Work out Harder or Longer?

I do a workout that is about 70 minutes of aerobic on different aerobic equipment . I have equipment at home, but also alternate with a local YMCA where I use different equipment.

Most of the 70 minutes is in the heart of my target (heart rate zone), but about 20-25 minutes is pushing hard at the top end of the heart rate zone. I'm really pushing and breaking a sweat during this period. The hard part is either on a Stairmaster or upright Bike. The easier part is on ellypticals, recumbant bikes and airdyne bikes.

I'm ready to take it up another notch. Am I better to go "longer" (an extra 5-10 minutes) or "harder" taking my Stairmaster up another level?

My goals are both weight loss and fitness.


  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    Could you do something with intervals or a circuit training type exercise? If you're already going 70 minutes it seems kind of pointless to go longer, unless you are training yourself for endurance or something...also, are you doing any weight training or only cardio?
  • virpags
    virpags Posts: 8 Member
    I think your answer will depend on your health issues, like whether or not you have high blood pressure, etc. But I'm sure others on this site will have more info for you. Good luck!!
  • jgwhite
    jgwhite Posts: 23
    Could you do something with intervals or a circuit training type exercise? If you're already going 70 minutes it seems kind of pointless to go longer, unless you are training yourself for endurance or something...also, are you doing any weight training or only cardio?

    Wow! people respond quickly on this board! thanks for the feedback. I actually like to run programs on the Stairmaster & Excercise bikes that have interval segments, although they only last for 30 - 60 seconds depending upon the program.

    I do want to build up endurance. I would like to get up to a century bike ride by summer time (maxxed out at about 60 miles last year and was pooped.

    But, I've been leaning towards harder rather than longer anyway. (I'm spending too much time)

    I do some strength training,and expect that I'll work in more over the coming months. I really needed to get some weight off to help with some back pain. I've been concentrating on low impact stuff with stretching till I lose about 20 more lbs. A couple of years ago, I over did the strength training and hurt my back. (never did know the exact movement that cause it) .
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    Could you do something with intervals or a circuit training type exercise? If you're already going 70 minutes it seems kind of pointless to go longer, unless you are training yourself for endurance or something...also, are you doing any weight training or only cardio?

    Wow! people respond quickly on this board! thanks for the feedback. I actually like to run programs on the Stairmaster & Excercise bikes that have interval segments, although they only last for 30 - 60 seconds depending upon the program.

    I do want to build up endurance. I would like to get up to a century bike ride by summer time (maxxed out at about 60 miles last year and was pooped.

    But, I've been leaning towards harder rather than longer anyway. (I'm spending too much time)

    I do some strength training,and expect that I'll work in more over the coming months. I really needed to get some weight off to help with some back pain. I've been concentrating on low impact stuff with stretching till I lose about 20 more lbs. A couple of years ago, I over did the strength training and hurt my back. (never did know the exact movement that cause it) .

    It's really important for you to do strength training on a regular basis, if your back allows it. Make sure not to overdo it and concentrate on proper form. If you are unsure how to do a move properly it's totally ok to pracitce that move with no weights at first or just the weight bar with nothing on it until you master correct form. :smile: It will help reserve your lean body mass so you don't lose as much muscle. :flowerforyou:

    A century bike ride sounds so fun! 60 miles sounds fabulous! My husband just bought me a bike for Valentine's Day and i've been having a ton of fun with it, it was so hard for me to ride even for a short time at first. I just wasn't use to it. I'm slowly working up, I can't even imagine riding 60 miles! We took it to the mountains for a 5 mile mountain biking session and just that was killer. I had to hike and push my bike through a good portion of it lol!