Any Anti-theists/Atheists out there who would like to be fri

Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
It's always nice to have the commeraderie of "like-thinking" people on the board. Please send a friend request if you are part of the silently oppressed.


  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    What about pagans?
  • dennydifferent
    dennydifferent Posts: 135 Member
    There's actually an atheist group- go to groups and search. Needs more members by the look of it, I don't believe there's only four on the whole of MFP! :)
  • erxkeel
    erxkeel Posts: 553 Member
    Yea, we have a discussion board... Topic thread named this though, prepare for the blasting.
  • SeanNJ
    SeanNJ Posts: 153 Member
    The proverbial herding of cats comes to mind. :smile:
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Sunday morning really is the perfect time for this sort of thing...:wink:

    We have a group. I'll send you the invite.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    There are more of us than people think
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Dear Posters,

    Based on the following forum guideline, this topic has been locked.

    Divisive topics, particularly those that seek input from or are relevant only to a select group of users, are better placed within an appropriate Group rather than the Main Forums. For example, topics relevant to only one religion should not be placed on the main forums but rather within a group related to that religion. In this case I know there is a pretty large group that should suit those participating in this thread

    You may review the complete set of guidelines here at your convenience:

    With respect,
    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator
This discussion has been closed.