WHY am I gaining weight??

Friday I was 131.2, yesterday 133.2 and this morning I was 133.4!! I am so freaking mad! I know you shouldn't weigh yourself everyday but I like to keep an eye on the scale. I haven't even remotely went over my calories this weekend either : ( I ate maybe 200-300 more Friday and Saturday than I normally do (but still under my net) because I had a 7 mile run Saturday. I didn't eat anything high in sodium either. I don't understand!!


  • wocko6092
    wocko6092 Posts: 69 Member
    have you weighed yourself around the same time every day
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    Almost always a weight gain that quickly when you aren't over on calories is due to water. Perhaps your sodium has been high, perhaps you are nearing your TOM, perhaps you aren't drinking enough. It could be for a lot of reasons. This is a prime reason why you should avoid weighing yourself every day. Fluctuatins like that are totally normal for many people, but if they discourage you, you are doing yourself a disservice. I would challenge you to try weighing once a week for a month, and see if things don't change mentally for you.
  • StarryEyed500
    StarryEyed500 Posts: 225 Member
    .... because I had a 7 mile run Saturday...

    You will be holding onto water while your muscles repair after your run.
  • R_is_for_Rachel
    R_is_for_Rachel Posts: 381 Member
    I know you shouldn't weigh yourself everyday but I like to keep an eye on the scale

    you answered your own question!
    weighing everyday is not useful and will get you into the state you're in! ie freakin mad!
    honestly, weigh once a week-you'll feel much better for not obsessing
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    you do realize that .2 lbs is the equivalent of a few sips of water right?
  • LindsayE007
    LindsayE007 Posts: 212 Member
    Yes, I weigh myself naked every morning. GAH! I just don't even know where on Earth 2 pounds could come from! I am so frustrated because I seem to keep losing and gaining the same 2 pounds. I got down to 131, went back up to 133, got back down to 131, and now it's back!!! And for no obvious reason (like overeating). Seriously if it takes me all week to get back down to 131 I am going to cry. I want to see the 120's so bad, it's just a giant tease!
  • emmabrackpool
    emmabrackpool Posts: 61 Member
    dont weigh so often it will just get you down
  • LindsayE007
    LindsayE007 Posts: 212 Member
    I do. But my point was that it bounced up 2 pounds the next day and I wasn't concerned because I thought I just retained some water or something but then the next day it was not only still up 2 pounds, but up another 0.2!
  • McMeggers
    McMeggers Posts: 22 Member
    You know the same thing has been happening to me , i started workign out 5 times a week instead of 3 and i added more water to my diet and ive gained whats the scale says is like 3 or 4 pounds back i was floored and then started crying. After i had my moment i went and looked it up online and i guess its normal that when you work out alot your muscle hold water so try not to freak out to much , i know personally i drive myself nuts if i weigh in to much
  • Keegansmum6
    Keegansmum6 Posts: 193 Member
    could TOM be lurking around the corner?
  • xXKatrinaXx
    xXKatrinaXx Posts: 234
    I dont know how much you eat so this is just a thought. maybe your not eating enough? If you dont eat enough calories your body could be hanging on to the fat.


    maybe your on your period?

    OR...if you do strength training you could be gaining muscle?
  • LindsayE007
    LindsayE007 Posts: 212 Member
    You know the same thing has been happening to me , i started workign out 5 times a week instead of 3 and i added more water to my diet and ive gained whats the scale says is like 3 or 4 pounds back i was floored and then started crying. After i had my moment i went and looked it up online and i guess its normal that when you work out alot your muscle hold water so try not to freak out to much , i know personally i drive myself nuts if i weigh in to much
    Ok this makes me feel better. I am in the home stretch of training for a half marathon. I ran like 23 miles last week, cross trained 2 days and lifted 3 days. And I have been drinking between 80-90 ounces of water a day. I just feel like I am doing all the "right" things and all the scale is doing is punishing me! I have been doing awesome staying under my calories and making really good food choices (really healthy, high protein, etc). Really no junk at all the last week or so.
  • MellyLikestoRun
    MellyLikestoRun Posts: 83 Member
    Totally agree with retaining water after long runs. I "gained" 5 pounds after my last long run (17 miles) and it was gone in a matter of days. Your muscles need to repair and will hold onto water for a couple of days. Don't sweat it!
  • LindsayE007
    LindsayE007 Posts: 212 Member
    could TOM be lurking around the corner?

    Nope :(
  • LindsayE007
    LindsayE007 Posts: 212 Member
    Totally agree with retaining water after long runs. I "gained" 5 pounds after my last long run (17 miles) and it was gone in a matter of days. Your muscles need to repair and will hold onto water for a couple of days. Don't sweat it!

    Ok THANK YOU everyone who keeps telling me this. I had no idea that happened.
  • JhKd
    JhKd Posts: 20
    Same thing happened to me this week. Monday morning I weighed myself and was up 5 lbs. This after 2 weeks of dropping about .5 lb/day. I've been at about 1500 calorie deficit the whole time, and then BAM up 5 lbs overnight.

    It stayed on all week, too. I started freaking out, getting discouraged, and it started coming down a little bit, but I was pssed that it seemed like a wasted week....

    Friday morning, BAM. 5 lbs gone. I'm now back to 3lbs lighter than I was Sunday morning (before the big jump on Monday), which is the .5lb/day that my deficit, etc. should have me at. Still right on track with just a weird bump this week.

    Don't freak out, give it some time, and hopefully it will jump back down along with the weight that your deficit should have coming off as well.
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    Last year I was working out everyday and eating perfectly and I was gaining weight. When I went to see my nutritionist she simply said it was stress. My husband was gone for 3 months of military training and I was living with my parents, sister and her 2 kids. It was a really stressful situation. If you have an big or even little stressors in your life that could be it so make sure to take time to meditate, take a warm bath, journaling, etc.
  • LindsayE007
    LindsayE007 Posts: 212 Member
    Same thing happened to me this week. Monday morning I weighed myself and was up 5 lbs. This after 2 weeks of dropping about .5 lb/day. I've been at about 1500 calorie deficit the whole time, and then BAM up 5 lbs overnight.

    It stayed on all week, too. I started freaking out, getting discouraged, and it started coming down a little bit, but I was pssed that it seemed like a wasted week....

    Friday morning, BAM. 5 lbs gone. I'm now back to 3lbs lighter than I was Sunday morning (before the big jump on Monday), which is the .5lb/day that my deficit, etc. should have me at. Still right on track with just a weird bump this week.

    Don't freak out, give it some time, and hopefully it will jump back down along with the weight that your deficit should have coming off as well.

    I am really hoping this is the case. It doesn't help that I am so eager to get into the 120's, LOL! I haven't seen them since before I got pregnant with my 7 year old, so like 8+ years. This is a HUGE milestone for me. And if my loss continues as it has I should be there at my next weight in Friday (only 1.2 technically to go). We shall see!
  • NathanBanks3
    I spent the last few YEARS gaining weight even though I thought I was eating less. The last 2 months, by watching calories, I've managed so far to lose about a pound a week. Also the last few weeks I haven't lost much at all. The key, as others have mentioned, is to weigh yourself only once a week. As you may know it takes a few 100 less calories per day for about 6-7 days to lose 1 pound. Also due to water retention and menstrual cycle issues it's normal for a woman to be off in weight at least once a month. Just weigh yourself once a week at about the same time & day. Be patient and your weight will gradually come off. Best of luck with being a loser. I and everyone here has the same exact problem every once in a while. It really is hard to be a loser!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,238 Member
    Yes, I weigh myself naked every morning. GAH! I just don't even know where on Earth 2 pounds could come from! I am so frustrated because I seem to keep losing and gaining the same 2 pounds. I got down to 131, went back up to 133, got back down to 131, and now it's back!!! And for no obvious reason (like overeating). Seriously if it takes me all week to get back down to 131 I am going to cry. I want to see the 120's so bad, it's just a giant tease!

    It is very likely water weight. Stop freaking out. A person's weight can vary several pounds because of thing that have nothing to do with fat, this is why the scale is such a back measure of success.