
UGH! I just took and posted a picture of myself and WOW- that is motivation for me! I so wish I had not let myself go... but I did and now I am working SO hard to get back to a place I was many years ago. I posted this picture so I would be forced to see the truth everyday (I have avoided mirrors for quite a while).

Hopefully I will be able to post after photos that I am PROUD of by summer!! :)


  • Homer1963
    Homer1963 Posts: 2 Member
    Raquel if anyone can do this you can...You will get that body back that you so want and you will look great...:) Keep up the good work and it won't be long.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I think you still look good now!!

    However, I know what you are saying....when I started to realize that I had gained weight (actually stepped on a scale for the first time in a year) and I was on my way to 'fat town' it was as if a light bulb went off. I couldn't believe what I was putting my body through by not eating right, not exercising, etc. In a way it was just the motivation I needed to kick my butt into high gear!

    Good luck. I have no doubt that you can achieve your goals to look/feel amazing by summer!