Calling all fitness/workout gurus!

Didn't quite think searching the forums would cover this, so here I go...

I started going to the gym regularly about a month and a half ago or so. I am over 300lbs still so I can't really run or jog yet. However I walk the treadmill at 3.0mph until I can lose enough weight. I'll list my workout routine in order that I do it and I'm hoping some of you can tell me if I should switch things up for better weight loss results (so far it's been very slow since I started). My diet is not the best in the world, although I do stick to my calories and eat most if not all of my exercise calories back. So what is it I can do in the gym to help myself see more results that won't be too hard (I know I can't do HIIT until I lose more weight)?

Treadmill 2.5-3.0 mph warm up 10-20 minutes
Recumbent bike 30-35 minutes
Elliptical 15-20 minutes (I can only handle it for max 20 right now due to my asthma but I've come up from 10 minutes)
Strength training arms/legs/crunches on gym machines 10-20 minutes

I have heard many things, that I should do strength training first and then cardio. I've also heard that my biking isn't doing much for me. I am headed to the gym in a few minutes for my normal routine but I am hoping I can get some advice on what I can do differently to effectively burn a little more fat. Thanks!


  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. Focus on a clean, healthy diet and stay within your allowed calories. Don't overestimate your calorie burn just so you can eat more.

    Your current workout is fine for the time being and will only need to be tweaked the closer you get to your goal weight. Not sure who told you that biking isn't doing much for you, it's one of the best cardio exercises.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    Weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. Focus on a clean, healthy diet and stay within your allowed calories. Don't overestimate your calorie burn just so you can eat more.

    Your current workout is fine for the time being and will only need to be tweaked the closer you get to your goal weight. Not sure who told you that biking isn't doing much for you, it's one of the best cardio exercises.

    I actually underestimate the time I spend at the gym because I don't have a HRM and the machines seem to give either too high or too low calories burned numbers.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
  • freezerburn2012
    freezerburn2012 Posts: 273 Member
    Alternate training days - one day strength, the next day cardio.
    Ditch the machines and use free weights. Make sure you use good form.
    Eat the number of calories that MFP calculates for you and eat back your exercise calories.
    Drink water.
    Be consistent.
    Be patient.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    Alternate training days - one day strength, the next day cardio.
    Ditch the machines and use free weights. Make sure you use good form.
    Eat the number of calories that MFP calculates for you and eat back your exercise calories.
    Drink water.
    Be consistent.
    Be patient.

    Just curious as to why you say ditch the machines? I love them because I have no clue what to do with free weights really. Although I guess I could do a workout video with free weights, im sure I could find something.
  • fitby38
    fitby38 Posts: 307 Member
    i think you should do what works best for you ... and if using the machines is best for you for ... then use them. continue staying within your suggested MFP calories and if all you can do is cardio (walking on or off the treadmill) ... well at least you are not sitting on the couch doing nothing. if you do not know how to use free weights properly ... you can do more harm than good ... so like i said ... do what works for you. be patient and give yourself time ... you didnt gain the weight overnight and you are not going to lose it overnight. :smile:
  • Happyguy
    Happyguy Posts: 90 Member
    I'm not a fitness guru but if you want to ramp things up a bit find something where you are on your feet to replace the recumbent bike and/or get an HRM and learn to use it.
  • George1567
    George1567 Posts: 107
    I think working to someday move from maching weights to free weights is good advice. When this time comes you will do the same movements you are doing now in the machine, but be useing a dumbbell, barbell, kettelbell..... Don't worry right now that you can't run or only go 20 mins on the elliptical machine. Take your time, stay agressive and it will happen. Don't overlook the value of incline while walking on the treadmill. 2.5 mph at 5 degs can be a great workout. I would point out that holding onto the handles or the console of the treadmill basically takes away what incline adds to the workout. If you don't hang on, great....if ya do then work to get away from it in time. Looks like you are doing many good things, keep it up!!
  • freezerburn2012
    freezerburn2012 Posts: 273 Member
    Alternate training days - one day strength, the next day cardio.
    Ditch the machines and use free weights. Make sure you use good form.
    Eat the number of calories that MFP calculates for you and eat back your exercise calories.
    Drink water.
    Be consistent.
    Be patient.

    Just curious as to why you say ditch the machines? I love them because I have no clue what to do with free weights really. Although I guess I could do a workout video with free weights, im sure I could find something.

    Partly because of personal preference. Partly because machines limit you to one plane of motion.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    You don't need to do all that stuff. I lost weight pretty much just by running and doing circuits classes. Classes may seem a hassle, but they give you a support network, and a structure. I am not a fan of machinery to exercise. Eat right and do 45+ mins of exercise 4 times a week, and you will lose weight. You don't need to switch machine every 20 minutes.
  • xgg2rs
    xgg2rs Posts: 128 Member
    If you are really motivated to lose faster, I would try intervals. Maybe jog or walk faster for 60 seconds and then back to your normal pace for 90 seconds. (I am just making up numbers, you could play around with it till you found what was workable)

    I've lost over 160 pounds running and in the beginning I was just walking alot.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    If you are really motivated to lose faster, I would try intervals. Maybe jog or walk faster for 60 seconds and then back to your normal pace for 90 seconds. (I am just making up numbers, you could play around with it till you found what was workable)

    I've lost over 160 pounds running and in the beginning I was just walking alot.

    I actually did that today on the elliptical. Since I am limited with the treadmill and the elliptical doens't put so much strain on my ankles/feet, I went 15 minutes, 5 of it was 1 minute going much much faster than I normally do, each time 2 minutes in between my normal pace. I figure it might be similar to how everyone says to run/jog and walk on the treadmill in intervals.

    Thanks everyone for the advice! I am hoping to incorporate some work out videos soon, maybe some dance videos off of netflix as well. I have been consistent with going 5 days a week to the gym regardless of whether or not I really want to. I know if I stick with it I will see results, I just figured maybe there was something I could be doing different.
  • 99cherrypie99
    99cherrypie99 Posts: 205 Member
    FWIW, I own a Bowflex and LOVE it. I've built some great muscles. Also, I started running at 289 pounds.
  • lialuck13
    lialuck13 Posts: 58
    Best advice I can give you is to switch it up. Trick your body! Also make sure you are drinking plenty of water and eating well :) Best of luck to you!