losing motivation

j99li Posts: 421 Member
Its been over 255 days here on MFP and for the past 3 months, my weight hasnt budged. I started going to the gym this past week and started c25k on mwf and strength tues and thurs, with the weekend to rest, but my weight actually went up this morning (sat) to 192.8. Its so discouraging to see that after 5 days of hard work, my weight went up....

this plateau is stressing me out and now all i can think about is food and I am craving dim sum but i dont want to blow it all on sodium on the weekends.....

:cry: :cry:


  • Jezebel_Barbie
    Jezebel_Barbie Posts: 198 Member
    When I went through a bad patch on my driving lessons where I just DID NOT improve and some times it felt like I was going backwards I used to tell myself that every day on the plataeu was a day closer to the point where it would spike up again!

    It's hard not to take it badly but I think as long as you're doing everything right then sometimes it's just a case of slogging through it 'til you break through. Think how brilliant you'll finally feel when you lose that next pound!
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Why don't you have a full blown cheat meal/day and return tomorrow refocused and ready to push on?
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    After a steady loss for 8 months I reached a three month plateau. It sounds daft but I got a bout of food poisoning (I do not recommend this) but it did shock my body and I started losing again after. I say eat the dim sum, relax a bit and shock your body into changing. I definitely think the body starts to adapt to the different lifestyle and this is how plateaus come about.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I really sympathize because I've been plateaued for quite a while now. You might want to consider re-evaluating your calorie goal for the day. Sometimes, as you lose weight, it needs to be re-adjusted because your body has adapted to it. Unfortunately, it usually means a lower calorie count by 100-200 calories.

    In the past, I've actually upped my calorie count for a week, but continued by exercise; then lowered it. It kind of tricks your body into revving its engine again.

    The main thing to consider is this: working out and eating healthy is good for your body, whether you see a weight loss or not.... and isn't being healthier and living longer truly your ultimate goal? I mean, looking good is wonderful, but what good is it if you feel terrible?

    You can do this! Don't lose faith!

  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Why don't you have a full blown cheat meal/day and return tomorrow refocused and ready to push on?

    I agree with this. You should take a day where you eat what you want and fully enjoy it. If you can't enjoy it though, don't bother. Stress can cause us to hold on to weight sometimes. It has something to do with an increase in cortisone. So stressing about your weight might be causing you to hold on to weight.

    Other than this, all that I can tell you is to never give up. Constantly strive to find ways to improve your diet and fitness program. Give more focus to the journey than the final destination.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    you lose motivation when you deprive yourself, you can eat what you like a balance out the rest of you meals with things that are a bit better, and by drinking plenty of water, and keeping within your calorie goal.

    I HAD a 3 month plateau as well. I love to exercise, it's not something anyone has to convince me of, but I think I over did it and was not eating the right foods, even staying within my calorie goals. long story short, I took a break from the exercise for a little less than a week, watched what I was eating closer, and the weight started coming back off, but in that time, I was losing inches because I did do strength training as well, and even though I had not "loss" anything scale wise, I looked better, and clothes fit better and people noticed a difference overall. and I also upped my calories, and I unintentionally zigzagged them. it's simple if you just eat when you're hungry and make good choices when you do.

    P.S. I wouldn't be crying over 40lbs loss, that's where I plateaued, around 45 :) Deff. don't want to lose that progress by any means
  • emhill21
    emhill21 Posts: 126 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat, but at rest muscle will burn more calories than fat. So maybe you added some muscle the past few days with the extra work. I recently "took a day off" with the calorie counting after a plateau and let me tell you it was much needed but my weight didn't go up from it. I would agree with Scott09
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    Hang in there! Your hard work will pay off! It is frustrating because our weight fluctuates. I have rejoiced over a totally unearned loss only to see that pound or two back a few weigh-ins later. But though I was convinced at times that I could defy the law of physics, it isn't really true. If you are eating fewer calories than your are burning, the weight will come off. And we will all congratulate you on your success when you post those pictures of the new you!! :happy: Good luck!
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    I have been doing this since May of 2008 and some times even though I didnt change anything I stopped losing weight sometimes for months. I enjoyed knowing that I was living my life and not gaining as my body got used to new levels I also know I cant eat the calories at 227 that I eat at 367 my needs change and so I had to change as well keep doing the right things and you will start to lose again and remember this is the rest of your life so a few months here and there is not the end of the world
  • nekoxvampyx
    nekoxvampyx Posts: 163
    Muscle weighs more than fat! So just cause the numbers on the scale go up from time to time doesnt mean your gaining fat back it could be muscle !! Don't give up!
  • micky526
    micky526 Posts: 1
    Platues suck but I have detirmend that as long as the numbers dont climb back up and as long as I can still move and groove and think my way through a day then its good! I agree with the whole cheat day, relax eat what you want and stop the stress, stressing about it wont make the scale move any quicker. Good Luck and Blessings to all!!
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    I'm experiencing a 3 month plateau now as well. Some things that I am trying to break it are; resetting my goals, customizing my macros, changing up my excercise routine and getting more sleep. At least I didn't gain back the 40 I lost before the plateau. Add me if you like and we'll get through this!
  • minime2b
    minime2b Posts: 168
    Switch your nutrients around, start consuming more lean protein and less carbs. I know that any time I've stalled for more than a coupld of weeks, adjusting my carbs did the trick. All calories are not equal
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat! So just cause the numbers on the scale go up from time to time doesnt mean your gaining fat back it could be muscle !! Don't give up!

    NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO, you don't put on muscle that quickly

    A pound is a pound the world around. Muscle is denser, so it takes up less space.

    :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway:
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat! So just cause the numbers on the scale go up from time to time doesnt mean your gaining fat back it could be muscle !! Don't give up!

    NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO, you don't put on muscle that quickly

    A pound is a pound the world around. Muscle is denser, so it takes up less space.

    :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway:

    More likely that muscles are retaining water at the moment.
  • RebelAlliance1989
    RebelAlliance1989 Posts: 9 Member
    I know that before when I tried to lose weight I did a lot of strength training, and it turns out with all the weights I was lifting I was bulking up rather than slimming down. Even though it was a "good weight," it still made me feel like crap. Consider adding more cardio to your workout, and please don't give up!
  • You may need extra vitamin supports.... when my brother lost weight and plateau'd his research pointed to vitamin replacement therapy and it kick started, I don't remember exactly which ones but I know vitamin D and B12 are on the list google this it may shed some light on it.
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 406 Member
    Plateaus happen. I've been in one for a year. It is great to go by other things than the scale - your clothes, your measurements, your fitness. If you think of this is a lifestyle instead of a diet that is simply number oriented, you will do much better in the motivation report. Your motivation is your life. Forever. The changes you make are for your lifetime benefit. Motivation is easy when you stop thinking about numbers and start thinking about being healthy and fit.

    Also, must agree with others above. Do not deprive yourself of anything specific just watch portions. It is okay to treat yourself now and then. Not sure I agree with the "cheat day" philosophy because of you are doing this as a lifestyle and not prohibiting certain categories, then you don't really need a cheat day...

    But overall, stop thinking of the numbers and start caring about yourself, your life time health, what goes into your body and how you treat your body because, after all, it is forever.