Fat-Loss Tricks That Actually Work

This is from the famous show Dr Oz:

By Lisa Lynn

No matter what type of diet or fitness program you choose, the fact of the matter is you still have to eat less calories than you burn off if you want to lose weight. The truth is you don’t even have to step foot into a gym to lose weight if you follow this rule. Now, trust me – I am not suggesting that you don’t exercise because exercise will keep the weight off. But, I am saying that even when life gets busy and you don’t get into the gym, you will still lose weight if your calories are on track.

You need to know these three numbers if you are serious about burning fat:

Calories - Multiply your goal weight by 10 = Total calories per day (Example: Your goal weight is 120 pounds; 120 x 10 = 1200 calories per day)
Carbohydrates need to be kept at 100 grams or less per day to lose weight and reduce body fat.
Fat - Eat less than 20 grams per day to lose weight and body fat!

How do I do this you ask? Here are five easy ways to push your body into the fat-burning zone before you enter the gym!

1.Replace your favorite breakfast with a clean whey protein shake; this will increase your metabolism 25% and keep it burning strong all day. Be sure your shake is under 160 calories, low carb and no fat! Look for 24 grams of protein max.
2.Have a large tossed salad with 3 ounces of chicken breast or tuna fish for lunch. Your best bet is to have a shake and a salad (no animal protein) if you really want to lose fast!
3.Instead of your favorite snack foods, have a piece of fruit instead to cleanse and detox your body.
4.Swap the starch out at dinner for an additional vegetable. This is easier to do than you think! Go for grilled fish with a salad and vegetable – or better yet, have three vegetables!
5.Try to eat between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. – not before or after. This is a very easy yet extremely effective way to get your body to burn stored fat for fuel.
Each one of these simple swaps can cause you to lose 1-2 pounds in the first week, the safe and healthy way. Try to follow this cleansing program for 1-2 weeks, depending on how much weight you need to lose. Many professional models and actresses follow this system Monday through Thursday to keep their weight in check and their bodies running clean and healthy! Don’t forget to do 60 minutes of cardio a day to get your fat-burning engines running in high gear!


  • hazev74
    hazev74 Posts: 252 Member
    thanks for this.
  • Lorraine128
    Lorraine128 Posts: 236 Member
  • littlebluej
    littlebluej Posts: 102 Member
    1. Fat doesn't "make you fat". 20 grams of fat per day? The average diet should have fat at 20-30%.
    2. If I multiplied my *current* weight by 10, that's only 1050 calories, according to this calculation. Way, way too low.
    3. Practically anyone who follows a low carb, high protein diet will lose a pound or more the first week, but this is mostly due to water weight, not fat loss.
  • thanks,gonna try this,seems to make a lot of sense
  • jameslucy
    jameslucy Posts: 85 Member
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    "Fat - Eat less than 20 grams per day to lose weight and body fat! "

    ARE YOU SERIOUS?! I eat 60g of fat every single day and I've lost 4lbs in the last four days. I hate Dr. Oz for these reasons... its all ridiculous!

    "Replace your favorite breakfast with a clean whey protein shake; this will increase your metabolism 25% and keep it burning strong all day. Be sure your shake is under 160 calories, low carb and no fat! Look for 24 grams of protein max. "

    WHAT?! Seriously where is the evidence for this one? I bet any of my male friends with muscles and low body fat eat more than 24g of protein a meal. Seriously... I'd like to know how replacing any breakfast with a protein shake increases your metabolism by 25%?

    *sigh* I give up... these things just make me frustrated and annoyed. They'd only make any difference if you WEREN'T already calorie counting people.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    This is from the famous show Dr Oz:

    By Lisa Lynn

    No matter what type of diet or fitness program you choose, the fact of the matter is you still have to eat less calories than you burn off if you want to lose weight. The truth is you don’t even have to step foot into a gym to lose weight if you follow this rule. Now, trust me – I am not suggesting that you don’t exercise because exercise will keep the weight off. But, I am saying that even when life gets busy and you don’t get into the gym, you will still lose weight if your calories are on track.

    You need to know these three numbers if you are serious about burning fat:

    Calories - Multiply your goal weight by 10 = Total calories per day (Example: Your goal weight is 120 pounds; 120 x 10 = 1200 calories per day)
    Carbohydrates need to be kept at 100 grams or less per day to lose weight and reduce body fat.
    Fat - Eat less than 20 grams per day to lose weight and body fat!

    that would put me at 2200 calories. my BMR is 2500. no thanks.

    5.Try to eat between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. – not before or after. This is a very easy yet extremely effective way to get your body to burn stored fat for fuel.

    lol. I work graveyard. 11pm-7am 5 days a week. I eat at different hours all the time. all the weight I lost has come while working graveyard shift. The eating at certain hours thing works for some people but it' not gospel.

  • lol. I work graveyard. 11pm-7am 5 days a week. I eat at different hours all the time. all the weight I lost has come while working graveyard shift. The eating at certain hours thing works for some people but it' not gospel.

    Was thinking this very same thing! Along with the "this isn't the gospel" -- why? Because I've done almost none of what he says here and, well, the ticket tells all...... NOT to say his recommendations cannot work - I'm sure they can, but I just don't want people to think it's guaranteed to work for them. There may be other methods that will work just as good or better.
  • Tajdancer
    Tajdancer Posts: 82 Member
    Let's see--1500 calories, low fat AND low carb? I'd be starving, bi*chy, and--well, starving and bi*chy. No thanks.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    What utter nonsense. This guy should be bullwhipped.

    Especially the part about 20g of fat and multiplying your goal weight x10. WTF?? He preys on ignorance.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    What utter nonsense. This guy should be bullwhipped.

    Especially the part about 20g of fat and multiplying your goal weight x10. WTF?? He preys on ignorance.

    YEP...this should actually be posted under what you do NOT have to do

  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Just what he says right here is a contradiction: "The truth is you don’t even have to step foot into a gym to lose weight if you follow this rule. Now, trust me – I am not suggesting that you don’t exercise because exercise will keep the weight off."

    Sensationalizing moron that should be shut down.
  • munchkinhugs
    munchkinhugs Posts: 278 Member
    I don't think Dr Oz is lame.. but I stopped reading as soon as I calculated the following:

    112.5 x 10 = 1125 > 1200..
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    my god! what CRAP...a protein shake will increase your metabolism 25%???

    have a chicken salad but dont eat animal protein?

    is this post a bad joke?

    dont eat after 6 pm? that crap again? this show should be banned
  • I think that everyone has valid points. There is no singular one fix for weight loss. If there were we'd all be models! But the basic principles of making healthier choices and watching your calories rings true. Then just tweak your diet accordingly to what your body responds best to.
  • Ngazey1985
    Ngazey1985 Posts: 8 Member
    So after reading all that anyone else for lunchtime lypo?? hahahaha!
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member

    Eat only between 9am-6pm? Are you kidding me?! I would be starving; I get up at 4am, do my workout and get ready for work by 6am. BY the time I get to work and "start" my day at 8, I still have an hour to kill. That's ridiculous. Although I do try to watch my fat consumption 20g a day is low. As for the carbs thing, yes that is true. Keeping your carb intake to 100g a day or less is better to keep your glucose levels in check. It helps if you are trying to have a continuous, and steady weight loss.

    Everything else, though, sounds crazy
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    What a bunch of crap! Sorry but it is.
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 410 Member
    You lost me at 'tricks'! Weight loss tricks are generally bull****!
  • Where did you get this BS in a info commercial !! This diet is wrong Sorry . There is nothing wrong with good fat and good carbs . There is no frickin TRICK in loosing weight, there is no fad diet, there is no magic pill .Eating a proper diet and counting calories and working your *kitten* off looses weight . Noting else