In desperate need of friends and support!!

Hello all..I am a 32 year old mother of 2, and I am very new to the diet and exercise world. I have to lose the weight because diabetes find heavy on my family, and I do not want to be the next one to get it. So, all friends and support are very much appreciated. I'm in the process of figuring this all out so be patient with me. Oh, and is anyone here from the NYC area?


  • mdm3
    mdm3 Posts: 40 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me.
  • Ceebee37
    Ceebee37 Posts: 49
    welcome add me too :)
  • lola8403
    lola8403 Posts: 25 Member
    Feel free to add me as well
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    You can add me if you'd like!
    APPLETON29 Posts: 20 Member
    add me if you like x:happy:
  • l2rell
    l2rell Posts: 88
    Hey Hun I'm from the uk but feel free to add me I'm on everyday xx
  • KriscoOil
    KriscoOil Posts: 305 Member
    not in NYC area but feel free to add me too!
  • Thanks everyone!! Look out for those friend requests lol!! I am excited to be on this journey!
  • weightloss43154
    weightloss43154 Posts: 203 Member
    sent you a friends request :smile:
  • Troyeee
    Troyeee Posts: 9
    I'm in Tulsa, and I'm new here too. This app and site really are helping me to watch what I eat. I'm down four pounds, so it's a good start. You can do it. I was 420 at my heaviest, now I'm 360. I think with this app, and the sports-tracker app, I've added a couple of really useful tools to help me get the rest of this weight off. Now, I'm off to run errands and then walk the dog at the park. If anyone else reads this and is on sports-tracker, please feel free to add me as a friend on either. Same name, Troyeee.
  • hmb0626
    hmb0626 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm in NC but feel free to add me.....
  • gail2002
    gail2002 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in Onatrio Canada....but the more friends the better!!! Would love to be your friend!!! ;)
  • Hello there! I'm not from NY but my dad is from Schenectady! Grew up in Michigan - now just moved to Arisona! Joined myfitnesspal with a friend and we are doing really well - about a week now....I can't tell you how it has helped me stay on track by logging in all the food...It can be a little tricky navigating, but any questions, just ask me. If you put in food and it gives a quantity and you only ate a portion of the amounts they put in, you can change your serving portion....Such as if it says you had 1. and you only had half of what the portion size is, highlight the 1. and change it to.5 - it you had like 3/4 of 1. - put .75 - you need to play around with some of that, but I think I have it down pretty good. Hang in there, you can do it!!!! - Just signing on is half the battle (they say!)
  • NeeNee121
    NeeNee121 Posts: 10
    Hi!! I just joined MFP today, too!! I started working out on the 1st. I'm so ready to NOT be "the big girl" anymore! I'll take any advice anyone has! Thanks!! I just added you. Anyone can add me b/c I figure the more friends and support, the better!!
  • La1210
    La1210 Posts: 99 Member

    You are in the right place! This site has everything you need and it's free!!! I'm 35 I have two sons 14 and 2 (SMH the 2yr old slipped his way in). But anywho I joined MFP and didn't realize how much I would learn from this site it's awesome and fun!
  • Welcome!!! :) If I can do anything to help you on your journey let me know. Have you heard of Advocare???
    I have and it is another pyramid rip off company hoping we will buy their products (they like to say Spark is special) because we want a fast and easy solution to our weight problems.

    Eating clean good food means not loading up on chemicals. Translation: no Advocare.

  • JonGrandi88
    JonGrandi88 Posts: 137
    Welcome!!! Add Me If You Like I'm Always Looking for motivation to give and receive
  • 1momx3
    1momx3 Posts: 16
    In Buffalo, NY. Add me if you'd like!
  • EQHanks
    EQHanks Posts: 170 Member
    Good luck! This place is an awesome site!
  • dyellz
    dyellz Posts: 76 Member
    you can add me too, im cdn but i offer words of support:)