Losing pounds but I feel like I look the same!?

I started my diet two months ago and set a goal to lose 11 pounds. I have progressed really quickly and smoothly with my weight loss, which is great, but am not seeing any difference in the mirror!
I have passed my goal of 11 pounds and have set a new goal as I do not feel as though I look any better. I am definitely proud of my new weight, and I am loving the way my clothes are fitting... just wondering why I don't SEE any change.
Is this normal? Need some pep talking!


    CALABRESE3 Posts: 86 Member
    I was very excited too at the weight loss and don't see it:( I guess when I hit 20 maybe I will?
  • zebramama84
    zebramama84 Posts: 64 Member
    don't forget you see yourself everyday, thats why you probabally dont notice a difference :) keep up the good work and one day someone who hasnt seen you in a month will stop to say hi and odds are they will say something ! maybe track your measurments to prevent getting to frustrated :)
  • eating4balance
    eating4balance Posts: 743 Member
    I would try inputing your height, weight and age into a bmi calculator to figure out your bmi. This will also give you a "healthy weight range." It is not extremely accurate, but if you are on the upper end of the range you would be able to still lose a few pounds while remaining healthy.

    Also, take a picture of yourself now and compare it to before. I bet you can tell a difference.

    If neither one of these methods work for you, use a measuring tape and record your measurement starting today. After you lose the next few pounds, keep track of these measurements. This will show your real weight loss.

    Good luck! :smile:
  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    I'm with you--I've lost 12 pounds, but nobody really notices, and my clothes don't even feel that different. Just keep working--the fat will not win; our skinny inner-people will come out! :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Take measurements and photos instead of relying on the scale and mirror.
  • naturallynikki

    First, CONGRATS on your 11lb loss, thus far! That's an accomplishment in itself! Did you take any before pictures prior to working towards your weight loss goal? If so, you may want to take a progress picture now and compare it with your before pic, you may be surprised. Just a thought! ;-)
  • firemama
    firemama Posts: 66 Member
    Maybe comparing your before and now pictures will help you see a change. This really helps me notice tiny differences and keep on track. I tend to give up very easily if I can't see progress. Good luck
  • LadyofLight08
    LadyofLight08 Posts: 245 Member
    It takes 40 days for new skin cells to appear.
    Don't be discouraged, I've lost 35lbs and my boyfriend says "I don't see much of a difference"
    But friends and family that I haven't seen in a while say they see a difference.
  • yummymummyto2
    ive lost 9kg (19.8lbs) and cant see a difference either!! ive now started taking measurements as i know my clothes fit better but i cant SEE it!! still a long way to go for me but hey im determined, good luck with your own personal goals
  • KatKatatrophic
    KatKatatrophic Posts: 448 Member
    It doesn't look like it, but have you tried measuring with inches? That's the difference. Anything below 15 pounds won't show much of a difference anyways. It's more like 35-100 pounds that makes a difference. Inches are what you're losing that will show a difference, not the scale.
  • LUVNME94
    LUVNME94 Posts: 34
    We see ourselves everyday and we cannot always see the change. The main thing you said was that your clothes fit better and that right there is the accomplishment. You are doing great. Keep it up!
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I don't feel like I look any smaller, either, but everyone else has started noticing.
  • marcenepea
    marcenepea Posts: 364 Member
    I agree, I don't see a difference. I took before and 30 pics, and plan to take pics every 30 days. I have been told there is a small difference but I don't see it. I think its because we are watching all the time for the change. LOL It happens so slowly so we get used to it. I also took measurements at the beginning and at 30 days. So I know I'm losing some day I will notice it.

    Good luck and stick with it.
  • lohofosho
    Gosh everyone is soon supportive. Lol I love it here

    Unfortunately I didn't think ahead and take before pictures, but have ran into some people I haven't seen in a while and they noticed.

    I did take pictures and measurements today to track my further weight loss, and I'm also starting the 30 day shred today do wanted to have photos for that.

    I did check the average weight scale for my height and I still have plenty of room to lose as I have just entered in to the top end of it.

    Thankyou all for your tips and support!
  • sweetsierra
    I think a lot of that is a mental thing. I have lost almost 70 lb and I feel like my stomach and hips and butt look the same. Obviously they are not, but it's so hard to see a difference. Maybe more strength training would help? That would help firm things up. That's my plan.
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    If your clothes fit better, you know it's working. Getting squeezed into something that was too tight allowed you to pretend you were smaller than you really were. Plus your brain probably still tells you you look like you did when you were 20, so when you look in the mirror, all you can see is that you're bigger, and you don't remember that you were bigger still before.

    Losing mass from a three dimensional object (you) will be underestimated by looking at its two dimensional image in a mirror, too.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    I agree with previous posters. Sometimes we don't notice the physical difference in ourselves that someone else especially those who hasn't seen us for a while will. Also, are you lifting weights? I remember not looking any different after losing 10lbs+ on cardio only but noticed I look different (slimmer face), when I started weight lifting.
  • Tshadee
    Tshadee Posts: 16 Member
    I'm also in the same boat. I used to weigh 111.1kg then on March the 1st I decided to do something about my weight. I started eating right and excersizing. So far I've lost 9kg but I don't look different. I'm gonna try what you guys suggested here. Thank you
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    2012 THREAD
  • shannonmaines
    shannonmaines Posts: 14 Member
    edited April 2015
    Take progress pictures! I started doing this because I felt the same as you do. I was losing weight on the scale but I didn't think I looked any different...that is until I compared my starting pictures to my month 3 pictures. It's crazy how much your body changes without really noticing.