How often do u weigh in ?

giag09 Posts: 203 Member
I weigh in every morning to see how my food intake and exercise is affecting me . I think it keeps me accountable . How about ya ll ?


  • IzzyLaw16
    Once a week. It means if you slip up slightly one day you can still see results at the end of the week. It keeps me positive as the results at the end of the week are bigger than each day too. I think of I was weighing myself every day I would feel demotivated if I hadn't lost anything and especially if I had put weight on, no matter how small the amount x
  • successiswithinme
    successiswithinme Posts: 91 Member
    Only once a week and usually at the same (approx) time each week. Any thing more than that and it would discourage me with all the fluctuations that go onl
  • emeraldowl
    emeraldowl Posts: 33 Member
    Once a week at the same time of the day. As the others have said, I would get disheartened by daily fluctuations if I weighed in everyday.
  • frostman7
    frostman7 Posts: 7 Member
    Every morning. As soon as I roll out of bed. Sure there are slight flucuations. But not many. I need the motivation, encouragement and accountability. If I weighed myself once a week, I would probably only log once a week.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I weigh myself EVERY MORNING. I seriously do. I write all my numbers down on a calendar I've set aside just for my numbers. My official weigh in is Sunday, but I log every loss.

    By doing it daily, I have learned to understand how every little thing affects my weigh ins. I can see how much a sodium overload has affected me, I can see how much sleep made a difference or how thirsty I am compared to my weight. I use this as a way to stay on top of my changes and even if I have a surprise drop, I know how I ate the day before and how it might have caused it.
  • jengratto
    jengratto Posts: 6 Member
    I weigh myself every morning to see where I am, but the only one I log is Saturday morning's weight.
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    I weigh myself EVERY MORNING. I seriously do. I write all my numbers down on a calendar I've set aside just for my numbers. My official weigh in is Sunday, but I log every loss.

    By doing it daily, I have learned to understand how every little thing affects my weigh ins. I can see how much a sodium overload has affected me, I can see how much sleep made a difference or how thirsty I am compared to my weight. I use this as a way to stay on top of my changes and even if I have a surprise drop, I know how I ate the day before and how it might have caused it.
    EXACT same as me, all the way down to the calendar and the official weigh in on Sunday :)
  • GoMizzou99
    GoMizzou99 Posts: 512 Member
    I weigh daily or I am not accountable.
  • mrsvampette
    mrsvampette Posts: 99 Member
    I weigh in once a week. Every sunday.
  • emmamcblain
    emmamcblain Posts: 342
    Every Sunday morning. :)
  • RoughDiamondUK
    RoughDiamondUK Posts: 151 Member
    Every day. That way I get to see whether the weight has crept on slowly over the week, or whether it's a one-day overnight blip.
  • ls_66
    ls_66 Posts: 395 Member
    the scale is the worst enemy... I no longer weigh myself other than at the doctor's office...
  • hunter624
    hunter624 Posts: 252
    Every morning keeps me involved , once a week, I would prohaps loose interest or control.
  • lissrn
    lissrn Posts: 60 Member
    I weigh in on Sunday and will often get on the scale mid week to help keep me on board.
  • dms1974
    dms1974 Posts: 37 Member
    I weigh in on a weekly basis. Every Friday morning I weigh in and report my measurements.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I weigh every morning and record it, and that's it for the day.

    But it's lent and I gave the scale up, so once it's over I envision going to maybe once a week because I see it's not as big of a deal as I made it.
  • wombat94
    wombat94 Posts: 352 Member
    I weigh every morning... right after getting out of bed, before I shower.
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    Every Wed morning.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    Every couple of days I'll get on to check I'm not piling too much on but only record it once a month as I only seem to be losing after water comes off, at the minute 2-3lbs then nothing for rest of the month, but I'm only about 5-9lbs from goal depending on which goal I decide to go for! (9st 7 or 9st 3)
  • StephMcw
    StephMcw Posts: 22 Member
    Every morning, and every night to keep track...sadly addicted :sad: