A Lot to Gain by Losing

Hi everyone!
I'm Chelsea, I'm 20 years old and a full time student at a University in Wisconsin. I've been relatively the same weight since I was about 13, and I've always had body issues. Since I started college just about 2 years ago, I've been trying to go to the school gym when I could, and where I started at the most I've weighed (165lbs) after high school, I went down to 145lbs by the end of my second college semester. I've gained a bit of that back, sadly, But I'm hoping to not give up on my goals again, and really do something good for myself!
I think its about time I stuck to my promises and got the body I've always wanted to have! I figure I'll gain a lot of self-respect for it, along with some MUCH needed confidence. Also, I'll look Great in a bikini, and all the bridesmaids dresses I'm supposed to squeeze into in the next couple years, and who doesn't love that? My family also has a history of heart problems on both sides, and as my biological father had a heart attack quite young, I'm afraid I might be at such a risk myself, and I'd like to avoid heart attacks. I just want to be healthy and look good and feel good. Whose with me? :]
I hope we can become good friends, and keep eachother motivated!

Sorry I wrote a novel's worth of introduction :P


  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Hey Chelsea,

    First off.. way to go on LOSING weight in college, for most people its the opposite!!
    Good for you!

    This is a great place to get some help and support..

  • PopePopsicleIV
    Yeah that's what I heard! It was most of my motivation for getting to the gym my first year; the dreaded freshman-15!! But thanks so much for the congrats!
    And yeah, it seems that way, the calorie tracker is cool too (as I've never been into checking that stuff) its really opening my eyes!
    I hope I can get some of that support though and of course meet new people :]