
  • VictoriaFitness2010
    VictoriaFitness2010 Posts: 175 Member
    Here's a suggestion...pick a time during the day to weigh yourself and only weigh once a week. Weight fluctuates for a variety of reasons. If you are weighing multiple times a day, you will be discouraged.

    Instead of being focused on the number, focus on the trend. For example, I weigh every Sunday morning, after using the bathroom, with no clothes, socks, or shoes. There are weeks where I lost a small amount of weight, no weight, or gained a couple of pounds. Either way, I have been averaging a downward trend. I don't care how small the loss is, I accept it and move on.

    Also, it's helpful to focus on NSVs. You may not have lost weight this week, but are your clothes fitting well? Or falling off? Were you able to go up a flight of stairs without getting winded? Did you run an extra mile today?

    Please don't get discouraged. You are doing very well! The scale is just one tool of many to help move you toward your weight loss goal.

  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    Your weight can fluctuate by several pounds (some studies say as much as seven) over the course of the day based on many factors, some including TOM, weather, sodium intake throughout the day, caffeine as others have mentioned, stress, and the list goes on. As others have mentioned also, it's best to weigh yourself at the same time, same clothes and whatnot - so I'd go by what your scale said sans clothes in the morning, focus on how you feel, chin up and forge ahead! :)
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    when you went outside the pollution in the air stuck to your skin and BAM! an extra few pounds. go green before its too late!
  • LindaSueBakk
    LindaSueBakk Posts: 145 Member
    Scales are evil! I bet you feel a lot better than you did before you started MFP. Keep eating healthy foods and getting some exercise and the scale will tell a different story soon. (This message is from an old lady who lost 28 pounds after menopause and after 55 - when it's supposed to be almost impossible to lose weight. IT WILL HAPPEN FOR YOU TOO!!!)
  • klkelley
    klkelley Posts: 122 Member
    I had the same discussion with my husband this morning. It is soooo frustrating. Yesterday morning I weighed 4 pounds less than this morning at the same time. We are having a biggest loser contest at work and I can weigh in at home on Monday morning and then an hour later at work weigh 2 or 3 pounds more.
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
    And this is why the scale is a terrible way to gauge progress. You logically KNOW there's no possible way that you gained weight in a few hours time. But scales are fickle and imprecise.

    Yes!!! She is so right on! My weight tracker would have looked more like a heart rate monitor with it's ups and downs, but each down was lower than the last, and each up was lower than the last "up".... so it didn't really matter. The weight was coming off. I was looking better and feeling better each week. Eventually, the weight was gone. I don't really care anymore what the scale said each week on my journey here. I'm here, and that's all that matters.
  • Strawberrypop
    Strawberrypop Posts: 33 Member
    I really wouldn't worry about this. I've had it before, where I weigh myself and then (stupidly) weigh again a little while later and have gained a couple of pounds. You're body weight changes during the day, and yeah that can sometimes only be a couple of hours later! Different factors can come into it too - time of the month, etc. I'd take the first weight as your weight and be pleased with your loss. Best time to weigh is first thing in the morning after all.

    Funny how the scales make or break a bad day for us eh? The all ruling scales! I can feel great and feel slimmer, then weigh myself and see extra weight and suddenly feel FAT and rubbish.

    I think you'll be pleasantly surprised when you next weigh in x
  • When I did weight watchers, that would happen to me, however it is important to remember that you said you had an amazing week, focus on your EATING success rather than what the scale showed and don't give up!!
  • trmndsblndtte
    trmndsblndtte Posts: 82 Member
    I say f' it! Record the weight from home when you got up.

    I usually weigh myself on Monday and do it 3 times in a row to see if I get the same number.

    I also *try* to focus on how I feel and how my clothes fit more than the scale.

    My personal problem area is my stomach and it discourages me time and time again that it doesn't really look or feel any smaller - but then pants fit and then I notice other changes like more definition in my neck, face, and upper body.

    P.S. Good job :)
  • Femtec74
    Femtec74 Posts: 347 Member
    Thanks everybody. I know you're all right. I think it's just because I've had a really crappy 24 hours and I was looking forward to the one thing I thought I could count on and I was so happy to see that loss today. Then to have it register as a gain just sucked. I'll get over it and I know I've really lost, but it's just been a rough morning.

    Thanks, fellow MFPers! I love this community.

    I wouldn't let it spoil your weekend. Who says the WW scale is the king of all scales? YOU know you did well this week - you felt good about yourself when you woke up. So - you'll get your star sticker next week. (If that's what they still do...) Not a big deal - keep in the game and think about the next goal because it's not far away if you keep down the right path. :)
  • dberry01
    dberry01 Posts: 18 Member
    Keep your head clear and focussed. You have had a rough patch and that effects everything. You are doing great. You are making a difference. Keep up the great job!
  • jbakerak
    jbakerak Posts: 73 Member
    I feel your pain! I've been working my butt off at this, even bumped it up this last week because I haven't really lost anything in weeks, and bam! I gained! But, thankfully I started doing measurements too. I lost some inches, not much, but still lost. So I weigh more, but I'm thinner. Just hang in there, it will be worth it in the end. If you are working out I highly suggest doing measurements once every week or two for a little while, then maybe going back to the scale every couple of weeks. The scale is not my friend right now!
  • Laner07
    Laner07 Posts: 100 Member
    It's common to fluctuate a couple pounds in a day. It is annoying to happen so quickly like that but I wouldn't worry too much about it.
  • Juawill
    Juawill Posts: 16 Member
    Stop weighing yourself so much, you're going to drive yourself crazy. If you're going to stick with WW, use that as your weekly weigh-in and stop doing it at home. Every scale is different, even within the same brand, and atmospheric conditions affect how a scale will work. The progress over time is what really matters and where you should be focused. Comparing weigh-ins from different scales with varying levels of clothes, and at different times is a surefire way to get you to a padded room. Focus on the overall program and not the minutia.
  • Allegi32
    Allegi32 Posts: 302 Member
    You know what? You're right - and I'm going to record on MFP the weight I was when I first got up, before I drank any coffee, put on clothes, etc. Because I deserve it!!
    DFWTT Posts: 374
    Hello, OCD here. The phenomena you speak of racks my brain also. Just as the restroom sometimes doesn't reflect a loss. There is a difference between accuracy and consistency. Since you are limited in the accuracy of your scale, which most people are, you should focus on consistency. I weigh everyday within 5min of waking up and after the restroom. The scale is secured to the same location on a solid surface by way of sticky rubber. I take into account how much water I've had within the last 24hrs and how much I have expended through exercise. Then weigh and wait for the scale to reset and do this 2 more times. If there is a difference, it is minor and would average the 3. I do this before bed as well. My weight can fluctuate up to 5lbs per day, 5 reflecting a large intake of H20 and no exercise. I don't stress over it but it's up to you to if you want to start gathering more information about why this happens to you. Since force is a measurement of mass times acceleration, can I get someone to do the math on how much change in weight 9.815m/s2 vs 9.796m/s2 if mass remained the same? DON'T STRESS!!
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Here's a suggestion...pick a time during the day to weigh yourself and only weigh once a week. Weight fluctuates for a variety of reasons. If you are weighing multiple times a day, you will be discouraged.

    Instead of being focused on the number, focus on the trend. For example, I weigh every Sunday morning, after using the bathroom, with no clothes, socks, or shoes. There are weeks where I lost a small amount of weight, no weight, or gained a couple of pounds. Either way, I have been averaging a downward trend. I don't care how small the loss is, I accept it and move on.

    Also, it's helpful to focus on NSVs. You may not have lost weight this week, but are your clothes fitting well? Or falling off? Were you able to go up a flight of stairs without getting winded? Did you run an extra mile today?

    Please don't get discouraged. You are doing very well! The scale is just one tool of many to help move you toward your weight loss goal.


    Yes, this exactly!
  • Ladyiianae
    Ladyiianae Posts: 271 Member
    How can I retain 2 pounds of water in an hour when I did nothing????? I understand that the weight isn't really there, I didn't really gain 2 pounds, but I was SO excited to go to my meeting and share how well I did this week, and it was like a big slap in the face. And now I'm wondering why I go there at all. If I just weighed myself at home, I could record the 227.6, and not the stupid 230.5.

    Sorry, had to vent, I've had a bad 24 hours (personal stuff) and this just capped it off.

    I can completely relate to this, I was a loyal WW person for a year and I did ok...but it always seemed to be on "weigh in day" is when I'd show "up" and it always felt like a huge slap in the face, TOTALLY can relate to that...and I was paying 39.99 a month for that. Finally gave it up and started MFP full time, and I love it. I weigh at home and record on my own and my losses post on here. It's alot less stressful!

    Good luck on whatever you choose to do! I did miss the meetings when I first stopped going but I think MFP has been far more theraputic for me these days then WW ever was.
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Put the scale in the closet and tell it he isn't coming out until he can treat you better! Don't know why it jumped like it did, but things like that happen. Just keep up your hard work, and your rewards will show in ways you might not expect. Good luck on your journey.
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 999 Member
    My monthly cycle wrecks havoc on my gains/losses. However, I notice (even bustin my *kitten*) during pre-week I have little to no loss (or even a little gain), but the following week is usually my biggest loss. Stick to one scale, same time of day, same, similar or no clothes. The best way to judge is how your clothes are fitting. Try to weigh in once-twice weekly...watching it daily will make you crazy. And I also noticed at ww that they lug the scales around from meeting to meeting etc. This isn't good for a mechanical instrument that really should be calibrated (I'm not sure if, when or how they do it....you should ask them), because if they don't there is a good chance you will even see variation on just their scale. I'd invest in a nice digital one for use at home and go by that.