30 day shred

Everyone keeps raving about this. Can someone explain it to me before I go out and buy it? Is it something you do everyday or is there a break day? How long is the work out? Do you know if it's still ok to go to the gym on top of doing this? Any other info you can give me. Thank you!


  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    I have a 30 day shred dvd. I do the exercises that are 20 minutes long everyday. I also do other workouts with it. I enjoy it now but when I first started it, I hated every minute of it. My last day of my first run (planing on doing it again will be on the 7th of this month)
  • oftheunequivocal
    oftheunequivocal Posts: 1 Member
    I love the 30 Day Shred! I'm getting to the end of it now and I've definitely lost a lot of weight with it. There's no break day and I do a lot of exercises along with it. Level two was really hard (but it did get better) but level three is actually way fun for me! I've actually been keeping a blog up with it everyday, if you ever wanna read that (http://shrinkingintostrength.blogspot.com/) You definitely have to keep up with it, count calories, and focus on your goal but this will help you get there if you keep up with it.
  • louisey112
    louisey112 Posts: 576 Member
    I just started the 30 Day Shred on March 1 and let me tell you, it's intense and your muscles definitely feel it when you're done! I'm so excited to see my results when I'm done though, and knowing that we are measuring again in a couple weeks keeps me motivated - don't want others doing well and not me :) It's great though - be sure to take a "before" picture and jot down your measurements - you'll be surprised how different you look in 30 days. I've researched this over and over and seen tons of before and after pictures so I can't wait until I can take my "after" one! Good luck.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    It's a great DVD, 20 minute workout that packs a punch. It's what started me on my weight loss & fitness journey about two years ago. Some people do it every day, I did it 4-6 days a week, depending on my schedule. Some people do each level for 10 days & move up, I moved up when I felt I was ready. It took me longer than 30 actual days to actually "complete" the DVD, or do 30 actual days. You can go at your own pace. You can use it every other day and do walking, jogging or another DVD on the off days to mix things up and give your muscles a break since you do use weights in the 30DS. As you progress, you can go back through the levels & use heavier dumbbells to make it more challenging.

    It kicked my butt the first time I did it (could barely walk for 3 days! LOL) but after the first week I was thrilled with my progress and increased strength, flexibility and endurance.
  • Mom2M_and_O
    Mom2M_and_O Posts: 214
    It's an inexpensive workout, so I recommend trying it if only to see what your body is able to do just after a few days. It's rather inspiring if not terribly creative. If you're not sure, buy level 1 on Amazon instant streaming for $1.99 and play it on your computer (or TV if you can stream to your TV). If you like it, get the other two levels or buy the whole DVD.

    I'm working on level 2 and I have taken a couple of break days with it. I can't decide if I love it or not. It's almost addicting in a way. Definitely not a fan of Jillian Michaels as a whole, but the workout itself is thorough, and as someone else said, packs a punch!

    The first day of level 1 made me want to cry. But I kept with it and by day 3 I was feeling stronger with more stamina. But it was day 3 and 4 that my legs really started hurting. I pushed through and they got better.

    Level 2 I laughed most of the way through because I thought there was no way I'd be able to go the moves. It's very different from level 1 -- easier in some ways, harder in others. It's more upper body intensive with plank moves that I wasn't at all familiar with. While I was able to push myself more by the end of level 1, I'm definitely having to do the modified versions during level 2 and concentrate on my form with slower movements. But I sweat more and my HRM reads higher calories than on level 1.

    I did not take before pictures or measurements, and I haven't lost weight while on it but I can definitely see a difference -- there is a shadow of muscle definition happening and I find that I'm standing straighter and more naturally contracting my abs during the day. I also feel more limber.
  • KP5555
    KP5555 Posts: 46 Member
    I am on day 19 of the 30 DS.... I really like this workout... It is only 20 minutes, but at the end of the work out you know that you did something.... The first few days after this work out. were difficult, I had to take advil because I was so sore. It is getting easer now. I am down Five pounds and my Pants (size 38)" are now falling off me. I also did 25 push ups today with out stopping ( It has been years since I could do this). I realize not many men do this work out, But it is working for me.....
  • Astrowife68
    I am just about finished with 30DS. I had days that I was sick or too sore to work out. But I moved up every 10 days, and had to modify some of the work out for me. I was in a group that was doing it for the month of Feb. We were taking measurements every 10 days. I still have to do my finally measurements tomorrow. But on day 21, I had lost about 6 inches total in my bust, waist and hips. and a total of 6.6 pounds.

    You can also find the full level 1 on youtube.com for free....

    Good luck in your journey. :flowerforyou:

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