Oatmeal, Steel Cut Oats- What do you suggest?



  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    I make a protein pancake with oats and add steel cut oats to it.
    add !
    1/3 c of oats, 1 TBS of Steel cut oats.
    1/4 c of egg whites or 1 whole egg
    1/8th C of water
    1Tbs of Cinnamon ground.
    mix everything in a bowl let it sit for a few minutes.
    then fry in a frying pan like a pancake. (i use a non stick frying pan)

    Once it is finished (5min approx) I will either add syrup, peanut butter or just eat it plain.
  • TRMite
    TRMite Posts: 60 Member
    Mixed with yogurt is quick and yummy. add a little granola too if you like a little sweet. if you eat regular oats, be sure to add salt to water while boiling, and I like them undercooked, more texture.
  • LisaR517
    LisaR517 Posts: 80
  • Kattarra
    Kattarra Posts: 190 Member
    Love steel cut oats. I don't soak them and only cook them for 15 minutes. I make a double batch (6 servings) and pour them into a square bread pan and keep them in the fridge. I cut it into six squares and microwave one each day. My 11 son eats it almost everyday also.

    I like to add a TB of crunchy peanut butter and a few drops of dark chocolate syrup to it sometimes. Also blueberries are very good with it. It satisfies me until lunch.
  • dancin2011
    dancin2011 Posts: 92 Member
    These all sound really good!
  • dvm_meggles
    dvm_meggles Posts: 19 Member
    I really appreciate all the suggestions! Some of these sound really good. I definitely have a lot of ways to try them before I write them off completely:smile:
  • stef827
    stef827 Posts: 215 Member
    Put it in your smoothie. Makes it thick and filling. :-)

    I love oatmeal and have never done this. Great idea!
  • stef827
    stef827 Posts: 215 Member
    A yummy dessert type oatmeal I have made is: half a cup of old fashioned oats cooked, add 2 teaspoons of dark cocoa powder, 1 tablespoon of almond butter, one tablespoon of coconut flakes, then use whatever sweetener you like to sweeten it. Tastes like an almond joy. Yummy.

    This sounds so good :)
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    <Golum Impresion> They are young, they are tender, they are nice! Eat them! EAT THEM!!!! </Golum>
  • Spamee
    Spamee Posts: 148 Member
    I prefer the Steel Cut Oats as I like the texture better. Like someone else said...They are not mushy.
    I think some people just dont like Oatmeal though
  • dvm_meggles
    dvm_meggles Posts: 19 Member
    <Golum Impresion> They are young, they are tender, they are nice! Eat them! EAT THEM!!!! </Golum>

    :laugh: :happy:
  • poofycat
    poofycat Posts: 28 Member
    I have a smaller crockpot and I spray it with non-stick spray, add 2 cups unsweetened almond milk, 1/2 cup steel cut oats, a dash of salt and then spices like cinnamon and nutmeg and chop up a piece of fruit. Let it cook on low 6-8 hours and it is so creamy. Without fruit and divided into 4 servings it's only about 95 calories-fruit won't add many calories though and is so good! I have used peaches, apricots, blueberries and apples. The oats do not need to be soaked when you use a crockpot.
    MN_GIRL Posts: 3 Member
    I never cared for oatmeal until I encountered steel cut oats. Now, this is the only kind I eat. Anything less, tastes nasty to me and has no texture.

    I started buying Trader Joe's frozen steel cut oatmeal (they come in a frozen hockey puck shape and you microwave one for about 2 minutes). I, like many of the others, add cinnamon and chopped up walnuts. Sometimes a tablespoon of brown sugar. Bananas, etc. are also good but i like to add FLAVOR to the oatmeal and stir it up before adding anything.

    Now I buy Bob's Red Mill Farms steel cut oats and make my own oatmeal. I have made it in batches and just froze the portion sizes i want (cheaper than Trader Joe's).

    Have fun! I bet you'll like it. (my daughter adds cinnamon and one tablespoon of vanilla ice cream to make it creamier. sweeten it up to start and then adjust it as your tastes change :)
  • BackwoodsMom
    BackwoodsMom Posts: 227 Member
    I buy whole oat groats and have an attachment on my grain mill to roll my oats. Soooo good!! I like to soak my oats overnight in water and 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt. Then, before cooking I add a couple tablespoons of raisins, some pumpkin pie spice, and maybe even a little pumpkin or squash. It's yummy and fills me up. I don't add any sweetener either.

    Adding oats to smoothies and pancake batter (I use a blender to mix them in with the pancake batter) is yummy, too.
  • jrrflr
    jrrflr Posts: 109
    I have switched to steel cut exclusively because of their texture and nutty flavor.. In a 2 quart saucepan, I pour a teaspoon of olive oil and pour in 1 cup of steel cut oats. I stir them over medium heat until they start to smell toasty (about three minutes). At this point, I pour in three cups of water and a pinch of salt and bring it to a rolling boil. As the oats and water begin to boil, I turn off the stove, cover the pan with a lid, and go to bed. When I wake up in the morning, I turn the heat back on (to medium) and stir in one more cup of water. Once they are warm, I scoop out what I want to eat and pour the rest into a Tupperware container and place it in the fridge. Whenever I want another serving from that batch, I scoop them into a bowl and microwave for about 90-120 seconds.

    I put a handful of raisins and a little brown sugar in mine after they are in the bowl. I do not cook anything into mine.

    Steel cut oats maintain their texture even after rewarming, unlike rolled oats which just get mushy.
  • dvm_meggles
    dvm_meggles Posts: 19 Member
    Steel cut oats maintain their texture even after rewarming, unlike rolled oats which just get mushy.

    Good! I think mushy was part of my texture issue....
  • HowieTwoPointZero
    HowieTwoPointZero Posts: 494 Member
    Cup and a half of water.
    Half a cup of steel cut oats.
    1/4 cup of raisins.
    Pinch of Cinnamon
    Pinch of Salt

    Heat under stupid low heat. (I use an induction cook top at the lowest setting) for an hour with the lid firmly on.

    When done, stir in half a cup of soy milk. (I use Publix Vanilla Soy ymmv)

    Put in a container toss in fridge, eat for breakfast. Its a shade over 500 calories, but it's an insane amount of fiber and fills you up like crazy.

    You can reheat it easy, but I kind of like it cold, it's almost like pudding. Soy milk has some sugar in it so I don't have to add any and I've upped the soy to a full cup and added some whey protein when I think I'm not going to hit my protein for the day.

    Steel cut oats are one of the only cheap things at whole foods if you get them in bulk. But I just get them from amazon.
  • knapowell
    knapowell Posts: 230 Member
    Baked Oatmeal - This is AMAZING! I was not an oatmeal person prior to this, now I make a regular oatmeal version based on this and eat if for dessert. In my regular version I sub craisins for the blueberries.


    Changes to original: subbed egg substitute for egg, unsweetened applesauce for ALL of the butter, added 2 bananas (to the oat mixture), 1/4 tbsp brown sugar total, 1/4 tsp of Chinese 5 spice, healthy sprinkle of cinnamon & nutmeg (or pumpkin/apple pie spice whatever you have on hand), 3/4 c blueberries on top instead of strawberries (strawberries got a little bitter the first time I made this), reduced chocolate chips (not much ;) and added them all to the mix, subbed 3/4 tsp orange extract for the orange zest, and added a couple of packets of sugar substitute to the wet ingredients

    What I would change next time: I am going to make in muffin tins, and try freezing, other than that - not a thing!

    8 servings
    Calories 210
    Fat 4
    Carbs 40
    Sodium 242
    Sat fat 2
    Fiber 4
  • moose9591
    moose9591 Posts: 9 Member
    I bought a small slow cooker and put it on a timer on the warm setting, I add a 1/4 cup of steel cut oats, a cup of water, a pinch of salt, a couple slices of my dehydrated apples. Set the timer for approximately 3 1/2 hours with the end time for when I am up and ready to eat. Tablespoon of Maple syrup and some cinnamon. To get a little protein I add a tablespoon of quinoa.

    Great for lowering you cholesterol.
  • LoriInIowa
    LoriInIowa Posts: 113
    Are there any diabetics who do steel cut oatmeal? Does it affect your blood sugar much?

    I really like old fashioned oatmeal but it does bump my blood sugar....and sweeteners are another sore subject. :) I've finally gotten to the place where I cook oats with a little vanilla, cinnamon and then add a tablespoon or less of Agave.