Best Slim Diet Pills



  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Be wary of supplements made in China or certain other countries. In many parts of the world there is no quality control. You could be getting pills with potentially harmful ingredients. And they may not be listed on the label.

    China is especially known for having harmful ingredients in their products. Lead in children's toys, other toxic chemicals in products like toothpaste, etc. They also fed their own people rice made of plastic, infant formula with melamine, and dumplings filled with cardboard soaked with pork juice instead of real meat. If they'll feed their own citizens things like this why would any supplements (that aren't tested or regulated by the FDA) be made with quality ingredients?
  • Dulxecita
    Dulxecita Posts: 35
    There is a pill that I love and a liquid they are called green oxygen and everslim the company its healthy people. I feel awosome and they are natural. The liquid its a concentration of greens like parsley, green tea, spearmint and more it tastes like mint.
  • chelsealjames
    chelsealjames Posts: 92 Member
    Well... I have started them and am on day 4. It may or may not help me lose the weight, but I do feel great! I have an increase in energy levels and feel clear-headed. I have to say I have tried some other things and the side effects were too much to bear. But with this, I have no headaches, nausea, or mood changes! I'll see where I'm at in a couple weeks with them.
  • I wouldn't use diet pills or slimming pills specifically however I have found a little gem that helps me feel fuller for longer,stops me snacking and aids the breakdown of fat... Good old holland and Barrett fat metabolisers, 1 mid morning and 1 mid afternoon,day 3 and I've not found myself wanting to pick. 56 capsules for £3.22 at the moment. I thought 'well for that'd price I may as well give it a go' lol... Fingers crossed :))
  • chelsealjames
    chelsealjames Posts: 92 Member
    I wouldn't use diet pills or slimming pills specifically however I have found a little gem that helps me feel fuller for longer,stops me snacking and aids the breakdown of fat... Good old holland and Barrett fat metabolisers, 1 mid morning and 1 mid afternoon,day 3 and I've not found myself wanting to pick. 56 capsules for £3.22 at the moment. I thought 'well for that'd price I may as well give it a go' lol... Fingers crossed :))

    Exactly! The only thing I've noticed different is no urge to snack, which is where my problem is. I generally don't believe in diet pills either, but I had a friend who tried these. These are just once a day, and I'm still able to sleep soundly. Since there are no harmful side effects so far, I'm going to continue. I'm also still eating enough calories... I'm not starving myself by any means.
  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    my advice would be to stay away from using those sorts of pills. take a multi-vitamin, and whatever other natural dietary supplement you see fit, but not 'diet pills'. not at all worth the money, how you will feel while taking them, and the possible weigh gain as soon as you stop taking them.

    good luck!
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I am confused by people deciding that "natural" automatically equals "safe," or that "side-effects" only happen with "unnatural" things.

    Hemlock is fully natural. If I put it capsules and sell it to you with a label that truthfully says "all natural" would you believe it would be safe to swallow them? If not, then why can we assume that something these people (whose website, as someone else pointed out is pretty badly written) call "natural" is safe?

    If you actually are having a real problem getting past a plateau, ask your doctor what to do. Change up your diet. Caffeine is 100% natural and a known appetite suppressant. There's a dozen possibilities.

    Do I think BestSlim Diet Pills are safe? Well, lets look at the ingredients:

    --Cassia seed extract. Cassia is another name for senna. It's a laxative. Is pretty likely to cause diarrhea.
    --Coicis extract. Coicus is a grain, used in food in some eastern cultures. Harmless, I suppose. Not necessarily helpful to weight loss.
    --Mulberry leaf extract. Has shown some help with carbohydrate processing. Might be helpful in a situation where carbohydrate metabolism was known to be abnormal, but not necessarily for weight loss.
    --Lotus Leaf Extract. Hard to say. There are a large number of plants called "lotus," some edible, some not.
    --Mustard extract. Mustard is a spice. It's not harmful but has no known weight-loss benefit either.
    --Medical amylum. Amylum is another word for starch. Not dangerous, but not helpful for weight loss either.

    Then let's look at what they say it does:

    "Boosting fat metabolism and blocking the non-fat material converting into fat. *The functional ingredients will maintain the balance of body calories intake and consumption, control the intake of extra calories, block non-fat material converting into fat and boost fat metabolism and burn the fat continuosly.
    Smoothing the intestines to relax the bowels and cleaning the intestines system. *The Cassia Seed is effective in promoting diuresis and relaxing the bowels, which can discharge the metabolism outcome and the unabsorbed extra fat as well as toxin, clean the intestines system.
    Reducing blood fat, blood pressure, resisting radiation, clearing free radical and anti-aging. *Mustard Extract can reduce cholesterol, LDL, decrease the formation of angiotensin II, adjust glycometabolism and also absorb radiation substances. Meantime it can clear free radical and block over oxidation of fat."

    Nothing they say it does is supported by the ingredients. Cassia (senna) is a stimulant laxative; it irritates the colon and causes it to move, stimulating a bowel movement. It doesn't "relax the bowels" or "smooth the intestines." And the idea that bowels need "cleansing" is pseudoscience.

    Without the cassia, I'd say this was harmless but unlikely to work. I'm cautious about the cassia, because diarrhea can cause dehydration and be dangerous.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I wouldn't use diet pills or slimming pills specifically however I have found a little gem that helps me feel fuller for longer,stops me snacking and aids the breakdown of fat... Good old holland and Barrett fat metabolisers, 1 mid morning and 1 mid afternoon,day 3 and I've not found myself wanting to pick. 56 capsules for £3.22 at the moment. I thought 'well for that'd price I may as well give it a go' lol... Fingers crossed :))

    Exactly! The only thing I've noticed different is no urge to snack, which is where my problem is. I generally don't believe in diet pills either, but I had a friend who tried these. These are just once a day, and I'm still able to sleep soundly. Since there are no harmful side effects so far, I'm going to continue. I'm also still eating enough calories... I'm not starving myself by any means.

    They are fiber and caffeine! Yes, that may reduce your appetite, but so will celery and tea! I just think that we don't need PILLS for this stuff.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    you are 5'3" and 124lbs....been at the same weight for a year and you call that a plateau?

    Did it ever occur to you that 124lbs is perfectly healthy and that the ten pounds you want to lose aren't realistic? You are most likely unhappy with your body composition and the only way you are going to change that is with exercise, more specifically strength training.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Why don't you try calorie spiking, changing up what you're eating, or changing your exercise up first?

    I have :( been at this same weight for a year now.

    You are smack in the middle of the "normal" range for BMI. Why would you even consider taking anything for weight loss? (I see you are a nursing student.) Have you considered that you are at your body's natural weight and don't need to and shouldn't lose any weight? If your goal really is fitness, then work on some toning to get that bikini confidence you want, because considering taking a "diet pill," even a "natural" one, to lose weight when you are at a perfectly normal weight looks a little like an unhealthy concern over the number on the scale.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I don't get the "it's natural, so I'm more apt to try it" argument. Cocaine is natural too.

    Hear hear. Hemlock is also natural, but they aren't racing to swallow it.
  • chelsealjames
    chelsealjames Posts: 92 Member
    you are 5'3" and 124lbs....been at the same weight for a year and you call that a plateau?

    Did it ever occur to you that 124lbs is perfectly healthy and that the ten pounds you want to lose aren't realistic? You are most likely unhappy with your body composition and the only way you are going to change that is with exercise, more specifically strength training.

    Yes, because I gained the weight when I started nursing school and have tried to get back down to where I was before at 114. The weight doesn't seem to budge and yes I am unhappy with my composition.
  • chelsealjames
    chelsealjames Posts: 92 Member
    Why don't you try calorie spiking, changing up what you're eating, or changing your exercise up first?

    I have :( been at this same weight for a year now.

    You are smack in the middle of the "normal" range for BMI. Why would you even consider taking anything for weight loss? (I see you are a nursing student.) Have you considered that you are at your body's natural weight and don't need to and shouldn't lose any weight? If your goal really is fitness, then work on some toning to get that bikini confidence you want, because considering taking a "diet pill," even a "natural" one, to lose weight when you are at a perfectly normal weight looks a little like an unhealthy concern over the number on the scale.

    I am not so concerned over the number on the scale. But when I was 114, I looked great. If I were in a bikini today, I would have the belly flab, arm flab, and chin flab (haha). That is just how 124 looks on me. I've always been active, and exercised. I work out about 4 days a week. I really can't work out any more than that due to school. I also eat very healthy as you can look at my diary and see.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Beware! Supplement manufacturers are NOT required to demonstrate safety or efficacy before putting a product on the market. If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.

    Also, the fact that it is "all natural" is completely meaningless. Ricin is completely natural; its also a highly effective chemical weapon.

    Maybe add extra strength training to your workouts to tone up?
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    you are 5'3" and 124lbs....been at the same weight for a year and you call that a plateau?

    Did it ever occur to you that 124lbs is perfectly healthy and that the ten pounds you want to lose aren't realistic? You are most likely unhappy with your body composition and the only way you are going to change that is with exercise, more specifically strength training.

    Yes, because I gained the weight when I started nursing school and have tried to get back down to where I was before at 114. The weight doesn't seem to budge and yes I am unhappy with my composition.

    Do you currently workout? If you don't i would suggest picking up Jillian Michael's 30 day shred DVD. it's a 20 minute workout and the dvd only costs $10. I don't know anyone who has done it that hasn't achieved great results.
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    Dear Posters,

    This thread has been locked and may be deleted in the near future.

    Please refer to the following MFP Community Guideline:

    3. No Promotion of Unsafe Weight-Loss Techniques or Eating Disorders

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    MFP Forum Moderator
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