch" disapear. I was just looking at my ACV in the fridge this morning- I am going to start this drink again today!!!!
  • MisterIncredible
    MisterIncredible Posts: 8 Member
    I don't know about weight loss, but whenever my stomach doesn't feel right, I take a couple of TBLS mixed with apple juice and my stomach pain goes away.
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