fitbit question.

I got a fitbit today and it's adding calories from exercise. Now, It's only recording my normal daily activity (today is my rest day) . I have my MFP account set to Lightly Active. I'm a stay at home mom so I figured that would be pretty correct. Do I need to change my activity status if this trend continues? Should I ignore those calories? Do I eat them back? Mon - Fri I workout about 40 minutes per day and I do eat those calories back. Just a lil confused. Thanks in advance!!!


  • lauraver
    lauraver Posts: 6 Member
    I am the opposite: starting MFP today after two full months of wearing a Fitbit. I would wait a day or two and see how things average out if Saturday is your one day of rest. You can also see how many calories Fitbit "gives" you based on today's level of activity and then compare with what MFP says. I am sure it takes a few days to figure out how to make both sources of info work best for you.
  • feduh86
    feduh86 Posts: 790 Member
    Sorry, but what's Fitbit?
  • blue04711
    blue04711 Posts: 45 Member
    I tend to use the calories from Fitbit and make sure they don't put my net calories below my MFP number. For example if I've earned 78 calories from the fitbit by walking around the mall for an hour I just make sure my activity the fitbit records doesn't drop my net calories below my daily amount. Also, make sure when you log your 40 minute workouts that you record your start time in MFP. This way fitbit will count the steps, but it won't add more exercise calories during that period. I love using the Fitbit with this site please feel free to message me for more info.
  • sakeith84
    I've had a fitbit for about a month now. I usually don't eat back the calories that it adds to my account here. I tend to use the fitbit website to track some things and MFP to track some other things. So far it seems to be working for me to stick to the MFP calories and use the fitbit to montitor my activity levels.
  • blue04711
    blue04711 Posts: 45 Member
    Sorry, but what's Fitbit?

    Taken from
    Fitbit Ultra tracks your everyday steps, stairs climbed, calories burned, and more, motivating you throughout the day.
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    you will find that the cals it adds are sometimes projected also, they can drop by the end of the day.
  • adriana_hackney
    adriana_hackney Posts: 232 Member
    You guys are great!!! Thanks so much!!!
  • Robin66
    Robin66 Posts: 103
    I love my fitbit and I set my calories to sedentary on mfp and let fitbit adjust it up everyday as per how active I am. As far as eating the extra calories, I eat then now that I'm on maintenance, but when I was still trying to lose I really tried not to eat the extra so I could lose more weight. Good luck to you!