Not okay....

2kidsandadonut Posts: 140 Member
So just to rant today I went to my gym to work out and left feeling angry. In my town the only gym is a 'rec center' kinda like a YMCA. On Fridays and on the weekends they have specials for families to come and bring their kids. I love this because I have kids. However, there is no supervision and today I had to stop an orgy in the hot-tub because no one was watching the cameras or the kids. How is this ok? I think that if I'm paying over $40+ a month the least they can do is make sure I don't have to chase kids out of my lap lane or have to stop 12 year olds from messing with all the treadmills and weight equipment. I have someone watch my kids so I can work out not so I can police for other parents. Anyone else have this kind of problem? I've spoken to management but all they told me was to report it as I see it and they will try to keep a closer eye on the cameras.


  • burg1801
    burg1801 Posts: 124
    Yep, not okay ... and kinda gross. WTF is up with people these days.
  • kngarber
    kngarber Posts: 227
    I would have been so upset. Sorry :(
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    you need to video that crap,then submit it to the TV or news after you send a complaint to the management and it gets ignored.
  • cherokeebunnie
    cherokeebunnie Posts: 15 Member
    Wow some parents need to step up to the plate and do their dang jobs... I know that I would never have allowed my children no matter how old to act that way,... I would not even allow my son who is 23 to act that way in public..
    I am so very sorry you had such a bad experience. I wish that there was a gym close to me but the closest one is over an hour way... I hope that it is better for you next time.
  • danihonline
    Have you made a complaint to the management- I can't believe they wouldn't address it, they would have major issues with insurance if they have kids being unsupervised around the equipment.
  • theleftie
    theleftie Posts: 366
    I like hot tub orgies as much as the next guy - but this is a huge pet peeve of mine. It sometimes happens on the weekends at my gym and on two occasions I have taken the time to talk to the kids to find out where their parents were. A quick moment of recognition (if they have a clue) by the parents usually does it.