Hi There!

Hello I have just signed-up!
I have recently lost a stone but seem to have come to a standstill so decided to join here for extra support.
I still need to loose quite a bit yet but am taking it bit by bit and just trying to change my lifestyle, the eating healthy is going well but I have got to admit I can be lazy when it comes to exercise so hoping to gain more motivation.
Cooora x


    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    Hi Cooora!
    Put it this way. If you don't exercise the weight will come off but it will not stay off. I feel the same way. I got all dressed and drove myself to the gym the other day. I actually sat in my truck outside the gym in the parking lot and had to force myself inside. But I did. It is a complete lifestyle change you have to do. Not just the food adjustment. Put it this way. When you don't exercise you sit around feeling guilty about it right? Then your brain says" I know what will make you feel better, this nice piece of cake"! We will hold you accountable on here, motivate you, and support you through your good times and bad! I lost 42 lbs before coming here and a few since. This support system is great. Feel free to add me as a friend if you wish!
  • PopePopsicleIV
    Hi there! I'm new too, Congrats on the weight loss! I seem to have the opposite problem, I have trouble eating healthy, but no troubles getting to the gym and working out when I can. Though I do admit I get a bit lazy every now and then! :P
    Nice to kinda meet ya though! :]
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    Welcome and good luck!
  • Cooora
    Cooora Posts: 3
    Thank-you for the warm welcome PopePopsicel and BIGJIMMYU!!
    Its good to hear other peoples experiences and perceptive s.
    You are right BIGJ I am sat here feeling guilty when I could easily grab my coat and get out there for a walk, I admire your motivation to get in that gym! - thanks I will add you as a friend.
    Welcome here to you PopeP and if you want a friend adding then feel free!
    Speak soon
    Cooora x
  • Cooora
    Cooora Posts: 3
    Thanks Fit4_Life nice to meet you too.
  • susyhoward1
    I started MyFitnessPal a little over a year ago, and lost 30 pounds. Gained 5 back, and now I'm stuck at the 25 pound weight loss. I am so grateful, as my numbers have all improved: Blood pressure, sugar, cholesterol, BMI. I do go off the plan once a week, so I have something to look forward to, and that has worked for me. Eliminating white foods, and really lessening the carbs both help. I have a goal of 30 pounds for this year, and it's already March, with not much happening. Any thoughts out there??? I also find it easy to scrap the exercising. I'm a mess!!!