28ys old with 50lbs to lose!



  • jouergal
    jouergal Posts: 40
    Hello, I am 30 with about 40 pounds to loose. I am also always looking for some good support on this journey. You can add me if you like. We can motivate each other and get it done. :smile:
  • k_sharp
    k_sharp Posts: 100 Member
    You can do it! I started last year at about 172 I started working out and eating less and lost about 8 lbs. Then I just gave up and gained about 16 when I reached 180 I knew I needed to change before I gained anymore. I went to a weightless center and have lost 21 lbs in less than 8 weeks. I eat around 1200 calories a day and have been working out some. I do plan to get a trainer for about 8 sessions to kick my butt back into working out hard again and get me back on the right track! I still have about 25 pounds I would like to loose and I plan to loose it and keep it off this time! It has taken me three years to start loosing the weight from having two kids in two years but now that I'm doing it I couldn't be happier with myself! Good luck to you feel free to add me as a friend!
  • I love all of these posts! So inspirational! I will be back on later tonight to add anyone I haven't yet....or if I haven't, send me a request! I am at work and accidentally denied a request....so if it was anyone who reads this, I apologize, send me another one! =)
  • 26 years old and 75 to lose! i feel yah.
  • JonGrandi88
    JonGrandi88 Posts: 137
    I'm 23 Yrs Old and need To start off with a goal of 50 LBS and gradually lose more after that always looking for a Little motivation never really had it until now, gotta keep going
  • same here....50 is my big goal, but from then I hope to lose a little more as well. I think it'll be best for me to set 1 goal at a time to reach 10's and 5's on the scale. So break 190 is first....then go below 185, etc.
  • rysgal123
    rysgal123 Posts: 27
    I'm 28 and in total i would like to lose 50lbs
    right now i'm starting with a goal of 20. Just to get me under 200 :)
    Good Luck everyone :)
  • rysgal123
    rysgal123 Posts: 27
    Hey everyone!
    Having a rough go at it. The exercise is there, its the motivation to not eat things that are bad. I know in the back of my mind that i don't need/want to eat the chocolate cake we have at work for someone birthday.....but i did it, and now regret it. Just gotta focus more on what i want!
    Hope you all are going better then I am today!
  • I know how you feel. I always find a reason to eat pizza or bread or chips. Over the weeks I have found it MUCH easier to cut them out bit by bit. But then there is soda....i know I need to cut it out of my diet but I can never find anything that satisfyingly substitutes for it!
  • Hey there! I'm in Portland Maine, 25 with 50 pounds to lose. It's great to see I'm not the only one with that goal!
  • Clarimusic00
    Clarimusic00 Posts: 96 Member
    Hey there! I'm 30 and I also have 50 pounds to lose. I'm always looking for more MFP friends! Anyone is welcome to add me :D
  • Cililoca
    Cililoca Posts: 6 Member
    I know how you feel. I always find a reason to eat pizza or bread or chips. Over the weeks I have found it MUCH easier to cut them out bit by bit. But then there is soda....i know I need to cut it out of my diet but I can never find anything that satisfyingly substitutes for it!

    I haven't stopped eating pizza or ice cream that I love and I'm still losing weight!! It's all about how much you eat it. When I eat pizza I have the thin whole grain crust. It's just a good balance of what you do. I made a big salad yesterday before having the pizza and only had 2 slices! I still have my ice cream and chocolate, but instead of eating the whole thing I have ! scoop of icecream and a small piece of chocolate. I'm loving it and losing weight without any pain!! Hope you can find a good balance too!!
  • jhayes28
    jhayes28 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Everyone! I am 29 and started my weight loss journey 2 years ago. I have lost 55 lbs so far but am looking to lose at least another 30. I have definitely lost my weight slowly, as my willpower has been low and it's always been a struggle! I hope to lose the last 30 by July! Good luck to all!!!
  • TamekaJ1
    TamekaJ1 Posts: 31 Member
    I too am 28 yrs old with the same goal. I looked at myself in the mirror 3 weeks ago and said enough is enough. I worked out for a week then joined mfp. I would love to be friends with you so that we could motivate each other. I went from 216 to 206....and I have a long way to go but look forward to the journey.:smile: